Weight Loss Exercise

How to begin a weightlifting routine

So you have decided it is time to begin a weightlifting routine. That pale, hollow chest and those skinny arms are to be transformed. Congratulations! You can get started right away – at least, right after you read these golden rules so that you know what you should and should not do.

Health check
If you are over 40, overweight, seriously unfit or have any health issues, then it is a good idea to check with your doctor before you begin a weightlifting routine. This does not mean that you cannot go ahead, just get clearance first. Your doctor may want to run some checks or suggest that you begin at a certain level.

To begin a weightlifting routine requires certain equipment. Weights, obviously … but if you want to work more than one or two muscle groups it is better to have access to more than just a barbell.

You might want to consider joining a gym to take advantage of the equipment there. The staff will often help you figure out a good weightlifting routine for your current fitness level, too.

Begin a weightlifting routine

Planning Your Workout Schedule

How to begin a weightlifting routine

How to begin a weightlifting routine

Lifting weights to build muscle requires a certain program. You cannot expect to work out once a week and see much benefit. Here is how to plan your schedule:

  • Work out all muscle groups at least once a week.
  • Aim for 3-4 training sessions a week (but you may need to start with just two the first few weeks).
  • Do not work out any muscle group more than 2-3 times a week.
  • Have at least one day off between sessions, where you either do cardio exercise or do not work out at all.

Rest is as important as working out in your routine. The muscles are stressed during the session, and then the body spends the next 24-48 hours repairing and building them. You must give it that time or strength will not have a chance to develop.

Planning to begin a weightlifting routine

When you begin a weightlifting routine it is important to cover all of the muscle groups. Do not ignore the back. All muscles need to be strong to support each other and avoid injury while you are training. These are the main muscle groups and some of the exercises that work them:

Chest: chest press, bench press, pushups.
Shoulders: overhead press, raises
Biceps: curls
Triceps: tricep extensions
Abs: bicycle crunch, reverse crunch
Back: row machine, back extensions

How Much Weight for your Workout?

When it comes to the actual weight that you use, begin a weightlifting routine with light weights so that you can get used to the exercises and concentrate on form (that is, doing the exercises smoothly and safely, with everything in the right place).

After that, for muscle gain, take a weight that means you can only do 3 sets of 4-8 reps with a 1-2 minute rest between sets. Anything more will injure the muscles so the body has to spend all its time repairing, and never gets to build.

If you are more focused on losing body fat, not wanting to build huge muscles but just develop some definition, then take a lighter weight: say one that lets you do 1-3 sets of 10 reps with a half to one minute rest between sets. That means starting out with one set as a beginner, and increasing up to three sets as you become more advanced in your weightlifting routine.

I know that this seems like a lot of broad strokes but when you begin a weightlifting routine you will need this and then the details will come as you get a few workouts in.

Weight Loss Exercise

Tips for Ab Fitness

For those seeking ab fitness to tone, firm, or lose weight around the midsection, abs are one of the hardest areas to workout. Due to the fact that many people do not work them out properly, and also that it is an area of the body which is prone to high body fat, make sure you know how to workout, and what exercises to do for ab fitness. Here are some things to keep in mind to attain the desired results. These are 7 tips for ab fitness which will help you slim down, and see the results you are hoping for.


Whether it is crunches, sit-ups, reverse crunches, or planks, you have to mix things up. In order to see the muscle transformation, and in order to workout all muscle groups in the abs, you have to mix things up. Changing up the exercises you do, and throwing in new exercises will help you to see the changes, reduction around the waistline, and the definition you seek.


In order to build muscle, you have to add weights to your abs routine. You can hold a weight across your chest, above your head, or with your ankles (depending on the routine you are doing) but, adding in weight is going to help build muscle, and will allow you to do more challenging exercises down the road. This will in turn lead to the definition, due to the fact that you are doing new exercises, and working out different muscle groups.


You will notice that if you do 20 reps properly, with the right weight thrown in, and done from different angles (exercises), you are going to get a much better workout than if you do 200 reps of crunches, where you are simply working the spine. When done properly, you only have to do a small number of reps for each exercise, to see the results when you are working out the core muscles.


