General Weight Loss Tips

Helping Hands for Weight Loss

Moving more and eating less is the weight loss mantra, but sometimes it’s nice to have a helping hand to keep you on the straight and narrow. Here are three ‘helping hands’ for weight loss that can help you reach your goal.

Diet Pills

Taking diet pills can be a bit of a weight loss minefield as some can be dangerous and even approved medications can have side effects. If you do feel like you need a boost it’s best to talk to your physician or a chemist about the options available to you. One popular weight loss pill is Alli, which you can buy online from Lloyds pharmacy. This pill is only available for those with a BMI of 28 or above and unlike some medications that aim to speed up your metabolism, it works by stopping fats from being absorbed into the body. The side effects of eating fatty foods when taking this pill are rather unpleasant and lavatory related. Some users report losing weight with minimum changes to their diet, but unlike some slimming pills it does encourage you to change your eating habits simply because of the unpleasant results you experience if you do eat fatty foods!

Weight Loss Clubs

Sometimes, just knowing someone is on hand to help you out or give you a push when you are losing momentum can be the boost that keeps dieters on track. For this reason, weight loss clubs like Weight Watchers remain popular. While these clubs work for some, others feel restricted in the diet they are encouraged to follow or are put off by the time and financial commitment that go with club membership. Of course, there are other community-based options that can help you on your way, such as chatting on weight loss forums or following healthy living blogsand if you do need the extra guidance of food tracking, you could try a smartphone app such as MyFitnessPal.

Exercise Goals

Buddying up for exercise can help you stay committed – it’s far harder to cancel an activity if it’s a planned social event. However, if you do prefer to exercise alone, setting a goal can help you to stay on track. Enrolling in a charity race or some kind or sponsored event can force you to train – after all, you’ll want to make sure you are healthy enough to take part. If you do sign up as one of these events in aid of a charity you will also want to give your best performance possible, which is a great motivator to persuade you to put on your sneakers for a Sunday morning jog.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Break Out Those Butt Firming Moves.

Have you ever asked a friend, husband or child the question, “Does this make my butt look big?” As women, our backsides are probably the most thought-about part of our anatomies. We’re constantly on the lookout for jeans, pants, shorts or swimsuits that will slim, tuck and hold in our backsides so that we’ll feel more confident when we venture out in public.

A considerable number of fat cells (plenty more than we want) can be found in our backsides, and they aren’t likely to let go easily. You most certainly won’t acquire a tighter, firmer tush without dedicating yourself to a “kick ass” program that will eventually grant your wish.

There are exercises galore designed to tone and trim the butt, but unless you combine them with a good fat-burning diet program ? and a firm commitment, you won’t achieve the results you desire. But, if you’re truly committed to reaching your goal, the results will follow.

The best exercises to firm your butt don’t require a club membership or any special equipment. Walking and/or jogging are two of the desirable ways to tone your butt and get a cardio workout besides. Riding a bicycle and engaging in sports such as tennis, swimming and volleyball will also do wonders for the rear.

Two of the best exercises designed to firm and round out the butt are:
Front Lunges ? With your feet shoulder length apart, step forward with your left foot. Bending at the knee, bring your leg forward until the knee is over the ankle. Return to starting position and repeat with right leg. You may want to hold on to the back of a chair for balance.
Squats ? Stand with feet apart and squat down, keeping your back straight. Return to standing position and repeat several times. You may also use a chair to help keep your balance. Simply squat and let your butt touch the chair before rising to the standing position.
If you tire of the normal firming and toning exercises, try kickboxing for a change. Many health clubs now offer classes in this exhilarating and tension-busting exercise. The carefully controlled kicks combined with an aerobic workout target the butt and leg areas and also burn fat.
Don’t just dream of having a terrific tush ? commit yourself to some hard work and see the results in the mirror and in clothes that fit where it matters.

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