Weight Loss Exercise

How to Gain Weight

People who are underweight know that it is as much of a challenge for them to gain weight as it is for obese and overweight individuals to lose weight. Although this may come as a surprise to some, there are people who are hard gainers, or individuals who are naturally thin.

It’s not impossible to add bulk and muscle to your body as long as you follow these ideas of how to gain weight. Just keep in mind that your overall intake of calories should exceed the number of calories that you burn.

How to Gain Weight

Consume more calories – The average daily calorie requirement for a male who performs light activity is 2,200 calories; a female needs about 1,900 calories per day. Actual caloric requirement differs depending on age, activity level, and other factors. If your goal is to gain one pound per week, you need to consume about 500 calories more per day than your actual requirement.

Eat larger portions, but be sure to choose healthy foods.

How to Gain Weight

How to Gain Weight

Choose high-calorie foods – This tip can help you gain weight more quickly. With high-calorie foods, a little goes a long way. Healthy fats and oils are good for the body and provide plenty of calories. Dairy products, eggs, meat, potatoes, whole grain pasta and beans are packed with nutrients and calories.

Include high quality proteins in your diet – Your body needs proteins to build muscles and body tissue. Be sure to include rich sources of quality protein in your diet, such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and beans. Don’t forget that you also need carbohydrates and fats for energy. The ideal ratios for weight gain are 55% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 15% fat.

Snack frequently – Consuming a lot of calorie-dense, nutrition-packed snacks is a great way to take in more calories. If you follow this tip to gain weight, you’ll start building muscles and developing a bigger physique more quickly. Avoid snacking on junk food. Instead, consume nuts, bananas, dried fruits, milk shakes and smoothies for a healthy, high-calorie snack.

Drink plenty of liquids, including water – Just because it’s calorie-free does not mean you should stop drinking water while trying to gain weight. Keep in mind that the body needs water to function properly, so be sure to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water every day.

In addition to water, you should also drink beverages that supply nutrients and calories. Fruit juices and milk can help you gain weight.

Lift weights – There’s only one way to develop bigger muscles, and that’s by lifting weights. Dumbbell and free weight exercises that target large muscle groups allow you to build muscle mass more quickly. Proper eating is important for weight gain, but without strength training the weight you gain will turn to fat, not muscle.

Gradually increase the amount of weights you lift each time you workout. Your muscles will grow stronger and get bigger.

Get enough rest – Your body needs rest in order to function properly. It is also while you sleep and rest that the body repairs and builds muscles, allowing you to gain muscle mass.

Keep in mind that these tips of how to gain weight will work only if you are consistent and persevere to reach your goals. Although genetics determines your natural body type, an effective strength training program and proper diet can give you the physique you have always wanted.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Exercise

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Being skinny or scrawny can be devastating especially for men. Fortunately, it’s possible to gain weight for men and develop bigger muscles. There’s no need to put up with being taunted or teased because there are many ways to add pounds and muscles to your body.

It’s true that some men are naturally skinny and have a hard time building a more muscular physique. Some people also have a fast metabolism, burning away calories even before they can be stored as fat. However, many men who cannot gain weight may simply not be getting enough calories and nutrients to sustain their body. A healthy weight gain plan and workout routine can help men who are struggling to add a few extra pounds.

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Add more calories to your diet – In order to gain weight, men need to eat more calories than they burn daily. You may think that you are eating enough but if your weight remains the same, you are not consuming enough food. If you want to gain weight fast, add 500 to 1000 extra calories per day to allow you to gain 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Your weight gain meal plan should include high quality protein sources such as beef, lean pork, chicken, fish, eggs and cheese. Milk is also an excellent source of protein. For a well-balanced meal, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and healthy oils to your diet.

Focus on weight gain foods – One of the fastest ways to gain weight successfully for men is to consume the right types of high-calorie foods. Fast food and junk food are high in saturated fats and calories but they are an unhealthy way to gain extra pounds. Instead of building muscles, junk foods will only make you fat.

Learn to identify nutritious, high-calorie foods. Eat plenty of dense, whole grain breads, chunky soups, nuts, dried fruits, whole wheat muffins and pancakes, pastas and sweet potatoes. Add healthy oils to salads and pastas. You want foods that pack a lot of nutrients and calories per serving.

