Weight Loss Exercise

Trans Fats banned in New York City restaurants

I wrote a bit a couple of weeks ago about Trans fats and the fact that New York city was going to be perhaps banning trans fats in restaurants. Well it has happened. I just saw the news break and that means that today there will be stories in the news all about What trans fats are, how they are bad for us, and how much we should consume. I hope that you remember that past article as it seems that there is not healthy amount of trans fats to consume so any amount is to much. It will be interesting to see what happens now as I once heard that there are 20 or so Macdonalds restaurants in Manhattan itself let alone the other outlying boroughs.

As you probably remember trans fats are create by making hydrogenated vegetable oil, that is pumping hydrogen through Vegetable oil to give it a longer shelf life and

The Board of Health has voted to make New York the first city in the nation to ban artificial trans fats in restaurant food. The board is expected to give restaurants a slight break by relaxing what had been considered a tight deadline for compliance.

The board also ordered restaurants to standardize how they display the number of calories in dishes on their menus in an effort to combat obesity. This means that perhaps we will start to get better information on fat and calorie contents of foods everywhere so that we can make better decisions than just picking the “healthy Choice menu item at the local restaurant.

Here is a graph from the Associated Press showing some trans fat facts:

Trans Fats banned in New York City restaurants

Weight Loss Exercise

Eight causes of overeating

Eight causes of overeatingThere are many cause of overeating and a few reasons why people are over but one of the main reasons I believe is overeating. When I say overeating I mean that over the course of the day instead of eating 1500 to 2000 calories or so an average person will eat a lot more. There are eight causes that I can think of for overeating and if you look at this list, no matter whom you are, you will find some triggers to eating excess calories.

Finding Your cause of overeating

1. Skipping meals and snacking Our first cause of overeating is inconsistent eating. Your body seems to work like a pendulum where if you eat enough food in a meal it will hold you over until the next meal, but, if you skip a meal you body will overcompensate and you will end up eating far more the next time then you would have at the regular time. This is why skipping meals is so bad.

2. Lack of sleep This is my real cause of overeating. If you are tired you lose self control and you will also eat things that you should not just fro a bit of a blood sugar jump. This is very evident I find on my Fridays when I will be a little sleep deprived and will eat too much sugar compared to Monday when I feel well rested.

3. Large Portions Portion control is the biggest change that most people can make in their diet. If you figure out how many calories that you need in a day and divide it by six to make three meals and three snacks you will find that your portions should probably not be as big as you are eating now. Try using a smaller plate and just eat until you are satisfied instead of how much is on your plate. This cause of overeating is terrible because you will not be able to use those calories anyway

4. Heavy heavy foods Bagels, as a casue of overeating, are one example of a food that is very heavy. Low in water content and high in carbohydrates. You should look at your diet and see if there are any examples in it of these kinds of foods; some more examples would be greasy fried foods and even heavy pastries.