Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise To Lose Weight – The Best Exercise to Lose Weight

When people think of how to exercise to lose weight, they often assume that they will have to buy a gym membership and workout for hours every day. Not true! Not only is it not essential, the image of pumping iron in the gym for hour after hour is a complete red herring, and here’s why…

The basic facts of losing weight are that if you consume less calories, and/or burn more calories, you will lose weight. It really is that simple. So you have a choice. You can either focus on your diet and keep your exercise levels exactly what they are, or exercise a lot more but eat the same (be sure not to eat more!), or try to combine both in some way.

Best Exercise To Lose Weight

Exercise to lose weight is as easy as starting to do aerobic exercise. This means anything that works your heart and makes you breathe faster. Examples might be running, fast walking, cycling, swimming. Even slow walking can make a difference if you have a lot of weight to lose. Of course, you should increase gradually and check with your doctor that whatever you plan to do is suitable for you.

Exercise To Lose Weight   The Best Exercise to Lose Weight

Exercise To Lose Weight

If you go to the gym and do a lot of weight lifting, you will burn fat and build muscle at the same time. This will tone your body shape, and the increased muscle will consume more calories, even in a resting state. Muscle can weigh a lot though, so your weight may stay the same or even increase even though your body shape improves. If you plan on doing this type of exercise, it is better to track your process by taking waist and other measurements, rather than relying on the bathroom scale.

If you don’t want to go down that route, you may think of running – but running can cause joint injury. In fact walking can have 75% of the impact that running has. You still need to walk at a pace which leaves you breathing slightly heavier than normal, but you shouldn’t be out of breath. If you do that for 30 minutes, 3 times a week, you will be burning a huge amount of calories compared to when you didn’t walk.

Exercise To Lose Weight at Home

Exercise to lose weight can even be done right there in your chair. Simple exercises can increase muscle usage and aerobic activity, and can be done while sitting in front of the TV. Obviously you should not have a bucket of popcorn on your lap at the same time!

So you can see that when you think of exercise to lose weight, even the simplest of activities can have a big effect, without leaving you in an exhausted heap after a grueling session at the gym.

Weight Loss Exercise

Can You Slow Down Aging?

The aging process can’t be stopped in its tracks or slammed into reverse gear but it can be tricked into slowing down. So what can you do right now and in the future to live longer and look good while you’re doing it?

There are some obvious tricks to slowing down Old Father Time and some that are a little more obscure, but your attitude is just as important as the actual methods themselves. Some people have a very positive outlook on life, always get things done and get going when things get tough. Others let life and circumstances dictate their lives and are likely to age much more quickly.

Let’s have a look at some of the important ways in which you can, starting today, start holding back the aging process. Clearly the order in which these appear will have a different impact depending on your priorities. Let’s start with the killer?

This is definitely a no-no. Smoking not only makes you look older by adding wrinkles to your face, it has a huge impact on your health and longevity.

A Healthy Diet
Eating in moderation will keep you much more fit and able to do the other things which will keep you younger-looking and with a younger outlook on life.

If you exercise on a regular basis it can keep you younger looking for many more years than being a couch potato. Being active and occupied is clearly a major factor in defying the aging process since you’ll be more fit and less susceptible to illness and disease which can strike people down before they’ve lived their lives fully.

Drinking Alcohol
Imbibing, which may be an enjoyable pursuit, should be tempered with moderation. Too much alcohol ages appearance and may even have an effect on the brain.

Cutting Down/Out Fast Food
It puts on weight real fast, and a gym membership isn’t always the answer if you are too tired to attend the classes!

Cultivating Friendships
Being social shouldn’t be ignored as this life activity keeps you active and feeling younger. Friends get you outside of yourself and remind you to laugh… which also makes you feel and look younger.

Do your research and find out which supplements are best for you. Vitamin E and Vitamin B are two thought to be very beneficial in slowing down body and mind aging problems.

Dealing with Stress
Too much stress is known to make people look older than they are, and have negative affects on the body too. Learn how to de-stress as much as you can and try not to get into situations that will stress you in the first place.

Drinking Water
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea? but water is really good for you. And while you’re upping your water intake, cut back on the coffee and sodas.

So what are you waiting for? Follow these tips and use common sense to not only stay younger-looking but feel younger as well.

General Weight Loss Tips

Zenergy Winner + Exercise Thoughts

It’s 10pm, but I picked a name for the Zenergy Powerballs! I just scrolled through the comments with my eyes closed and pointed my finger to Jessica from Just send me an email at tokenfatgirl(at) and I’ll have those send out to you! Thanks for your oatmeal topping comments, I forgot about adding cinnamon!

I just finished day 12 in a row (except for sundays) of exercise and I have a few comments to make, in list form.

1) I feel a lot better physically. I have no clue what I weigh, but I feel good. My body is moving better, I just feel good.

2) It doesn’t get easier. It’s only been (almost) two weeks of consistent exercise and I’m still sweating and pushing myself as hard as I was on day one. This are getting slightly easier, my stretches are a tiny bit deeper and I’m moving better.

3) I still don’t want to exercise. It’s so shocking, right? I do not want to exercise. At all. Which makes me laugh because I think my whole life I was waiting to turn into someone who wanted to exercise. The truth of the matter is, she doesn’t exist. I don’t want to. I didn’t want to tonight. I didn’t want to yesterday or the day before. I’ve craved runs before, maybe twice, but I think coming to terms with the fact that there won’t be a day when the clouds part and I want to exercise. So knowing that- I just have to do it anyway.

4) I’m exercising even when the conditions aren’t perfect. Some days I’m really sore, other days I don’t exercise until 10pm, and occasionally I have to exercise before eating dinner or getting ready for the day. We don’t have a huge living room, but we still move the couch out of the way and push the coffee table aside. I write this as a reminder to myself: I can exercise even when the conditions aren’t perfect. They never will be. I don’t need a bigger living room, the right program, a gym membership, or the right shoes to exercise. I never did.

5) I’m still fat. Hey self, guess what? You’re still fat! And you thought all you’d have to do was a couple of weeks of hard exercise and you’d be done? Nope. I’m still wearing the same clothes as I did last month. And I’m okay with all of this. At least I’m writing it as a note to myself that it’s okay. I’m trusting my process. I’m trusting that I’m doing what I need to do to be a healthier person.

I am okay with who I am today as long as I am doing everything in my power to take care of myself. To be a healthy person today, for tomorrow. That’s all I can hope for. It’s okay that I’m still fat. This doesn’t happen in two weeks, or two months.

And on to fun stuff. I’m sure we all have lives and interests outside of our trying to be healthier selves and I’d like to here about what you’re into lately. What books you’re reading, or shows you’re watching or about your closet organization.

Here it what I’m into lately:

Grey’s Anatomy- I just finished season two and I’m shamefully hooked. It just didn’t seem like my kind of show, and now I find myself watching it late at night or early in the morning. Getting my fix of Meredith, Izzie and George.

Finishing up my Valentine’s jewelry line to come out early next week!

Genealogy: We had our DNA tested by (nope they didn’t pay me or ask me to write this) and just got the results this week. They tell you things like genetic diseases you’re prone to getting, ancestry and other tidbits like what color eyes your future kids will have (blue for us). These results propelled us to give a try and oh my lord it’s so fun. I’ve traced my mother’s dad’s line all the way back to the 800’s. Turns out I’m related to the King of Sweden on a direct line from my grandfather. I’ve wanted to do this since I was a kid, but never knew how to start. I may never sleep again, why sleep when I can find out that I’m related to royalty a thousand years ago?

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