Weight Loss Exercise

Eat Stop Eat Review – What is Intermittent Fasting?

Eat Stop Eat is a diet program that is complex but at the same time simple. Fasting has been used for centuries as a method of purification. In this very professional program, Brad Pilon uses intermittent fasting (IF), coupled with exercise, to rid the body of fat and bring it to optimal health.

The premise is a simple one. Burn more calories (energy) each week than you consume. His approach of fasting certain days a week makes this reduction in calories simple and easy without the need to keep track of every bite you eat.

How Eat Stop Eat was Created

eat stop eatSince a very young age, Pilon was interested in everything that had to do with nutrition, health, and exercise. He began working in a supplement store when he was just 17.

In college, his main focus of study was nutrition and, when he graduated, he began to work as a research analyst at a leading supplement company.

Now, after working several years in the nutrition supplement field, Pilon applies his common-sense approach and scientific knowledge to loss and nutrition.

Pilon lives in Canada and has writtenEat Stop Eat and, more recently, “How Much Protein.”

When you visit his website, you can download, for free, two interesting ebooks, “The Zen of Nutrition” and “The Elimination Workout.”

Also available, before you even buy the program, are two more reports, one for men and one for women, with more information on how to start losing with this program.

Pilon explains in depth why fasting is good for you and goes into detail on his qualifications for the method he set up. He cites scientific studies for his conclusions and includes a list at the back of the book with the studies he mentions in the guide.

Pilon says that strength training is necessary for muscle retention, but doesn’t go into too much detail. However, it is easy to find strength-training information online.

3 Versions of Eat Stop Eat

There are three versions of the program. The basic version is a 91-page guide giving you everything you need to be successful with the program.

The Deluxe version also includes a 121-page guide about building muscle and eating protein.

In the advanced version you receive a guide called the ‘Ten Day Diet Solution.’ It offers ten eating habits and recommends you chose the three that you like the best and use them to accelerate your lose and become healthier.

He puts the end to four dieting myths that sabotage your fitness goals, once and for all. They include:

#1 – You are a failure if you don’t lose as quick as you can.

A simple loss program gives you more consistent, long-lasting results. It isn’t necessary to drop ten pounds a week!

#2 – You can lose two pounds of fat in one day.

The math on this myth just doesn’t work. To lose two pounds in one day you would have to burn 7,000 more calories than you consumed. This would be the equivalent of running sixty-two miles!

#3 – All diets will cause you to lose muscle.

The method in Eat Stop Eat helps you lose fat and, at the same time, keep your muscle.

#4 – Losing is hard and, when you go off a diet, you just gain it all back.

If you follow the wrong diet, this can be true. Following a diet that is actually life-style changing, like the Eat Stop Eat plan, is simple and very easy. You will keep the off because you never return to your old eating patterns.

Cost: $39.95, $57 or $77 depending on package
Refund Policy: 60 days unconditional
Delivery Method: Digital download

All in all, this is a sound, well-researched program, based on simple scientific principles, and you can adapt it to your life to keep the off. Check out Eat Stop Eat today and see if it answers all the diet questions that you have.

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You Control The Change In Your Life

Every day we make choices that affect our life and our future. These choices, if made incorrectly can drag us down, if chosen wisely these choices can make us powerful, rich, and happy.

I was checking to see how many choices that we make in a day. Can you believe that we make 35,000 choices in a day?

I know that sounds like a lot but a study at Cornell found that people thought they made about 14 decisions a day about food when in fact the number was about 227 choices a day!


It seems that too often in life that outside forces are making our decisions for us. Boss at work, kids at home, red light on the street. In actual fact though we are the artists of our future. We dictate the change we want to see.

All those decisions every day can work in our favor. So stand up, make those decisions for your future and make your life better every single day.

So today, instead of making 35,000 blind or lackluster choices, why not choose excellence. make every decision count.

I wanted to close this quick post with a video that I have always found inspirational. I hope you like it too.


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Sample Turbulence Training Workout

I received an email from the creator of Turbulence Training and that is a guy named Craig Ballantyne.

Craig told a story about how he created Turbulence Training and the techniques the way he made them but the part I was most interested to show you was the way that his Turbulence Training workouts look.

Hidden at the bottom of the story was this bit.

I remember the exact day and exact workout that this all came together into the Turbulense Training program. It hit me as I was finishing my intervals. I knew I had found something that was like fat loss magic.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way to put it in a pill. But I’ve been able to put it down on paper in all of the Turbulence Training manuals.

The exact workout I used that day went like this…

turbulense trainingWarm-up
1 set of Body Squats
1 set of pushups
1 set of Squats with the empty bar
1 set of light dumbbell chest presses
1 set of moderate barbell squats
1 set of moderate dumbbell chest presses

Strength Training Superset #1

Barbell Squats paired with Dumbbell Chest Presses
3 supersets, aiming for 8 reps per side per set

Strength Training Superset #2
DB Rows paired with Barbell Forward Lunges
3 supersets, aiming for 8 reps per set

Stationary Bike Intervals
After a warmup, I did 6 intervals of 45 seconds work and 45 seconds rest, finishing with a cool-down.

And from that point in time, I’ve tried to share this and all the other Turbulence Training workouts with as many men and women as possible.

The same men and women that I would see day-in and day-out performing the same ineffective slow-cardio fat loss programs, and not making a darn change month after month.

And every day they would see me, soaked in sweat, feeling great and looking lean, and finishing another Turbulence Training workout.

As you can see most of this workout is based on tiring and quick workouts.

A bit of the way that circuit training works. This is a great way to workout and as I have mentioned before Craig’s program is all the rage at the Mens Health and Mens Fitness magazines.

To find out more about Turbulense training just go check out Craig’s site

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