General Weight Loss Tips

Quick, Easy, & Healthy Indian Style Lentil Soup (Based on Amy’s Organic…)

I know how it is: Often times you’re hungry and you’re in a hurry and you use this situation as an excuse to eat something that’s very bad for you because it’s quick easy to do so.

But there are quick easy ways to eat something healthy (and delicious) too. This Indian style soup (based on Amy’s Organic Lentil Soup) is one way to do it:

1. Heat a can of Amy’s Organic Lentil Soup.

2. Add two (or more) cut up tomatoes.

3. Add olive oil.

4. Add turmeric, cumin, garlic, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and any other spice you want (one of the big problem with the way most Americans cook is they have no idea that you need to add a lot of spices to things to make them tasty. Stop adding sugar and start adding spice!)

When it’s warmed up, eat it in a bowl. It’s delicious and quite filling.

I’m not including exact amounts because I didn’t bother measuring exact amounts myself and mine turned out delicious. I think it’s hard to go wrong with these spices. If you like Indian food you will probably really enjoy this soup. And while I didn’t try it today I think it’d probably be quite nice over basmati rice!

Next time I might add some onions and green peppers to make it even tastier (and healthier.) One of the great things about something like this is you can take the basic concept and change it up in various (healthy delicious) ways so that it remains easy and good for you but doesn’t get boring.

This soup is not only high in protein and low in sugar, it’s also loaded with immunity boosting foods. The combination of turmeric, black pepper, and olive oil that is found in this soup is particularly effective. Ginger, garlic, and cinnamon also have powerful phytochemicals that can improve your health. Drink a cup of green tea with it to take your healthy madness to the next level!

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General Weight Loss Tips

Weekend and Weekday Breakfasts

4 1 12breakfast Weekend and Weekday Breakfasts

Sunday’s breakfast: sweet potato hash with cayenne and garlic, scrambled eggs, mushrooms and red peppers. Strange, but good and filling. I wasn’t hungry for hours.

4 2 12 Weekend and Weekday Breakfasts

Breakfast this morning: 1 slice whole grain bread, 1 banana, 2 T natural peanut butter, cinnamon and 8oz. whole milk.

What did you have for breakfast?

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General Weight Loss Tips

What November May Bring

I spent the weekend in good ol’ West Virginia. Equal parts to see my family, go to the Dunbar fall festival and to see my best friend Jasmine for her 29th birthday. We’re all turning 29 in “the group” of girls I’ve known forever, and we like to tease Jasmine, because she’s the oldest and it means 30 is right around the corner for us all. 30 seems so big and scary. I know I will love my 30s, I’ve heard rumors that they’re great, but I’m embracing the heck out of 28 for now. I also feel a lot of motivation to leave my excess weight in my 20s.

Me and Jasmine posing at the farmer’s market.

My hometown feels haunted to me. Every corner has a specific memory, even the outside scent takes me back to the years prior to college. To high school, when driving around with the music up and the windows down, was the height of excitement for us.  I’m not sure what it is about fall, but I feel nostalgic. The scents, the leaves, the chill in the air. It’s magical to me and a feeling I hope I never lose. I have fall rituals, that probably sound silly, but are incredibly comforting. Such as fall scented candles and car air fresheners in scents like pumpkin, cinnamon or fireside. I like wearing hoodies with flip-flops. I have mix CDs with my favorite fall music going in the car.  I start cooking food like curry and chili for dinner. And I fill my porch with mums, asters and pumpkins. All of these are traditions are incredibly important to me. Am I alone here?

Do you have any fall traditions?

November! I found out a couple of weeks ago that I will be traveling to Los Angeles the first week of November. I will have more details on this trip, as it is blog related, in the coming weeks. But, for now, I am super excited and motivated to continue with my weight loss efforts. I have six weeks before the trip and I’m setting two goals that go along with my September goals. The first one is to exercise everyday with one day off. This means sticking to my exercise schedule of Zumba, c25k, Jillian’s 30 day DVD and stregnth training. I’m also re-setting the goal of tracking my calories every single day for the next six weeks, including the weekends. I struggle tracking on the weekends, because I’m out and about and not able to track on my phone, but this shouldn’t be an excuse.

Ultimately I would like to lose 2-3 pounds a week, but I’ll be pleased with whatever weight is lost from my actions.

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