As with any other workout routine, if you want to see results you have to incorporate the proper diet. So, you are going to want to eliminate refined sugars and carbs, increase protein, and add in the healthy fats like nuts. Additionally, eating super foods like berries, legumes, nuts, etc, you are going to notice you remain fuller longer, due to the high fiber content in these foods. So, you will reduce calorie intake, and the calories you are eating are high in protein and fiber, making for a slimmer midsection. For more on healthy diet see muscle building foods.


Depending on the exercise and muscle group you are using, and on the amount of weight you are including, you should vary the speed of each exercise. This will not only workout different muscle groups, but it is also going to shock the muscles, which is something that is required when you want to see the changes in body composition, and when you want to see the ultimate results with your ab fitness workout.


Due to the fact that your abs are part of the core muscle group, they take much more effort to work them out. For this reason, you should do cardio, and workout larger muscle groups first (when weight lifting), to ensure you will have the strength you need to complete your workout. Even if an abs routine seems easy, it is more draining than doing squats or bicep curls, because you are working the entire core.


Although it seems trivial, stretching prevents injury, and it helps you to elongate the ab muscles. This is going to make for a more defined look, will help you get the slimmer look you are after, and will help you see the definition in your abs far quicker than with individuals who do not stretch with their workouts.

You may also wish to see the article on top 3 abdominal exercise workouts or also the review on the popular Six Pack Shortcuts fitness program.

Keeping each of these factors in mind, and making sure you know how to do the movements properly as opposed to trying to do hundreds of reps, are some things which are going to help you see the ab fitness results you are after, and will help you attain the best looking abs in a shorter period of time.

Also check out Top 3 Abdominal Exercise Workouts or Six Pack Shortcuts Review

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Weight Loss Exercise

Importance of Circuit Training in Men’s Fitness Workouts

Numerous studies show that regular exercise not only improves overall health, it can also add years to your life. One of the best men’s fitness workouts is circuit training, which combines strength training and endurance training. Men who incorporate circuit training into their fitness regimen can benefit significantly from it.

What is Circuit Training?

A circuit training program combines groups of cardio exercises with strength training exercises, performed at a fast pace with little to no rest period before moving on to the next group of exercises. One circuit or group of exercises can consist of anywhere from 6 to 10 exercises. You can tailor the intensity of your workout to suit your fitness level.

Why is Circuit Training Important?

Men often favor one type of exercise over another. For example, some men may focus on bodybuilding or strength training and neglect their cardiovascular health. Circuit training ensures that men’s fitness workouts develop not only their muscles but also their endurance.

Importance of Circuit Training in Mens Fitness Workouts

Benefits of Weight Training Exercises

Here are a few reasons why men should use a circuit training routine:

  • Ideal for beginners: If you are starting an exercise program for the first time, circuit training can help ease you into your fitness regimen. Circuit training conditions the entire body and prepares you for more advanced fitness programs. Keep in mind that you can vary the intensity of your workout.
  • Convenient: Circuit training allows you to get a full workout in a short span of time. You can even design a circuit training session that requires little or no exercise equipment. You can incorporate exercise routines that utilize only dumbbells or your body weight. If you are pressed for time, simply ramp up the intensity of your workout. You’ll get a full exercise in as little as 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Improved fitness level: A circuit training session consists of a mix of exercises that use different muscle groups. Because of this, circuit training can help men develop bigger muscles while improving their endurance and cardiovascular health. Circuit training also aids in weight loss. It can help you burn up to 30% more calories.
  • Eliminates boredom: If you lift weights or work out on a stationary bike day in and day out, it’s very easy to get bored. Circuit training in men’s fitness workouts keeps your exercise sessions fresh all the time. The variety of exercises helps keep you interested and motivated. By changing the exercises with each session, you’ll always be eager to keep working out.

You can also change the intensity level of your training session. By eliminating the possibility of boredom, you’ll be more likely to continue with your fitness regimen in the long run.

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