Eat more often – When you are trying to gain weight, it can be challenging to consume all the calories you need in just three meals. Increase your calorie intake by eating snacks between meals and before bedtime. For your snacks, eat calorie-dense foods such as sandwiches made of peanut butter and whole grain bread, protein powder shake, dried fruits and nuts, trail mix, cheese, etc.

Lift big – Men on a weight gain diet need to exercise in order to avoid getting fat. A strength training program is the best way to stimulate muscle growth. Lift weights at least three time a week, and aim to progressively increase the weight to boost muscle development and add bulk to your physique.

Go easy on cardio exercises – Cardiovascular exercise is important but if your goal is to gain weight and increase muscle mass, it’s best to keep your cardio workouts light. Too much cardio can burn too many calories and prevent you from gaining weight. Limit aerobic workouts to brisk walking or a similar exercise a few times per week.

Weight Loss Exercise

Build Muscle Using Circuit Training

If you want to build muscle using circuit training then you have to know that circuit training  is one of the most time efficient and strenuous types of workouts that you can do, but is very effective for building endurance and mass at the same time, and if you want to lose some fat then this type of workout also can’t be beat.

All circuits are comprised of three components.

  • Exercise movements: free weights, body weight, speed, power, or sport based (such as punching drills).
  • Repetitions: ordinarily in the higher ranges (12-50) to increase lactic build up, but lower and medium rep ranges (or a fusion of all three) are great for weight loss and building muscles.
  • Rest intervals: kept short to stimulate a state which stimulates the output of the male growth hormone and anaerobic fitness.

What to Watch When Circuit Training

Working out more often than not incorporates the initial few warm up drills to get the heartbeat raised, followed by carrying out as many repetitions as you can in a specified time frame (or maybe a determined number of reps) at every station, along with a rest interval of 5-20 seconds between each station, until such time as one particular circuit is carried out. If your muscle training program is not giving you the results you really want, and you are struggling to develop muscle size and definition, you may ought to kick start your progress all over again with circuit training. You could find it tricky to start with, but shortly after that you will have raised your strength and fitness levels above your expectations.

In case you are already experienced with lifting weights, the stimulus from high repetition circuit training is unlikely to be good enough to activate strength increases. Include instability as a substitute for doing exercises using a fixed surface, like the floor or a bench, use an exercise ball to make your body and muscles continue to work harder so as to keep balance.

How to Build Muscle using Circuit Training

Build Muscle Using Circuit Training

Build muscle using circuit training

To boost the potential to build muscle using circuit training, a strength and fitness circuit can be devised. This may be done by introducing exercises from a strength training programme and performing them back-to-back with exercise movements from a calisthenics program. For example, complete a set of dumbbell squats in the 6-15 rep range. End the set 2 or 3 repetitions prior to reaching failure. This is quickly followed by 10-15 reps of step ups. Build muscle using circuit training by constantly overloading your muscles and making sure that you have nothing left at the end of each set.

The secret to a decent figure is excellent muscle development plus low body fat. Make use of the Kettlebell swing to develop your leg muscles and incorporate it in a metabolic resistance training workout this way:

  1. Kettlebell swing
  2. Hip Extensions
  3. Kettlebell swing
  4. One Leg Lying Cable Knee Raise
  5. Kettlebell swing
  6. Dumbbell Pullover
  7. Kettlebell swing
  8. Reverse Grip Smith Machine Bent Over Row
  9. Behind The Back Barbell Shrug

You may need a couple of circuits using sub-maximal weights at the start. Make sure to determine what resistance you can expect to handle following a few loosen up rounds. Because every single movement triggers your body in a different way, you can actually work at a fast tempo. This helps to develop muscle size and definition and get rid of fat. Unlike low intensity cardiovascular exercise that eats up muscle, using weights like this forces your body to pack on muscle mass and to reduce excess adipose (or fat) tissue.

It’s essential to have a record of the weight loads used as well as rest periods. Endeavor to boost intensity each and every training session.On completing every round, take a breather for about 15-40 seconds and after that start another circuit. If you wish to shed extra pounds, shorten rest periods, but still train with big weight loads always.

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