Weight Loss Exercise

Running for Weight Loss Plan: Beginner’s Guide

Running is one of the best workouts for weight loss. It burns more calories per hour than many other forms of exercise, and you don’t even have to spend a lot of money because all you need is a good pair of running shoes. If you are new to running and would like to shed some extra pounds, the following running for weight loss plan will get you off to a good start.

Getting Started – Running for Weight Loss

Walk and Run

Running is a challenging exercise, so it’s important to begin your fitness routine gradually in order to avoid injury. A combination of walking and running will give your body time to adapt to the training while still burning calories. Start with a brisk 10-minute walk to warm up your body and loosen your muscles. Alternate between running for 1 minute and walking for 1 minute for the next 10 minutes. Finish your workout with a 10-minute walk to cool down.

Gradually increase the duration of the runs and shorten the walks until you are able to run consistently for 10 minutes. Finally, begin to shorten your warm-up and cool-down walks so that you will be running longer periods. Run at a pace that allows you to carry on a conversation. Your goal is to be able to run for 30 minutes at a time in order to maximize calorie burn.

Add Mileage

Running for Weight Loss

Running for Weight Loss

The next stage of your weight loss running plan is to run longer distances. You can easily get bored if you run the same distance day in and day out. Gradually increase your total mileage for the week in order to burn more calories each week and achieve your weight-loss goal.

The rate of mileage increase should not exceed 10% per week. This will give your body time to adapt to the workout without suffering from the added stress on your joints and muscles.


Interval training is one of the best ways to increase the number of calories burned during your workout. When doing intervals, you alternate between sprinting/running and jogging/walking. Fartlek can also be integrated into your running for weight loss plan. Fartlek is an unstructured form of interval training where you sprint 200-400 meters, then run at your normal pace for recovery.

Vary Your Workouts

Your weight loss running plan should provide variety in your types of workout so as to prevent boredom. In addition to intervals, your workout can include tempo runs or running at a challenging but manageable pace. It’s also a good idea to incorporate long, slow runs at least once a week. Running longer distances allows you to burn more calories and shed extra pounds.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Self Plan

self april 2012 carrie underwood Self Plan

I do love magazines, I’m not gonna lie. I know the models are airbrushed and unrealistic, the information is regurgitated, but that doesn’t stop me from picking them up on occasion as a treat. I haven’t read Self in a really long time, and in a fit of needing inspiration I bought this, Health and Fitness when I was in WV the weekend before last.

I do find inspiration in them, just having them around the house, in the bathroom (haha I know) or the coffee table, it’s like a reminder of what I’m doing. Where I want to be.

Anyhow, the point of this is to share with you that the April issue of Self has (in my opinion) a really good and realistic weight loss plan.  I’ve tried a lot of diets in my pre and post blog. Some that require counting calories or restricting carbs and they all work, it’s just about consistency and for me, the more down to earth it is, the more likely I am to stick with it. As soon as I decide I can’t have something for the sake of weight loss, that’s all I want. Even if I don’t really want it.

The Drop 10 (and more, they talk about losing more weight) is pretty straightforward: 1,600 calories a day, with a 200 calorie treat a day that can be carried over to other days when you may need them more (like plus points with weight watchers), the only catch is that you can only stack 800 together at a time. So say, you are planning to go out for a celebration this coming weekend you can use up to 2,400 at one time and still lose weight.

They also provide a daily exercise plan, recipes and a check off list to keep track of your progress. And for those wondering, I wasn’t paid or asked to promote this magazine or plan, I just really liked how simple and doable it is. I think having structure with the principles of Brain Over Binge (breaking bad habits) will be a winning combination.

I’m traveling to WV again this weekend for a baby shower and plan to save some of my extra calories this week for that.

Today’s breakfast:

One Ezekiel cinnamon raisin english muffin with less than 1 T butter, 1 T cacao (cacao!) bliss and a cup of strawberries: 367 calories

4 16 12breakfast Self Plan


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Weight Loss Exercise

The Basic Diet Plan Mistake

There is a real failure out there with the classic basic diet plan. With so much information available on diet and weight loss, I am still not sure why people fail to lose weight. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but it is the magnitude of the mistake that will determine the success or failure of your weight loss plan.

For example, if you make the small ‘mistake’ of eating one burger a week, it won’t make any significant difference in your body weight. However, if you make the terrible diet mistake I am going to outline in this article, then you have no chance of ever becoming successful at fat loss.

If you’ve ever followed a basic diet plan, this would sound familiar. The process goes thus:

Basic Diet Plan

The Basic Diet Plan Mistake

Basic Diet Plan

1. You pick up a diet plan that is too strict for any average person

2. This diet plan basically deprives you of almost everything that you enjoy: chips, burgers, pastries, white bread, cakes, biscuits, milk, chocolate, soft drinks, etc. So you have no other option but to throw away all those things from your kitchen. You start following the diet program with all good intentions, and promise yourself that you would never quit it until you have lost weight successfully.

3. You lose a few pounds quite rapidly within the first few weeks. You seem to be happy with your progress when suddenly, one day you realize that you are no longer shedding pounds! You have hit a weight loss plateau.

4. You become frustrated with your diet plan and with its restrictions. You find it too hard to control your food cravings so you take a peek at your refrigerator and take one bite of your favorite junk food. You say to yourself ‘one bite won’t do much harm’.

5. Slowly however this binge-eating habit spirals out of your control until you find it quite impossible to stay on your diet. You then start shopping for all those junk foods that you had promised not to eat!

6. You get back to your normal lifestyle, start eating junk foods again as before, and gain back all the pounds you had lost! You are back to square one.

Why a Basic Diet Plan Does Not Work

It all started with just one wrong decision on your part: the decision to lose weight rapidly. That decision ultimately sabotaged your weight loss plan. In your quest for fast weight loss, you chose a diet plan that promised the moon but was in no way suitable for you! You tried to make huge changes in your lifestyle all too fast, and ended up achieving nothing.

In case you haven’t realized it already, the best way to lose weight is by making small changes in your lifestyle! That is because small changes are far more practicable and viable than larger ones.

Make lots of Small Changes Consistently

I have written lots of articles on the blog here that should help you to find these tips I even wrote one about how to lose weight quickly which would be a great place to start.

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