Weight Loss Exercise

Does the Lifestrength Bracelet Work?

Many years ago I had a crazy idea about wearing an elastic band to absorb the kinetic energy from the atmosphere. It was all just a joke at the time but the guys I worked with did it as well and we talked about how much more energy we had from wearing plain elastic bands.

Well today the past just came back

My wife and daughter bought me a Lifestrength wristband and this simple elastic band is supposed to help with lots of things. I doubt that it will work but if it does I will be very happy to be surprised.

What is a Lifestrength Bracelet ?

Lifestrength bracelet are made out of silicone and are infused with a bunch of stuff that is supposed to increase the amount of negative ions that your body absorbs and gets rid of the positive ions that are polluting your body.

  • Micro Particles – minerals are crushed into microscopic particles and then charged with infrared particles
  • Minerals and Crystals – 7 different types of crystals are made of of Ion Technology that is supposed to contribute anions around you
  • Mineral Infusion – Minerals that are infused into the band itself will increase the number of anions around you

So this is what the guys at Lifestrength say and is seems very strange as you read it but as you go through the site you see that lots of people are using these bracelets. I have to say that there are some stories that are very inspirational.  If you look around you will also see lots of athletes, both amateur and pro wearing these Lifestrength bracelets.

Basically all of this with the bracelets, all of the benefits of the Lifestrength Bracelet is due to anions.

Dr Oz, the TV doctor guy, also says that the power of negative Ions are very important for feeling better.

How will a Lifestrength Bracelet Make me Feel?

So what are the claims? What should the Lifestrength Bracelet do to help me? Well according to the company:

Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy,” says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain

In the manual that came with my wristband is says that the benefits of anions is huge and even cites government studies saying that the anions help reduce anti-oxidizing, emotions, immune system, anti-aging, respiratory system, improve sleep, and mental alertness.

So today is my first day with the bracelet. so far I do feel calmer but of course it is Saturday and a tough week so I am relaxing a bit. What I would like to do is wear this Lifestrength Bracelet for the next few weeks and kind of forget about it and then look back and see what kind of effect it has had on me.

Have you bought one of these wristbands yet? If you have what has your experience been?


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What is Chi Running?

What happens when you combine running with the practice of T’ai Chi? The answer: chi running. When people first hear about it, they often ask, “What is chi running?”. Chirunning, as it is also called, is a relatively new way of running that focuses on form and keeps you relaxed and meditative while running. Danny Dreyer, who popularized chi running, claims that it will result in less pain and fewer injuries.

What is the Chi Running Approach?

Chi running is mindful running that focuses on every single movement of the body. Its approach is based on the principles of T’ai Chi, yoga and Pilates. Chirunning works with the core muscles and harnesses the mind for more effortless running.

Chi Running as a Running Technique

As a running technique, it teaches runners to move in a more natural and efficient way. The traditional way of running focuses on power and strength for faster running. Chi running, on the other hand, focuses on efficiency with the use of a midfoot strike rather than the heel strike in traditional running technique. A midfoot strike is believed to more biomechanically efficient, resulting in faster running speed with less effort.

Chi Running as a Philosophy

Chi running is more than a running technique. It is also a philosophy of running. It is about running in a relaxed and meditative way. Like T’ai Chi and yoga, chi running provides a spiritual experience and integrates mind and body.

What is Involved in Chi Running?

In chi running, mindfulness means being aware of your body while you run. You pay attention to everything including how your feet strike the ground, your posture, how you breathe, etc. Chirunning requires deep, full breathing so that your body works more efficiently and is relaxed with adequate oxygen.

It’s important to maintain a good posture and remain relaxed while running. Normally people tense their muscles when they exert effort to run faster. This is completely against the principles of chi running. Keeping an upright and natural posture with your muscles relaxed lowers the risk of injury. Good posture allows your body’s chi or natural energy to flow smoothly while poor posture diminishes chi and tires you out.

