Weight Loss Exercise

How much water to drink

How much water to drink

How much water to drink

How much water to drink? Water is your most important nutrient. Everyone knows that the majority of our body is water. The single most important nutrient in your diet is water. Here are some facts. babies are 70% water, adults are 50-60% water and in breaking your body down, Blood is made up of 83 percent water, bones are 22 percent water, and muscle is 75 percent water. So water is really important. As you exercise and gain weight with muscle you can see that muscle is mostly water.

Most people do not drink much water if any at all. In fact both Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig both have their customers drink between 8 and 10 glasses of water a day and most people find that they lose 2-10 pounds in the first week on their diet, primarily from the water loss.

How much water to drink

Hydration is a very interesting thing. If you do not drink enough water your body seems to retain it to protect itself, once you start to drink a LOT of water you will find that for the first few days you will be running to the bathroom every hour but your body quickly adapts and you regulate quite well.

When drinking your water you will also find that your concentration gets better and you are more attentive. I have also found a very interesting attitude amongst others around me, when they see you increasing the water in your diet they will in a very condescending tone tell you that yes in fact drinking water is good for you. You are going to see this with many of the new habits that you pick up that people will seem to know these things and sometimes feel guilty to see someone else follow through on them.

One thing you will really find after you discover how much water to drink  is that your energy and concentration will improve by a significant amount as you drink more water on a daily basis.

Finally just one thing that I have found is that I kick start my day by drinking about 3 glasses of my water first thing before I get on my bike to start my day. I think that how much water to drink is up to you and that more is usually better.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Women’s Weight Training Tips | Women’s Weight Training Tips

Women’s weight training tips such as muscle building and strength training is a great way for women to lose weight and tone up. Building muscle has many benefits. Building muscle will increase your metabolic rate and burn fat faster. Also, as women age, it is even more important to do an activity that is good for the bones and weight training is one such activity. So it’s important in incorporate both muscle and strength training into your exercise routine.

Women’s Weight Training Tips

Womens Weight Training Tips

Women’s Weight Training Tips

Three times a week. Most important Women’s weight training tips is that just like in any other kind of exercise, it must be done at least three times a week in order to make it more effective in delivering your desired results. Three times is the ideal number because more than three times would not allow proper time for your muscles and your body to recover and heal.

Weight-Cardio intervals. The key to an effective workout is having intervals. You can’t live on jogging or weight training alone. A successful workout should be comprised of both. Women require more effort in maintaining their physique or in burning fat as compared to men, and a proper workout consisting of both weight training and cardio is necessary. Cardio and weight training work hand in hand to burn fat, speed up the metabolism, and increase endurance and resistance.

Gradually increase amount of weight over time. Once your body gets used to a 5 pound weight it will not be as effective. The point of slowly increasing your weights is to challenge your body. The number of reps and sets can be easily adjusted to accommodate your capability to lift a certain weight level as well.

Stretch and cool down after weight training. In order to avoid cramping and to help your muscles relax after working so hard it’s important to stretch the whole body and have a proper cool down after weight training.

Studies have shown that lifting weights builds up your bones, increases your metabolism, reduces body fat, and improves balance. When you start a weight lifting program it is important to set goals, learn proper technique, be consistent, work all of your muscle groups and always be patient with yourself. Building muscle takes time usually 4 to 6 weeks before you start to notice any changes. Use these women’s weight training tips to help you get started on your journey today to become fit and healthy no matter what your age.

Weight Loss Exercise

Weight Training Belts – Are They Necessary?

Weight training belts used to be worn only by power lifters and Olympic weightlifters. These days, however, you see more people with varying degrees of skill and experience wearing these weightlifting belts. You may want to know if this device is necessary for recreational lifters. What is the proper way to use the belt, and what adverse effects can arise from the misuse of weight training belts?

Weight Training Belts   Are They Necessary?

Weight Training Belts

Weightlifting belts are primarily used for heavy power lifting exercises such as deadlifts and squats. The belts serve the purpose of preventing lower-back injuries and can help increase the amount of weight lifted. While they offer some benefits when lifting heavy weights, a weight training belt is not necessary all of the time.

How Weight Training Belts Work

A weight training belt works in two ways. First, it reduces stress on the lower back while lifting in an upright position. The belt compresses the contents of the abdominal cavity, thus increasing the intra-abdominal pressure or IAP. This provides more support in front of the bones in the lower back, allowing the spinal erector muscles to produce less force while lifting. The belt also reduces lower back compression or spinal shrinkage.

Second, the belt prevents back hyperextension. By forming a rigid wall around the lower torso, back movement is limited. The belt also prevents sideward bending and twisting.

Wearing a weight training belt allows an individual to complete a greater number of repetitions or increase their one-repetition maximum weight. The belt also reduces the risk of lower back injuries.

Disadvantages of Weight Training Belts

Wearing a belt too often especially when performing exercises with weights below your maximum may lead to a decrease in performance. This is because the belt prevents you from engaging and strengthening your core and abdominal muscles used while lifting. Strong abdominal muscles are important if you want to lift more weights especially during squats and deadlifts.

When Should You Use A Weight Training Belts?

It is best to use a weight training belt only when lifting maximum or near-maximum weights for exercises that stress the lower back. When working with lighter weights, leave the belt off. This will help develop your abdominal and lower back muscles. Obviously, you will not need a weight belt for exercises that do not put stress on the lower back, such as bicep curls.

Important Considerations

While a weight training belt can help prevent lower back injuries, it is always best to learn and practice the proper technique when lifting. Also, be sure to lift an appropriate weight. Remember to lift with your legs and not your back. The spine must remain in a stable and neutral position.

Beginners should be able to demonstrate proper form with lighter weights before moving on to maximum or near-maximum weights. Make sure a spotter is available when doing heavy lifting as weight training belts will give you stability but not strength

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