General Weight Loss Tips

The List

I’ve missed my blog, I really have. I am getting ready to do yoga. Last week was insane and I thought I do a quick catch-up in a list format.

1) I’ve decided to start saying “no” to projects that won’t get my closer to my goals. I’m giving up on my annoying habit and desire to be swamped with others work. Basically, I’m simplifying and narrowing down what really matters. Simple things make me happy. Cooking delicious food, writing, creating, learning- that’s all I need. I’m okay with not being an impressive person. I’m enough. I’m doing enough. I’m headed in the right direction.

2) I’ve also decided to start working on keeping the crazy out of my life. I have a tendency to let the stress and worry of others stress me out. It’s insane, it’s not positive, it’s not proactive. Worry is pointless. I’m doing the best I can, if someone is worried about me (or my husband) that is on them. Not me. Amen.

3) Growing a thicker skin/standing up for myself. If you know me well- you know one thing: I am a very sensitive person. I worry about people, I worry about the things they say. I think about why people do the things they do. And a lot of the time I get hurt easily. I want to stop allowing people to hurt me so easily.

4) Like number one: I want to do what’s important to me. My health is my number one priority. My happiness is important. My creativity is important. My husband, family and friends are important. When I pile on too much work, all of these things suffer, I am out of balance. My health is more important than being busy.

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