General Weight Loss Tips

One Dinner For Two

This is a quick little post before I go crash somewhere, bed or couch, haven’t decided yet.

Breakfast was a bowl of peanut butter and jelly oatmeal. 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup milk, 1 T peanut/almond/cashew butter, 1 T all fruit jelly, 1/4 serving granola. about 400 calories

Lunch was a wrap: one slice deli turkey, one slice cheese, a bit of hummus and vegetables. A side salad with dressing and a handful of veggie chips. About 400 calories.

Dinner came around 7:30pm, both of us starving. We decided to share the chicken fajita dinner. I think I could have eaten 1/4 of this meal to be honest. I also had 12 chips with salas. 800 calories

Total calories: 1,600

I’ll be back tomorrow with a bit more energy.

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Stop Counting Calories & Start Losing Weight: The Harcombe Diet

Let me guess… You’ve tried every diet under the sun; You’ve lost weight and put it all back on; The more you diet, the more you crave food; You have almost given up hope of being and staying slim. Do you want some good news? It’s not your fault. You are not greedy or weak-willed. You’ve just been given totally the wrong advice. This is the first book to explain why traditional diets are the cause of the current obesity epidemic, not the cure. It shows that eating less leads to three extremely common physical conditions, which cause overeating. This book can change your life. The Harcombe Diet will help you lose weight & keep it off. There is absolutely nothing to count and you can have unlimited quant
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