Weight Loss Exercise

Halloween Candy Eating Tips

Halloween Candy Eating Tips

Halloween Candy Eating Tips

Halloween Candy Eating Tips. Kids love candy and Halloween is a great time to celebrate that love. However, what is a parent to do if they are worried about tooth decay from all this candy consumption? Candy usually contains sugar, which the bacteria that cause tooth decay dine on.

Halloween Candy Eating Tips

So eating a food loaded with carbohydrate or sugar feeds the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Consequently, to avoid negative impacts from candy, we have to do two things:

1) Avoid excessive consumption of these sugary treats and

2) Lessen the amount of time the sugar is present in the mouth.

As the owner of Mitchell Dental Spa, a dental spa facility in Chicago’s Water Tower Place, I’d like to offer the following Halloween Candy Eating Tips to for protecting your kids teeth at Halloween. Do you have any Halloween Candy Eating Tips of your own?

Examine your child’s candy to see if it meets your approval

  • It is okay for your child to eat any candy that you approve of, but to help lessen the chance for tooth decay, have them brush as soon as possible (after eating the candy). If a child or adult brushes right after, the impact of the candy on the teeth is minimal.
  • Avoid sticky candy such as taffy, gummy bears, caramel, etc.  Sticky Candy adheres to teeth and causes decay
  • Kids can eat candy ANYTIME, there is not a good time of day/night to eat candy
  • Prior to Halloween, visit your dentist to have sealants put into the child’s teeth grooves

Second Halloween Candy Eating Tips is if brushing soon after eating

is not possible, then try the following

  • Consume the candy with a meal. The increased saliva production while eating will help wash the sweet off the teeth.
  • Rinse the mouth with water.
  • Chew a sugarless gum (especially those containing xylitol) after snacking on candy. The increased saliva from chewing will help wash the sugar off the teeth and xylitol gums help control the bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  • Eat the candy quickly in one sitting to decrease the amount of time it is contact with the teeth. Avoid eating any candy slowly over an extended time or over multiple sittings. Recent studies have shown that length of time eating a sweet can be more harmful than the amount of sweet consumed. This means hard candies, breath mints, etc. (long residence time in the mouth) can actually be worse for your teeth than a chocolate candy bar (shorter residence time in the mouth).

Halloween Candy Eating Tips is to avoid sugary sodas

1) Loaded with sugar (often over 10 teaspoons per 12 ounce serving),
2) Are acidic enough to dissolve away tooth enamel, and
3) Are often sipped for long periods of time, resulting in teeth that are being bathed with sugar and acid almost continuously throughout the day.

For more information, please visit

I know that my son is a big candy eater but my daughter is not. So please give me some Halloween Candy Eating Tips of your own.

General Weight Loss Tips

Weekly Weigh-Ins Start Today


teaplease Weekly Weigh Ins Start Today

Caramel and vanilla Bigelow tea to the rescue! This is exactly what I needed last night. And my favorite quilt too.

Around 10:30 I was starving. That’s what happens when I eat dinner at 4:30. Six hours later, I’m getting close to bedtime, but my stomach is growling. I settled on two graham crackers, eaten pretty slowly. They tasted really sweet to me, and I think it’s because I haven’t been eating real sweets lately. I can remember thinking in a not too distant past that they weren’t sweet and adding peanut butter. I also had a clementine and more water before bed.

weeklyweighin2 12 121 Weekly Weigh Ins Start Today

So here it is! I’m reintroducing weekly weigh-ins to the blog.  I need the structure of a weekly weigh-in and the accountability of posting it publicly. I’ve been losing and regaining the same weight for way too long now and I’m just way over that. I’m so over being fat. Not that I was ever for it, I’m just done justifying it and making excuses.  Done convincing myself that I don’t look that fat. That I can pull it off.  Done convincing myself that I eat well for a fat person. And all of the millions of other rationalizations I’ve come up with to make being this big okay. Done. Done. Done. You can follow these updates on the left-hand sidebar.

turkeysandwich Weekly Weigh Ins Start Today

This morning I had a turkey sandwich. Nitrate/filler/antibiotic-free turkey with organic mixed greens on oatmeal bread.

Weigh-in: Is it obnoxious or helpful to mention when my food is local/organic/nitrate etc. free? I don’t always mention it and I’m not at all trying to say bacon is health food because I’ve found a healthier alternative. Eating this way is important to me and I like to share when I make that choice. I’m not perfect, just always trying to be a little better. What do you think?

Today I’m going to do another resistance band workout and do some jabs and punching for exercise. I imagine it will be a good two weeks (if not longer) before my knee is fully recovered. I’m seriously thinking about making a morning trip to the indoor pool with Josh on Valentine’s Day.

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And now I’m hungry again. Time for lunch, what are you having?


Fun and Interesting Stuff:

California Chef Forages a Feast (I would love to learn how to do this without poisoning myself)

Peanut Butter Qunioa Cookies (going to try these this week!)

This dress is making me crave warmer weather (and brown leather sandals!)

Guess what? Me and my mom are going to BlogHer this year in NYC. Are you going!?

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