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Omega 3 Vitamins and Diabetes

Dietary intake of omega 3 fatty acids was associated with a lower incidence of autoantibodies in the blood that signal the immune system to attack insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, and inflammation is believed to play a major role in the development of type 1 diabetes through destruction of these insulin-producing cells.

“The thinking is that omega 3 may increase the body’s ability to fight the inflammation that leads to type 1 diabetes,” researcher Jill M. Norris, MPH, PHD announced yesterday.

“This is a preliminary study,” she says. “We really can’t make dietary recommendations based on these findings.”

The study appears in an issue of TheJournal of the American Medical Association.

Omega 3, Diabetes Research

Omega 3 Vitamins and Diabetes

Omega 3 Vitamins and Diabetes

In adults, omega 3 rich diets are believed to lower cardiovascular risk, and in babies the fatty acid is believed to boost brain development.
A 2003 study from Norway was one of the first human trials to suggest a protective role for omega-3 fatty acids in type 1 diabetes. Researchers reported a lower incidence of omega 3-rich cod liver oil supplementation during infancy in children with diabetes, compared to children without the disease.

The newly published study included 1,770 children — from birth to age 3 — at increased risk for developing type 1 diabetes, followed for an average of six years. These children either had a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes or had genetic tests that showed increased risk.

Omega 3 intake was determined through annual food-frequency questionnaires. Among other things, parents were asked how often their children ate canned tuna and oily fish like salmon or mackerel. They were also asked about the oil they used for home cooking.

Oily fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel are among the best food sources of omega-3s, but dark green vegetables and canola oil, sunflower oil, and flaxseed oil are also good sources. Increasingly, eggs, breads, juices, and other foods are being fortified with omega 3 fatty acids.

Red blood cells from 244 children in the study were also tested for fatty acid composition to confirm the questionnaire findings.

The research confirmed that children who reportedly had higher intakes of omega 3 fatty acids also had less evidence of the autoantibodies associated with progression to type 1 diabetes.

Plans for More Omega 3 Research

An interventional trial funded by the National Institutes of Health should offer more clues about the link between diet and type 1 diabetes, especially the role of omega-3 fatty acids. The trial is designed to explore whether babies with a genetic predisposition for developing type 1 diabetes show fewer signs of inflammation when given supplements of the omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), from infancy.

An expanded version of the trial is planned to determine whether DHA protects infants and children from the development of the autoantibodies that lead to diabetes. If researchers find a direct link between DHA supplementation and a reduction in the inflammatory activity that leads to diabetes, omega-3 supplementation could become a major strategy for preventing the disease.

Michael Clare-Salzler, MD, who will lead the study.

“If supplementation does work, the timing may be critical,” he says. “That is what this trial is all about. We want to test this hypothesis that if we get to babies early with anti-inflammatory therapy we can block the development of these autoantibodies.”

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Resveratrol and Weight Loss

Resveratrol Antioxidants and Weight Loss

The golden rule in loss is pretty simple: take in fewer calories than you expend in exercise. However, as any dieter will tell you, it’s far from easy. Americans spend billions of dollars a year on loss supplements, exercise programs and other diet aids—and still we can’t seem to win the battle of the bulge—even when we get desperate enough to try risky surgery or fad diets.

Recently a new product has come to light that may help people trying to lose stay on the healthy end of the spectrum: Resveratrol Select, which is unlike many diet supplements in that it uses a combination of natural and herbal ingredients designed to help the body stay healthy while losing .

How? By mimicking certain aspects of the Mediterranean diet.

The French Paradox

Studies have shown that part of America’s war with lies in the uniquely modern American combination of stressful lifestyle and fast-food consumption, and that the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle seem to be more conducive to healthier levels and longevity. In fact, much as been made on the news in recent months of the purported “French Paradox,” (how the French eat a high-fat diet, enjoy rich desserts, drink wine and still have better cardiovascular health than the rest of us).

One of the biggest differences between the American and French diet seems to be the wine consumption, and red wine (a staple on most Mediterranean tables) contains one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, resveratrol, which is a key ingredient in Resveratrol Select.

In addition to wine, resveratrol is also found in grape skins, blueberries, cranberries and other plants, and recent animal and in vitro studies indicate that it can have a positive effect on helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, supporting insulin health and optimizing metabolic and immune pathways that protect cells and improve mitochondrial function.

* And one capsule of Resveratrol Select includes as much resveratrol as 200 glasses of wine—without the added calories that alcohol can add to the waistline.

Antoxidants and Resveratrol Together

But consuming resveratrol alone isn’t enough to help with loss—so the manufacturers of Resveratrol Select also added a different type of antioxidant, Green Tea Extract (EGCG), which could make a big difference. Over time, green tea consumption helps increase metabolism, burn fat and reduce fat storage due to its caffeine and L-theanin content, which can be pivotal in helping to maintain energy for exercise.

  • Resveratrol Select combines these two powerful antioxidants with yet another energy boosting ingredient, Chromium, a niacin-based mineral that plays an important role in how the body uses insulin to burn sugars, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for energy.
  • Although relatively new to the market, Resveratrol Select seems to be making a big splash, and many people are taking advantage of the free trial offer to see how well the product works for them.

The trial offer also includes two bonus tools to help with loss: an e-book with over 70 loss tips, and a loss visualization audio.

