Weight Loss Exercise

15 Tips To Drop Weight Quick

Want to know ways to drop weight quick? It’s easy to say goodbye to 10 pounds of unwanted fat with these easy diet tips. Just pay attention to what you eat and be sure to have good tasting, fresh and healthy food including snacks, fill up on vegetables and keep your taste buds happy with fruit.

No need to make sacrifices! Just follow these simple guidelines to lose your first 10 pounds, last 10 pounds or give your weight loss program a boost when it seems to have stuttered to a halt. This is a balanced and flexible plan that you can use for as long as you want.

Tips to Drop Weight Quick

15 Tips To Drop Weight Quick

How to Drop Weight Quick

1. Keep a note of everything that you eat and drink. You do not need to estimate calories. Just write down what it was that you had and the approximate quantity. You will find that being more aware of what you are eating helps you to plan healthy meals and snacks.

2. Halve your intake of all pure or added fats. This means using half as much butter or spread on your bread, toast, muffins and potatoes; half the usual amount of mayonnaise or sauce on your salad; and half the oil in the frypan every time.

3. Limit treats containing sugar to three times per week. This includes chocolate, ice cream, desserts, cake, pastries, cookies, etc.

4. Include a lower fat source of protein at most meals: chicken, fish, beans, cottage cheese, or low fat yogurt. Have eggs, nuts and red meat occasionally but not every day.

5. Plan at least one lunch and dinner every week without meat or cheese. Build those meals around whole grains, vegetables and beans to increase fiber and reduce fat.

6. Reduce the fat content in your milk products. If you are currently drinking whole milk, reduce to 2% fat. From 2% reduce to 1%. Choose lower fat cheese and yogurt. When you buy yogurt, also check that it does not contain sugar.

7. Have at least three servings of fruit every day. This can be for dessert or snacks. Choose fruit that is in season.

8. Drink water instead of sodas, juices, milky drinks or alcohol. Avoid diet soda – the sweet taste only encourages you to crave sugar. Hot water with a slice of lemon can be very refreshing in the morning.

9. Include at least two servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner. If you are getting hungry, have more.

10. Eat slowly. The body is slow to register when you are full and it is easy to eat too much if you are racing through your meals.

11. Grated carrot makes a great snack. You will find that a grated carrot is much more filling than a whole carrot. Strange but true.

12. Use whole grains wherever possible. The fiber will give you a fuller feeling and also help your digestion.

13. Choose food that you can chew. Again this will increase your fiber intake, and the act of chewing will make you feel more satisfied too. This means eating fruit instead of drinking juice. If you have soup, make sure it is chunky.

14. Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. Plan your shopping too – make a list of what you need and stick to it. If you just grab something when you are feeling hungry, you will probably choose high calorie food.

15. Always switch off the TV when you eat. That includes snacks as well as meals. Studies have proved that we eat larger portions in front of the TV, probably because we are much less aware of what we are eating. When you eat, only eat if you want to lose weight fast.

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choppedsalad1 Chopped

I’m going to go ahead and congratulate myself again for prepping vegetables last night. It was late, I was tried and so ready for bed, but I convinced myself to cut up all the vegetables anyway. Thank you self. I was able to throw this salad together in about five minutes. Spinach, cherry tomatoes, red cabbage, green onions, cauliflower, monterey jack, cucumber, one egg and couple of pan-fried slices of polenta.

choppedsalad2 Chopped

And then the dressing, oh the dressing. Let me just come clean once and for all: I’m a creamy dressing person. Blame it on my West Virginia upbringing if you will, but I love ranch dressing. That love runs deep. And while I do like the occasional homemade vingrette, my heart and soul truly wants creamy dressing. And because I don’t always have ranch on hand, this is a good thing, I decided to make something up.

Creamy Salsa Dressing

1 T sour cream, 1/2 T mayonnaise, and 2-3 T homemade salsa. Mix it up, toss it with your fixings and behold, a better alternative to ranch. I love it so much that I could dedicate myself to a salad every single day.

I also had a serving of trail mix for a snack. Trail mix is hilarious. Have you seen what a serving looks like?

This was my first time cooking with pre-made polenta and I really enjoyed the added texture and flavor in my salad. I have a whole polenta log left, any idea as to what I should make with it?

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It can be really annoying when you meet up with old friends and their first sentence is, ‘You used to be so slim. Looks like you finally bulked up.â? If something like this has ever happened to you then you know how bad it can make you feel. But you don’t have to feel bad or get upset because you can do something about it! Just be willing to make an effort to lose weight and incorporate some quick healthy weight loss tips in your life. Don’t put yourself on an unhealthy dieting procedure. Instead adopt some healthy eating patterns and lifestyle changes to lose weight quickly.

Motivate Yourself

You cannot lose weight unless you are motivated to actually do it. If you are not motivated then no matter how much you try and anyone else persuade you, you cannot shed pounds. To start with, buy a pair of pants in a size you think you could never fit and then promise yourself to fit into it in a limited timeline. Once you have motivated yourself, nothing can hinder you from losing weight.

Exercise and Balanced Diet: The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution

One important quick healthy weight loss tip is to part take in a physical activity on a regular basis. Get involved in some dance activities, yoga or aerobics and stay committed to a schedule.

If you hate your exercises, make them more exciting by listening to your favorite music. Try spending less time in bed sleeping for long hours. Get up early in the morning and go out for a walk. This will burn calories if you make it a routine.

Getting exercise is not the only you can do to lose weight quickly. Be sure to consume a balanced diet rather than filling up with junk food and snacks. Don’t think that an extra spoon of eggless mayonnaise won’t harm your daily routine of exercise. Consult a nutritionist and pursue the vital and quick healthy weight loss tips prescribed by him or her. Terminate excessive consumption of high fructose and sugar content.

Water is the indispensable requirement for your body. Quench it as much as you can before other issues arise from becoming dehydrated.

Go Ahead With It!

Once you’ve established your workout and healthy eating groove, follow it without any hesitation and you will achieve your healthy weight loss goals. Just think about how you will feel when you can finally fit into those small sized pants.

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