Month: November 2016
How To Speed Up Muscle Gains
If you are trying to gain muscle there are a few things that people do to sabotage themselves. I have done a few of these things in the past and just wanted to drop these here to let you know as I have nowhere else to put it.
Remember before going too far here that the most important things for you is to work hard and efficiently in the gym, Eat very clean, Rest a lot, and take care of your body ALL the time.
Tips to Speed Up Muscle Gains
Don’t drink booze. Alcohol is very bad for your metabolism and it will stop you from making any gains at all in the gym as well as punishing your body with dehydration, one thing you really do not need.
Although I did once write a bit on how great beer was for you, this is one of the worst things for your muscles as that old dehydration and lack of metabolism will really sap your gains.
Don’t smoke. I know this seems to make sense but if you do smoke give your head a shake. I smoked and worked out heavy for years and whined all the time that I was not making good gains.
Well I wonder how my body was supposed to take in more oxygen?
If you do work out and you smoke you likely are feeling guilty for it. Instead of hanging onto that guilt it is much better to kick the habit instead.
I know that in the 10+ years that I have now been a non smoker I have felt better always and my workouts are much better as well. Quit Smoking Today!
Don’t do cardio. If you want to gain muscle you need to stop doing cardio as it will raise your metabolism and force you to take in a lot more calories to keep your mass.
The real problem is that when you are losing you WILL lose some of your hard earned muscle no way around it and you need to maximize your muscle increases to be able to still diet down for summer.
This is of course pretty tough to do. The ultimate beach body is lean and muscular so this may not be the best time to lay off the cardio. You need to eat big and train big to get bigger muscles but remember that it takes about 12 weeks to diet down for a bodybuilder and you may have to sacrifice some of those gains as well to lose the fat and enhance your muscularity.
Know that you will gain some fat. We all hope that our bodies are really good at taking in calories and turning them into muscle. In reality though your body will take in a lot of calories and turn them into fat.
You are forced a little to take in more calories than you need to gain the muscle that you want.
The calories are really key to getting the most our of your body. If your are short any nutrients then just like a dieter you are going to find that your gains are not very good because your body will be working against you.
Coffee is a yes and no answer. Coffee is another diuretic and will force you to lose water. Our muscles are mainly made out of water; do you think this is a good idea?
Staying away from the coffee is a good idea. Sometimes people will take in coffee right before a workout to help with energy for that workout.
I am not sure about this strategy but when you are trying to diet down your extra fat this may be a better time to use this strategy.
Sleep your way to better muscle gains. One of the problems that people working out run into is that they have far too long a workout and they do it late at night. This exercise schedule can really mess with your sleep and sleep is a critical component to recover from your hard workouts.
Top bodybuilders get lots of sleep at night and even have a nap in the afternoon.
I know that you are probably saying “I can’t nap” well, if you are working out hard enough you may need to nap but if not then at least get that great sleep every night instead of trying to burn the candle from both ends.
Have a plan before you enter the gym. To many times people will decide what they are going to do at the gym as they are walking be a machine. You need to have a plan for your sets, reps and exercises and obviously what muscle groups that you are going to be working in that workout. Every time not just most of the time.
Take these ideas to heart and promote your body to making better gains in and out of the gym.
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Almost everybody in the world wishes for greater health, vitality, and stamina. The problem is that very few people are willing to take the simple steps necessary to make this goal a reality.
I want to let you know about five powerful methods for achieving the ultimate in health and vitality some of which are of course well known and some that are more of an alternative nutrition method. If you wish to feel more vigorous and energetic you will definitely want to try these health tactics out for yourself. Let’s get right into the specifics of how to do it.
Detoxify your body
Over time we all accumulate toxins in our bodies. They can come from polluted air, water, and the food we eat. Toxins and pollutants of all kinds have a very detrimental effect on health. They provide the necessary environment for disease to thrive. Detoxifying your body is the single most important thing you can do.
You can accomplish this full body detoxification using juice fasting, clay baths, herbal cleanse products, and enemas. You should really do a mixture of all of the above if you want the best results. Don’t skip this step, as it is critical in the health restoring process.
Increase Your Water Intake
This is especially important while detoxifying your body. The extra water helps to carry all of the harmful toxins out of your system in the most efficient way possible. Your body is made up of over 70% water.
Imagine the health benefits you can receive by constantly flushing fresh water throughout the body. This will greatly aid in loss, improve joint pain, and clear up skin, along with many other health benefits. To find out more about the vital importance of water, read the book, Your Bodies Many Cries for Water.
Supplement With Omega Oils
Omega 3 and 6 oils are absolutely essential for great health. They help the whole body run properly and perform its best. Most Americans have excessive levels of omega 6 oils and not near enough omega 3s.
You cannot reach optimum health and wellness with low levels of omega 3s. Luckily it is extremely easy to supplement with omega 3 fats.
I like to grind up 2 tablespoons of flax seeds per day and add it to cereal. They taste great and are a very rich source of omega 3, fiber and lignans. If you don’t want to grind seeds you can supplement with flax oil or fish oil. These will work properly if they are of high quality and have not oxidized. These oils are highly susceptible to oxidation so great care must be taken during processing and storage. With oils, it only takes ten seconds to get your day’s dose.
Begin to exercise
Exercise will greatly enhance the power of the steps we have covered so far. You will become stronger, more fit and age at a much slower rate with proper exercise. You can easily find an extra 15 minutes during your busy day to allot to some time to this step.
The more you are able to exercise, the better the results you will get. Exercise will also prevent chronic diseases from forming. Do what you can to work at increasing the amount of time you spend exercising each month. This will pay rich rewards.
Get proper nutrition
Most people are depleted of vital nutrients. This is mainly because of an unhealthy diet consisting of nutrient poor foods. Multi vitamin tablets are of little help because the body cannot properly absorb them. Many of these pills pass right through digestion without breaking down at all.
This means you absorb very little of the vitamins and minerals your body needs and that you are paying for. You can avoid this entirely by taking a natural liquid nutrient supplement such as wheatgrass juice or goji berry juice. These will give you all of the nutrients and antioxidants you need to reach great health.
By following the five steps above you will begin to feel more and more healthy and vibrant. This is a great pay off for the minimal effort the above steps require. Try to incorporate what you have learned here into your life. Once you become accustomed to this way of living you will wonder how you were ever able to live any other way.
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