Weight Loss Exercise

Interval Training

Interval training is a way of doing cardio that will give you the ability to make gains in time and distance much more easily than any other method. The principle of interval training is that you push yourself really hard and then you slow down.

This repetitive form of training leads to your body needing to adapt to changes and this is really great for you. The body begins to build new capillaries, and is better able to take in and deliver oxygen to the working muscles. Muscles develop a higher tolerance to the build-up of lactate, and the heart muscle is strengthened. These changes result in improved performance particularly within the cardiovascular system.

When people begin running they automatically do interval training where they will alternate walking and running to get a better workout in. As people get better at running they will start just running and not stopping until the 30 or 60 minute run is over. The upside of this is that you will get a much better workout and feel fantastically exhausted at the end, the downside of interval training is that you are going to be pushing your comfort zone so the workout itself is going to be painful

So how can you implement interval training into your regular workouts? I have a few examples. When you begin running as I said before you are going to have trouble running for any length of time so you decide that you are going for 20 minutes and you will do cycles of jogging for 30 seconds and then walking for 30 seconds. As you get better at running you will be able to jog for one minute and then walk for 30 seconds. You will notice that your rest stays the same but the running time increases until you get to the point that you do not need a rest for your 30 minute run.

As an advanced runner you are not going to slow down for a walk but instead your will run for 5 minutes and then break into a spring for 30 seconds or a minute and then slow back down to your regular pace. As another way to do interval training you can go to another location that is more hilly and use the uphills to change up your pace. The hills are going to force you push harder to keep the same pace and of course the downhills are going to use different muscles but as far as exertion goes you will find the running easier.

Try interval training soon either indoors on a treadmill or outdoors as long as the weather cooperates.

Weight Loss Exercise

Boycott the Biggest Loser TV Show

I wrote this article in anger a few months ago during season 4 of the Biggest Loser after Neil, one of the contestants gamed the Biggest Loser by cheating and drinking a couple of gallons of water right before the in. I am now again watching the Biggest Loser. But in reading this post you can see the anger that i had about the cheating and I certainly hope that the people that run the Biggest Loser do not let it happen again.


Well after three almost four seasons of watching the Biggest Loser as well as blogging about it I have now decided to boycott the show for good.

Anyone that saw tonight’s episode of the Biggest Loser was a horrible farce and hurt most of the contestants and I expect most of the viewers.

So, what happened tonight on the Biggest Loser, horrible gamesmanship. One of the teams conspired against everyone else but in the end one of the players, Neil, cheated by retaining water and gaining 17 pounds and instead of getting kicked out of the game he actually got what he wanted and that was for someone on one of the other teams kicked out.

There are of course no rules against trying to gain on the Biggest Loser but going this far is a terrible way to try to play the game.

NBC has always tried to plug the Biggest Loser as a motivational show where people come together and support each other to try to lose and change their lives but then they have allowed this to happen.

I know that there is no way to change this as the show is taped ahead of time so the next few weeks have already been taped but with falling ratings you have to think that NBC has conspired with the people on the show to create a ridiculous controversy that does nothing but piss of the viewers that still support the show.

for most people it is hard to lose and losing 1 or 2 pounds is all that most people really expect. For this show to inspire people with 10 pound losses and then to allow one person to game the show with a 17 pound gain is absolutely terrible in my eyes

Boycott the Biggest Loser by not watching it anymore.

Weight Loss Exercise

Starving on Survivor

Starving on SurvivorI have recently stopped watching the TV show Survivor but I was definitly hooked on Survivor for years. I remember when I first started watching Survivor I used to say that I would be voted off in the first week, don’t know how true that is but anyway.

I have always enjoyed watching the people on Survivor do dumbe things and lose until the almost disappeared and then in a metamorphosis they would appear to get fat in front of our eyes during the last episode when the show gave away the million dollars.

So two questions, why do they lose so much and why do they gain it all back.

Well first of all everyone knows that if you do not eat enough food and still have to get exercise you will lose weight. Look what happens as the show goes on though, people get lazy, sluggish and make bad decisions. The real problem with the contensents on Survivor is that their metabolism slows, they start lacking in sleep and nutrients and finally near the end they seethe end in sight and just push a little while longer.

Once the on-island show is over the Survivors go home and quickly put their show lost back on. The 39 days was a out of body, out of mind experience and they did not learn anything, they just starved. Everyone gets back to their old diet whether they wanted or planned to or not and they gain that 30 or 40 pounds pretty quickly.

So I think the message of Survivor is clear if you want to lose and change your lifestyle Survivor probably is not it. This gets me back to how I could survive better on Survivor.

First bulk up and get in shape before the show. Try to go in with good cardio ability and be very strong but 30 – 40 pounds over, wou will lose it anyway.

Next, don’t be a leader, be very helpful to everyone individually so that they feel a kinship to you. As we have all seen the helpers go pretty far on Survivor and the leaders get knocked off pretty quickly. The flip part of this though is that if you need to make a decision in front of others never agaonize aboout it just make it quickly and live with the consequences, no one on survivor seems to like people that think about decisions.

Once you are in the third or fourth week solidify yourself with at least three other people although all independently and start to really “play the game”. Make sure that your partners are never in trouble at the same time and for sure cater to everyone the best you can.

Now this part I think is important, suring the second or third week I think that it is important to make a couple of pretty big mistakes. These mistakes can not be something that affects other people and never in a challenge but are things that you have to clean up yourself. This will make it seem like you are not competition and people will let you stay…cross anyone though and you will be out quickly.

Lastly, as you get close to the end of survivor go all out. Start to play really hard and never lose a challenge. All the rules seem to change in the last few episodes and at this point people are never really safe. You are only safe when you have won the challanges. When you are in front of the counsel at the end of theshow you can point out how you helped everyone, where never back stabbing and you still outwitted, outplayed and outlasted everyone else.

Then the next morning go on the morning show to get the million dollar check and sign your book deal.