Weight Loss Exercise

Measured and Sustained Action

One of the things that I have really learned with my daughter and her Kidney disease is that we have up times and down times and we need to really take advantage of both.

Kidney Disease But Still Super Active

taylorOur daughter Taylor, when she is feeling good likes to go on long bike rides and hikes and has lots of energy for that but then she does need to have her downtime and will be quiet and read or watch TV for the next day or so. Taylor has a far more balanced life than most people and it is because she wants to always do stuff but knows that the downtime has to happen and that sleeping and eating are critical for her health.

I learn a lot from Taylor, and you can too

I find that once I start moving I don’t want to stop. I like to be active with my hockey, weightlifting, training for my Kidney March, and anything else we can find to do. The trouble is that there is no urgency, I don’t schedule a lot of outings with the kids we just run with it so if I miss a day of exercise then it is no big deal. But it should be.

Really we need to schedule our exercise and activities or they probably won’t get done. There is a finite number of hours in the day and some things just always get in the way. Work, eating, sleeping, household and family chores, lots of stuff. If we don’t plan our fun, active stuff then it will not happen.

Downtime – Very Important

On the other side is our quiet time. I am worse for this and feel bad about it but we all need that time just to relax and recharge. Sitting in the backyard listening to the neighbourhood and sipping some kind of drink, meditative times just reflecting on where we have been and where we are going, and less active activities where we just get to hang with the family and friends and be truly present instead of thinking about the next thing that we are going to do (A whole blog post is sitting in that statement).

And sleep. I wish I was the guy that could thrive on 5 hours sleep a night but certainly I am not. I need my sleep and I count this as really the majority of my downtime. I listen to a quiet podcast, maybe read, and then fall asleep for hopefully 8 hours so that I am fully rested and tackle another great and fantastic day.

These are the things that my daughter Taylor really does well and mostly far better than me. She does all the active things, and then bakes, reads, sleeps, hangs out with friends and even talking to the dogs. All the things a kid should do but it is all measured.

Taylor’s Balanced Schedule

We were talking to a newspaper reporter a few months ago and she was asking what kind of difficulties that we have with Taylor and her Kidney Disease and I told her that it was not a big deal. My wife looked at me like I was crazy and then started listing off all the things we need to do; hospital visits, vitamins, shots, blood work. When I heard it that way it sounded like a very tough lifestyle. But realistically I think that our of everyone in the house my daughter really has everything together much better than any of the rest of us do.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How A Weight Loss Club Can Help You Stick To Your Weight Loss Goals

Joining a weight loss diet plan (such as Weight Watchers) is a great motivator for anyone who wants to lose weight. By joining a weight loss diet plan, you can meet people with the same goals as you and interact with them as you lose weight together. There are many weight loss diet plans available and each of them may employ different methods to help their members lose weight.

How A weight loss diet plan Can Help You

trackingThere are various kinds and levels of weight loss diet plans. Some clubs may teach you how to plan your diet and workout, while some may actually prepare the food suitable for your weight loss goals. Here are some ways that a weight loss diet plan can help you lose weight:

Many weight loss diet plans provide counseling in case you need more guidance and support to stick to your weight loss goals.

weight loss diet plans often put you on a strict diet plan that you have to follow. They also make sure that you stay with the plan by monitoring your progress.

They teach you how to exercise right. Many clubs have exercise programs that you can follow, and even personal trainers to guide you.

You get to meet other members and make friends who have the same goals as you. By doing this, you can share your progress and motivate each other to not give up. You can also get support from those who are in the same shoes as you.

Also, by seeing other members achieve their goals you will be inspired to lose weight. You may even achieve more than you set out to do if your club brings out the competitor in you.

Some clubs give you food diaries and diet charts for you to record your progress. This way, you can keep track of your achievements and setbacks, and the experts can then analyze your reports and guide you as needed.

If you are not comfortable talking to your family and friends about your weight, a weight loss diet plan is perfect for you as you can be honest about your problems and struggles.

As you have read, joining a weight loss diet plan can provide you with a lot of help for your weight loss efforts. Not only will you have expert guidance and counseling, you can also meet new friends who are in the same situation as you. With the expert help and new friends from your club, you will always have enough support to stick with your weight loss goals.

How A Weight Loss Club Can Help You Stick To Your Weight Loss Goals, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Weight Loss Exercise

Emulate Olympians – or at least cheer!

I am off on holiday this week and went camping for a few days with my family. A nice break at a lakeside campground that let me really recharge and get ready for the second half of this year.

Along the way lately I have found out I need a root canal, a new hot water heater, and during camping I realized I am not a very good camper. But I love camping anyway.

Now today I have been watching the Olympics. You just know that for these guys last week and this week their whole world has stopped and they all know that this is the most important time in their entire career to peak in their entire sports career.

My son Jaiden hanging in a hammock

My son Jaiden hanging in a hammock

So for me life goes on, for these guys life is at a stand still.

What can we learn from the Olympians?

Really I have to wonder how we all look for success in the bank, on the scale, at the workplace, in our neighborhood, and in the eyes of our family and friends on a daily basis when these Olympians gauge themselves on the public stage once every four years.

We have to stop looking at the short term so much and look at making lasting change. On my Facebook page I like posting success pictures and stuff saying things like “today matters most” or “Tomorrow doesn’t count – only today” and I always agree with that, todays actions really do lead to tomorrows results. But also it is easy to get discouraged looking at what you have gotten done today.

I think really we need to look at always getting better, it does not always happen today, but know that over time we are always moving forward.

So in all our struggles, me with my teeth and hot water heater, you with your own struggles, We really just always have to look forward and move forward. Be inspired by these Olympians and the sacrifices they make and the satisfaction and victory they all feel these two weeks. It comes again in four years but these days are magical for them and us.

Lets celebrate together

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