Does Chi Running Work?

According to the proponents of chi running, this technique minimizes pain and lowers the risk of injury while running. There are no scientific studies to substantiate these claims, although harnessing the mind and body to improve your running technique could enable you to run faster and longer.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Pregnancy and Smoking: The Facts

Pregnancy and Smoking are very dangerous for you and your baby. Your doctor will have told you that pregnancy and smoking are not a good mix, if you didn’t already know. But at the same time you may know of people whose parents smoked who seem perfectly normal and healthy. Maybe your own mother smoked when she was pregnant with you. So what is the problem?

Unfortunately statistics show that if a woman smokes during pregnancy the baby is much more likely to suffer from certain issues. This doesn’t mean that every child will be affected in an obvious way. Maybe you and your friends escaped – but maybe you would have been even healthier if your mothers had been non-smokers.

Scary Pregnancy and Smoking Facts

The facts about pregnancy and smoking can be scary. The time when you are newly pregnant or thinking about starting a family is an excellent opportunity to stop smoking because you have this extra motivation. Your doctor and probably your family too will support you even more than they would at other times. Take some time to think about these risks if you are considering quitting.

The problems with pregnancy and smoking begin before you are even pregnant. Smoking affects fertility in both men and women. So if you both smoke and you want to start a family, it would be a great idea to quit together now.

Pregnancy and Smoking

Pregnancy and Smoking

How does smoking harm a fetus? From the moment of conception, the growing fetus is nourished by nutrients and oxygen passed to it in the mother’s blood through the placenta. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and replaces it with poisonous carbon monoxide, so less oxygen reaches your baby. At the same time, some of the other toxins in smoke are carried in the bloodstream and can affect the healthy functioning of the placenta.

Because of these factors, there is more chance of something going wrong during the pregnancy. The issues with pregnancy and smoking mean that women who smoke are more likely to have a miscarriage or a baby who dies in the womb.

Facts about Pregnancy and Smoking

If the baby survives to birth, some of the effects of pregnancy and smoking on a newborn include

  • lower birth weight
  • more chance of premature birth
  • twice the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (‘cot death’)
  • twice as likely to be hospitalized in the first 8 months of life
  • more likely to suffer from ear infections, bronchitis and other diseases.

But in the end it is your choice to quit or not. Nobody can force you to quit, nor can they do it for you. The more you smoke, the greater the damage to the baby, so if you just reduce your smoking it is better than doing nothing. But the best thing is to quit.

Imagine if you could easily use the same method that allowed Paul Peyton, a heavy smoker for more than 14 years, ? to permanently quit overnight… Wouldn’t that be wonderful?Well, guess what – you can. In fact, ANYONE can do it.

But first, you need to understand where you’ve gone wrong in the past… Treating just the physical addiction to smoking. But it can only be removed completely by using targeted psychotherapeutic techniques. NOT by ignoring it and hoping it will go away. And CERTAINLY NOT by throwing even more nicotine at it, in the form of patches or gum. You MUST deal with BOTH parts of your addiction the right way, or you will keep getting those cravings forever…

Specific, step by step instructions ? we show you exactly what to do, so nothing is left to chance. You choose the timeframe ? implement the method at your own pace, as you feel comfortable. Tried and tested method ? this cutting-edge method has been successfully used to cure thousands of happy ex-smokers. Permanently removes your mental dependence at the subconscious level ? resulting in a permanent end to mental cravings.
Check out PermaQuit now.

If your pregnancy is stressful for any reason, it may seem like a difficult time to stop smoking. Remind yourself that nicotine is not helping your stress, it is contributing to it. It only seems to help because your body has become addicted. If you can get through the first couple of weeks without cigarettes you will find that you are much more relaxed. It is worth doing this for the sake of your baby if you can, because of the negative links between pregnancy and smoking.

Pregnancy and Smoking: The Facts, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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