Weight Loss Exercise

Paleo Diet Food – What to Eat on the Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet is a super healthy diet plan which contains no grains, no dairy and is gluten free and free from junk and processed foods. If you are worried about what types of food to eat, there is no need, you have plenty of choices plus they are all extremely healthy.

Meat Sources

When it comes to choosing meat for your Paleo diet you want to look for lean cuts of meat. The following selections are good examples:

* Rabbit

* Goat

* Lean beef

* Extra lean ground beef

* Veal

* Flank

* Lamb

* Chuck steak

* Lean pork chops

* Lean pork loin

Other meat choices can include organ meats such as liver, kidney and heart.

Poultry Choices

Here you can choose from chicken, turkey, duck, quail and goose. Plus don’t forget that eggs are a good source of protein which you can add to your diet.

Fish and Seafood Choices

You have lots of choices when it comes to fish and seafood including:

* Shrimp

* Bass

* Trout

* Mackerel

* Salmon

* Crab

* Lobster

* Prawns

* Red snapper

* Pickerel

* Scallops

* Mussels

If you are feeling a little adventurous then game meats are on the list too! This includes choices such as elk, kangaroo, venison, pheasant and alligator.

Vegetable Sources

When choosing your vegetable the Paleo Diet recommends staying away from starchy choices as much as possible. Some great choices would be:

* Beets

* Green and red bell peppers

* Cucumber

* Carrots

* Onions

* Leeks

* Mushrooms

* Swiss chard

* Zucchini

* Summer squash

* Sweet potato

* Cabbage

* Celery

In addition to these choices there are lots of leafy green types of vegetables which you may not be familiar with. Some examples are:

* Seaweed

* Collard greens

* Beet greens

* Chinese cabbage

* Chicory

* Radicchio

* Dark green lettuce choices

Fruit Choices

Fruit is not restricted on the Paleo diet so this leaves you with your choice of the following fruits:

* Strawberries

* Blueberries

* Grapefruits

* Bananas

* Apples

* Oranges

* Pineapple

* Rhubarb

* Mango

* Lemons

* Limes

* Watermelon

* Cherries

Nuts and Seed Choices

* Sunflower seeds

* Sesame seeds

* Walnuts

* Almonds

* Hazelnuts

* Pecans

* Brazil nuts

* Pumpkin seeds

* Cashews

Fat Selections

Good fats are allowed on the Paleo diet and they should be taken in the form of:

* Avocado

* Olive oil

* Flaxseed oil

* Avocado oil

* Nut butters

* Fish high in Omega 3 such as mackerel, sardines and salmon

This list selection is just a sample of what you can now eat on the Paleo diet. Obviously it is missing in things like rice, pasta, flour, refined sugars and white potatoes and bread.

At first you might be wondering how you will manage without these foods. In fact many people find that they do not miss these foods as much as they thought they would. It is more a mental state of mind. Your body will feel full consuming these healthy choices. By eating more protein you will feel less hungry especially in between meals. You should find that your sugar cravings will disperse as well.

So instead of worrying about what you cannot eat anymore, think about your new choices and how you can be creative with them. Have fun starting a wonderful healthy lifestyle!

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Weight Loss Exercise

Lose Belly Fat Naturally: 7 Useful Tips

In some people, fat accumulates in the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Others find fat accumulating in their midsection or stomach. While excess fat in any area is bad, visceral fat or fat that accumulates in the abdomen is more dangerous. It increases the risk of developing heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. If you are wary of medical treatments and weight-loss pills, you may want to know how to lose belly fat naturally.

Exercise and diet changes are the best ways to lose belly fat naturally. There are also other steps you can take to reduce belly fat safely.

Lose Belly Fat Naturally: 7 Useful Tips

Have you thought that maybe you have the whole picture wrong about how to get six pack abs? There is this fantastic diet and exercise system that will teach you everything you need to know about how to get a firm and trim midsection and that allows your ab muscles to show through.Check out my Six Pack Abs review now.

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

1. Get a good night’s sleep. You need 6-8 hours of sound sleep to maintain a healthy body. When you are sleep deprived, your metabolism drops by 10-15%. Sleep deprivation also causes glucose intolerance and increases the production of cortisol, causing you to feel hungry. Getting enough sleep helps reduce fat storage in the body.

