Weight Loss Exercise

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Being skinny or scrawny can be devastating especially for men. Fortunately, it’s possible to gain weight for men and develop bigger muscles. There’s no need to put up with being taunted or teased because there are many ways to add pounds and muscles to your body.

It’s true that some men are naturally skinny and have a hard time building a more muscular physique. Some people also have a fast metabolism, burning away calories even before they can be stored as fat. However, many men who cannot gain weight may simply not be getting enough calories and nutrients to sustain their body. A healthy weight gain plan and workout routine can help men who are struggling to add a few extra pounds.

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Add more calories to your diet – In order to gain weight, men need to eat more calories than they burn daily. You may think that you are eating enough but if your weight remains the same, you are not consuming enough food. If you want to gain weight fast, add 500 to 1000 extra calories per day to allow you to gain 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Your weight gain meal plan should include high quality protein sources such as beef, lean pork, chicken, fish, eggs and cheese. Milk is also an excellent source of protein. For a well-balanced meal, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and healthy oils to your diet.

Focus on weight gain foods – One of the fastest ways to gain weight successfully for men is to consume the right types of high-calorie foods. Fast food and junk food are high in saturated fats and calories but they are an unhealthy way to gain extra pounds. Instead of building muscles, junk foods will only make you fat.

Learn to identify nutritious, high-calorie foods. Eat plenty of dense, whole grain breads, chunky soups, nuts, dried fruits, whole wheat muffins and pancakes, pastas and sweet potatoes. Add healthy oils to salads and pastas. You want foods that pack a lot of nutrients and calories per serving.

Eat more often – When you are trying to gain weight, it can be challenging to consume all the calories you need in just three meals. Increase your calorie intake by eating snacks between meals and before bedtime. For your snacks, eat calorie-dense foods such as sandwiches made of peanut butter and whole grain bread, protein powder shake, dried fruits and nuts, trail mix, cheese, etc.

Lift big – Men on a weight gain diet need to exercise in order to avoid getting fat. A strength training program is the best way to stimulate muscle growth. Lift weights at least three time a week, and aim to progressively increase the weight to boost muscle development and add bulk to your physique.

Go easy on cardio exercises – Cardiovascular exercise is important but if your goal is to gain weight and increase muscle mass, it’s best to keep your cardio workouts light. Too much cardio can burn too many calories and prevent you from gaining weight. Limit aerobic workouts to brisk walking or a similar exercise a few times per week.

Weight Loss Exercise

The Truth about Protein

If you have been researching low carb diets and the Paleo diet in particular you will have noticed that they all have one thing in common. They recommend that you increase your intake of protein. This may come across as strange especially if you are trying to lose weight. Doesn’t protein contain high amounts of fat and cholesterol and should be limited?

Well that is not exactly true. The truth about protein is that your body needs protein for energy and to build muscle. Yes most people could benefit from increasing their protein intake. But knowing which proteins to eat is important.

The Functions of Protein

Your body needs protein to build and maintain muscles, organs, connective tissues, skin, bones, teeth and blood. Protein provides your body with energy, eating more protein when sick will help your recover quickly. If you didn’t eat protein your body would feel weak and exercising would be almost impossible.

Almost all of your bodily functions require the use of enzymes such as digestion. Protein helps to form enzymes in your body. Antibodies are the protein which is found in your blood and helps fight bacteria and toxins. Hormones contain protein and are responsible for sending messages throughout your body.

If you consume too much protein your body will store the excess as fat. Good sources of protein are lean sources such as turkey, chicken and fish.

Truth about Protein

Because so many people choose meat as their protein source animals are now raised with manufacturers having one thing in mind. Making a profit from what they sell. This is why today’s animals are fed chemicals to help them grow and to keep them disease free. Unfortunately this makes eating meat not as healthy as it once was.

To combat this you can choose to purchase meat and poultry which has been raised as organic, free range or as natural choices. Many people on the Paleo diet prefer to shop for grass fed protein sources. This is in keeping with eating the way your ancestors did many years ago.

Your Best Sources of Protein

The Paleo diet suggests that you consume high amounts of protein each day, around the 35% mark. When choosing protein look for very lean sources such as rabbit, lean chicken and turkey, lean beef cuts and lamb.

The Truth about Protein

Truth about Protein

Fish is an excellent source of protein and low in fat. Salmon and mackerel have higher amounts of Omega 3 which is good for you and should be included in your diet.

You will want to consume protein at every meal so having eggs for breakfast is a good start to your day. Eggs can be combined with peppers and mushrooms and turned into scrambled eggs or even an omelette.

Protein choices for lunch can include a tuna, chicken or turkey salad. For dinner you could have grilled salmon or roasted lamb along with plenty of high fibre vegetables, broccoli and Swiss chard are good examples.

Once you get used to eating a little more protein at every meal your body will start to feel the benefits. You will notice that you probably have more energy and that your muscles feel less sore after exercising.

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Weight Loss Exercise

What is the Paleo Diet?

I keep getting asked by people, “What is the Paleo Diet?”. The basis of the Paleo diet is that if follows what humans used to eat before the agricultural revolution came about. The Paleo diet encourages dieters to eat natural ingredients including tons of fruits and vegetables. Foods your ancestors used to grow for themselves.

The foods which are recommended for the Paleo Diet are

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Lean meats
  • Seafood

All of the above foods are high in soluble fibre, antioxidants, phytochemicals, omega 3, monounsaturated fats and foods which have a low glycemic level when it comes to carbohydrate levels.

You can eat these lean protein sources along with unlimited amount of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Paleo diet recommends that you avoid the following foods as much as possible

  • Refined sugars
  • Refined grains
  • Saturated fats
  • Trans fats
  • Salt
  • Processed foods
  • High glycemic carbohydrate foods

What is the Paleo Diet?

What is the Paleo Diet?

All of these foods are known to cause obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. They have also been linked to many other health related diseases.

If we dig back into our history books a little to find out what is the Paleo Diet you will discover that when our ancestor’s reached 60 they suffered from very few diseases. Yes many people did not even make it to 60 but that was due to the high instances of people being killed while out hunting.

Our ancestors ate off the land, they grew their own fruits and vegetables and raised livestock for slaughter. They did not eat breads and processed foods and it was uncommon to see many overweight individuals. Plus of course their lifestyle kept them busy all the time. They were active and very healthy people and this was only 500 generations ago. In our history that is not very long at all!

One concern that many people have when first learning what is the Paleo Diet is the lack of calcium. Everyone thinks that they need to consume tons of dairy each day to promote healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis.

You will still be consuming calcium while on the Paleo diet, you will just be getting your daily amount from different sources. Instead of drinking milk and eating cheese you will be getting calcium from your fruits and vegetables.

Our body needs to balance the amount of calcium it receives daily. All foods are processed through our kidneys and this is where bone demineralization takes place. When you eat foods which produce high amounts of acid in your body, the kidneys force out excess calcium and other alkaline’s.

The acid producing foods which we consume too much of are hard grains, cereals, cheese and salty foods. Acid must balance with alkaline which is found in fruits and vegetables. So when you increase the amount of these good alkaline foods your body will balance its calcium level. What all of this means is that you won’t become calcium deficient.

If you follow the guidelines to the Paleo Diet you will start to lose weight, sleep better and have more energy. So What is the Paleo Diet, lots of good food and none of the empty calories we are used to.

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  • Related Blogs on Carbohydrate Diet