Weight Loss Exercise

Weight Training Supplements That Really Work

When you are into weight training and bodybuilding, you may feel the need to take weight training supplements to make your workouts more effective and develop big muscles faster. While there are many supplements that can enhance your performance and improve muscle bulk and strength, there are countless others that may be ineffective, unsafe, or even illegal. Choosing weight training supplements that work will give you the powerful physique you have always wanted in a safe and healthy manner.

If you want strong, lean muscles it may not be enough to do strength training exercises regularly. You must also consume the nutrients required to provide energy and help develop your muscles. Weight training supplements are essential for significant muscle growth or when you are undergoing intensive training. The dietary supplements listed below are proven to be effective and safe for anyone who is into sports, weight training, or bodybuilding.

Protein Powder

Protein is the building block of muscle, and your body needs plenty of protein and amino acids to increase muscle mass. During your workouts, the muscle fibers are torn and broken. To repair your muscles, your body must have a good supply of protein.

Body builders and fitness enthusiasts require at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight every day. It is often difficult to get the amount of protein you need from food alone. Protein powder is a convenient and inexpensive way to add high-quality protein in your diet.


A creatine supplement is best taken within one hour after your weight training workout. Your body produces creatine but only in small amounts. Creatine helps provide energy for explosive movements like heavy lifts. This weight training supplement improves performance in high-intensity exercise. It also enhances protein synthesis, reduces protein breakdown, and speeds up recovery rates so you spend less time resting between your workouts.

Creatine monohydrate powder is said to be the best creatine supplement. Take the creatine supplement according to the package instructions and do not exceed the recommended dosage.


The body needs vitamins and minerals for optimal health. If you lack an essential vitamin or mineral, your body may not be able to build lean muscle mass efficiently. Intense weight training can rapidly deplete nutrients in your body. It is therefore essential to take multi-vitamin supplements to avoid the risk of weakened bones, heart disease, nerve damage, and other vitamin-deficiency disorders. Choose a multi-vitamin that contains whole foods and natural ingredients.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s)

Essential fatty acids are good fats that are necessary for a healthy immune system, brain function, smooth skin, and digestive support. EFA’s also offer anti-aging benefits and help keep the circulatory system healthy. Essential fatty acids are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids made up of linolenic, linoleic, and oleic acids. Fish oil capsules are some of the best EFA supplements.

Final Words on Weight Training Supplements

There are many weight training supplements being advertised out there. Before you take any of them, make sure they have been independently tested for value, safety, and effectiveness. Athletes, in particular, should not take supplements that could fail them in drug testing.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Acai Berry For Weight Loss

Now that the hype seems to have gone out of Acai Berry let’s take a look at what it is really good for. We are bombarded constantly with the next greatest weight loss miracle pill, powder or supplement. While most of these miracle pills do nothing, some of these items actually may provide some of the benefits they promise to. The ones that seem to work the best are those that are natural. Two of the natural ingredients that have gained recent popularity are Omega-3 and Acai Berry. While both of these promise to have medicinal values and the ability to assist with weight control, acia for weight loss seems to have the greatest potential.

What is Acai Berry?

Acai Berry For Weight Loss

Acai Berry

Acai berry has been promoted as a miracle natural ingredient. This berry that is native to Brazil. This berry appears similar to a grapes and grows in bunches on vines. These dark purple berries have been marketed as a superfood because they are loaded with antioxidants that provide a host of health benefits to your body as well as aid in weight loss.

In Brazil Acai berries are traditionally eaten with several meals, particularly at breakfast. In addition to a high amount of antioxidants, these berries are believed to contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein and fiber.

Antioxidants and Acai Berry

It is the high concentration of antioxidants that are a large part of the reason for the bold claims of the acia berries medicinal value. Antioxidants fight ‘free radicals’ that are in our bodies as a result of exposure to the sun, chemicals found in our food and pollution. Free radicals are said to be the major cause of most illness and disease.

These high levels of antioxidants in the acai berry could contribute to the belief of Brazilians that this fruit can help cure numerous conditions. The juice of the acai berry has been used by Brazilians as a medicine to treat many different illnesses and diseases. The marketers of acia berry promote the fact that this fruit has the same healing abilities of wine, but it does not contain any if the negative risks associated with alcohol.

The marketers of acai berry cite the fact that it is rich in omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids. These fatty acids are believed to have the ability to assist with weight loss and it is also believed that they may help to control cholesterol.

Acai Berry Manufacturers

Manufacturers of Acai berry supplements make many claims as to the berries health and weight loss abilities. The fact that the berries also contain vitamin A and small amounts of calcium, iron and protein support the fact that there may be some validity to these claims. It is important to note that the USFDA has not supported these claims and that presently there is no scientific proof that acai berries can aid in weight loss, however the USFDA has yet to conduct tests to either support or denounce these claims.

Diet Pills

Biolean II Weight Loss Pills – Guaranteed Natural Diet Pills with Advantra Z

Biolean II Weight Loss Pills - Guaranteed Natural Diet Pills with Advantra Z(112 tablets)

BioLean II is a dietary supplement for weight loss, appetite suppression and increased energy without the side effects found in many supplements of this nature. BioLean II has a proprietary synergistic blend of natural herbal extracts and pharmaceutical grade amino acids that promote a multi-faceted approach to fat loss. Key ingredients such as Advantra Z, guarana seed extract, green tea leaf extract and L-carnitine work together to increase the metabolic rate and encourage fat loss by elevating rates of thermogenesis and lipolysis. Our weight loss products work in conjunction with a sensible diet and moderate exercise.

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