2. Don’t skip breakfast. Mom was right. A good breakfast jumpstarts your metabolism and gives it a boost. Eat more proteins for breakfast. You’ll feel full longer and prevent food cravings that will have you eating more. Eating breakfast will help you lose body and belly fat naturally.

3. Consume low-calorie, nutrient-dense food. Eat more fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds and legumes. Choose lean cuts of meat and low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Avoid highly processed foods that contain high amounts of sodium, fats and sugar. Healthy foods will help you lose belly fat naturally.

4. Perform cardiovascular exercises. Cardio workout should be done for at least 30 minutes to encourage fat burning. Brisk walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and kickboxing are excellent forms of aerobic or cardio exercise.

5. Develop your abdominal muscles. Targeting your abs will help tone and flatten your belly. Some of the best abs exercises that will help you lose belly fat naturally include crunches, sit-ups, leg raises, and pelvic tilts.

6. Get stronger. Lift weights to develop your muscles and increase muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat does, even while at rest. When your muscle mass increases, your metabolic rate will also increase. Your body will burn more calories and you will lose belly fat naturally.

7. Eat less but eat more often. Have a light snack once every two to three hours between meals to increase the rate of your metabolism. Snack on fruits, vegetables, healthy nuts, and other natural foods. Include whole-grain cereals in all your meals. Whole grain cereals are high in fiber, low in calories, and will keep you feeling full longer. Try some fat-burning foods that will help you lose belly fat naturally.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Going Primal

I decided to delete my last post after a I received a comment from Richard over at Primal Fed. I always double check sites that leave comments mainly because I get so many spam comments. I started reading Richard and Amanda’s blog and l was intrigued by their success and recipes on the Paleo plan. Paleo is very much a factory-free plan and I just thought…why not start there?

I’d heard about the Paleo plan and did a little research months ago and qucikly decided that it wasn’t for me. This from the girl who used to down bun-free burgers, bacon and sugar-free sweets with wild abandon on Adkins. I lasted about 6 months and lost a lot of weight. And then I ate a biscuit. And well it was pretty much over from there. I did not (do not) want to go down that road again. So Paleo went on the back burner for me.

But yesterday I could not stop reading blogs about Paleo/primal eating. Blog after blog after blog. Thinking could I do this? Could I go down this road again, even if the road has been re-paved, the scenery much nicer? Could I face another holiday meal where I’m the one bring the “weird food” or having people asking me if I’m doing ahhhddkkiiiinsss again.

Paleo, is not primarily low-carb nor is it extremely restrictive. The foods that aren’t allowed are the same ones that (surprise) I have the most trouble not overeating. I’ve read recipe after recipe and most of my favorite foods are included. If not, there is a way to modify them. What I like most about Paleo is that it is about making real (dare I say) lifestyle changes rather than being on the latest fad diet.

You can read for yourself here, here and here. There are so many sites and blogs though.

There are ways to enjoy pancakes, suasage and gravy, and even pizza if you really need it. You can find recipe modifications for pretty much anything you enjoy eating.

Paleo is basic: no sugar, no grains, no legumes or beans, and no starches.

What you can have is pretty endless though. Most cuts of meat (there are debates regarding high fat vs/ low fat cuts), poultry, sea food,  vegetables, fruits (mostly the low sugar variety) and nuts. Some people still eat small amounts of dairy- I will be one of those people. Raw, organic butter, and cheese is recommended. I can have sweet potatoes, and cauliflower which have endless options and ways to cook. You can also have coconut milk and other coconut products- this is a big deal for me as I looove coconut milk for thai/indian food.

Another expection that I am making for myself (and my husband) is rice. Rice is not technically Paleo, but if I want to be serious about this, I can’t go long stretches without eating it. I’m justifying this choice by stating that 1) I do not have an issue with overeating rice. 2) I do not crave rice, this is not a trigger food for me 3) when I do eat rice I always measure it out in 1/2 to 1 cup portions 4) I eat brown rice at home (mostly) 5) I have never felt that sushi/maki was nothing but a healthful meal for me, I rarely get the Americanized versions (mayo, cream cheese, and tempura). This is not something I can justify cutting out of my life and it’s not a long-term solution for me. Rice isn’t a trigger food and is not the reason why I’m 150+ pounds overweight.

I will do a weekly progress report on Paleo and let you know how it’s working in the weight loss department. Another side effect of Paleo is productivity, energy and helps with depression.

Here we go!

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