Of course, consuming fewer calories while burning more is the most efficient form of loss, and it’s always a good idea to inform your doctor before taking a loss supplement, but this new combination herbal supplement Resveratrol with green tea and Chromium is worth a look for those concerned about maintaining good health while losing .

Weight Loss Exercise

Osteoporosis Treatment and its prevention

Osteoporosis is a somewhat treatable condition in which the bones become brittle and weak, is responsible for about 70% of the hip fractures in Canada, leading to considerable disability. Healthy lifestyle choices begun at an early age combined with proper screening, early detection, and appropriate Osteoporosis treatment can offset bone loss and prevent or delay serious complications.

Throughout our lives our bodies go through a process of breaking down old bone material and replacing it with new bone. In our early years, we make more bone than we lose until we reach our lifetime maximum bone mass. For a woman that can happen in her teen years. For men, it’s a little later. At that point, the process reaches a balance and the amount of bone made is about the same as the amount of bone lost. As we age, we begin to lose bone faster than we make it.

One in four Canadian women and one in eight men over the age of 50 will lose so much of their bone mass that their bones will become fragile and break easily. In severe cases, a simple hug can be enough to break a bone. It is important to know the risk factors for Osteoporosis as well as Osteoporosis treatment if you have it now.

Who is likely to develop Osteoporosis?

osteoporosis treatmentA number of factors appear to play a role in determining who will develop the condition. The Osteoporosis Society of Canada has identified major and minor risk factors. The more of these risk factors you have, the greater your chance of developing osteoporosis.

The major risk factors for Osteoporosis are:

  • Fracture with minimal trauma after age 40
  • Family history of osteoporotic fracture (especially if your mother had a hip fracture)
  • Long-term (over three months) therapy with a glucocorticoid (a group of anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Having a medical condition that affects the absorption of nutrients (such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease)
  • Primary hyperparathyroidism (overproduction of parathyroid hormone)
  • Tendency to fall
  • Osteopenia (decreased bone density but not enough to be classified as osteoporosis) apparent on x-ray
  • Hypogonadism (low – testosterone in men or loss of menstrual periods in young women)
  • Early menopause (before age 45)

The minor risk factors for Osteoporosis are:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland)
  • Prolonged use of anticonvulsants or heparin
  • Body less than 57 kg (125 Ibs.)
  • Present more than 10% below at age 25
  • Low calcium intake
  • Excess caffeine consumption (consistently more than 4 cups daily of coffee, tea, or cola)
  • Excess alcohol consumption (consistently more than 2 drinks daily)
  • Smoking

Osteoporosis does not produce any symptoms until the bones become so brittle that they break easily, so everyone over age 65 and everyone over 50 who has at least one of the major risk factors or at least two of the minor risk factors should talk to their doctor about being tested for the condition.

The main way of identifying osteoporosis is by a bone mineral density (BMD) test. It is easy and painless, and repeated testing over time can track the rate at which bone density is lost. The test that is considered most accurate is dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (also known as DEXA or DXA). There is another test that is sometimes used to screen people who may require further testing. It uses ultrasound waves passed through the heel. It is fast, easy, and painless, but it is not as accurate as the DEXA test.

Preventing Osteoporosis

To reduce the amount of bone material we lose, it is important to get all the nutrients our bones need to remain strong and healthy. The most significant of these nutrients are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is a primary building block of bone, and the body needs vitamin D in order to be able to absorb calcium. The Osteoporosis Society has developed guidelines for daily intake of calcium and vitamin D (see table on next page).

The Osteoporosis Society also recommends maintaining adequate protein intake and limiting consumption of alcohol, salty foods, and caffeine.

Smoking has been shown to increase bone loss. So if you smoke, quit.

Regular physical activity will help slow the loss of bone minerals, help maintain posture, and improve overall fitness. It is important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program to ensure that the activities you choose are appropriate for your age, overall health, and level of physical conditioning.

Best Osteoporosis Treatment

The goals of osteoporosis treatment are to maintain bone quality and prevent further bone loss. There are several different types of medications used to treat the condition, and doctors must tailor the therapy to each patient’s individual needs. The medicines fall into one of several categories:

Bisphosphonates bind to the surfaces of the bones to slow the breakdown of old bone and give the body a chance to make new bone more effectively.

Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are nonhormonal, but they act like the hormone estrogen in some parts of the body including the bones and heart. They help offset the loss in bone density that results from decreased estrogen levels linked to menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a combination of the hormones estrogen and progestin. Like SERMs, HRT as an Osteoporosis treatment helps reduce the bone loss associated with reduced estrogen levels, but there is some controversy about its use due to the possibility of serious side effects. Whether or not to try HRT is a decision each woman must make for herself after consulting her doctor. In some men, osteoporosis results from a low level of the male hormone testos¬terone. In these cases, testosterone replacement therapy may be used alone or in combination with bisphosphonates to increase bone density.

Calcitonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps slow down bone loss, and a synthetic version has been shown to successfully reduce osteoporosis pain.

Because weak bones break more easily, it is important for people with osteoporosis to take extra care in guarding against fractures. Take a look around your home to see if there are things that might cause you to fall-such as loose rugs or objects cluttering the floor-and do what you can to correct them.

Osteoporosis treatment is possible. Of course it is best to reduce your risk factors ut if you have not done that you can still find an Osteoporosis treatment that can help you

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