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The Best Quit Smoking Aids

The best quit smoking aids will help you to stop smoking by reducing your withdrawal symptoms when you stop. Some work by replacing the nicotine that you get when you smoke, others address the psychological side of cigarette dependency, and some are prescription meds that you can get from a doctor. We’ll look at many of these in this article to help you figure out what would be the best quit smoking aids for you.

Nicotine Replacement

When we smoke cigarettes or cigars, the substance that we become physically addicted to is the nicotine in them. Nicotine is a poison, but in small quantities it gives us a mild ‘rush’ like many other drugs. Our body becomes accustomed to it and quickly begins to depend on it. Quitting can give us symptoms like irritability and cravings which can be reduced or even avoided completely by the use of nicotine replacement therapies.

The best quit smoking aids using nicotine replacement include nicotine patches, nasal spray, inhalers or tubes, gum and nasal spray. These all work but they may suit different people. Patches release nicotine in a slow, steady dose. The others give you a burst of nicotine when you most need it, more like having a cigarette. Gum and lozenges may be a good choice for somebody who is concerned about a tendency to overeat.

Prescription Meds

In consultation with your doctor you might decide to take medication to reduce the withdrawal symptoms and help you quit. There a now a couple of meds available that have been shown to be among the best quit smoking aids.

Buproprion hydrochloride is an anti-depressant that has been approved for use for people who are quitting smoking. It helps with the irritability and depression that are often associated with quitting. Buproprion hydrochloride is marketed under the names Zyban and Wellbutrin in the USA.

Varenicline tartrate is marketed as Chantix. It has been shown to mimic the effects of nicotine in the brain, reducing cravings. It also stops a person from getting a nicotine rush if they smoke while they are taking it, by blocking the nicotine receptors in the brain, so you are less likely to continue smoking.

Other Stop Smoking Aids

If you prefer to choose natural remedies, then acupuncture or hypnosis may be the best quit smoking aids for you. It is not known exactly how acupuncture works, but many people have found that it does. Hypnosis can help strengthen your determination to quit – which is probably the most important factor when you are trying to stop smoking.

You may also want to investigate herbal tobacco replacements including herbal cigarettes. These should not be used long term because any kind of smoke is thought to be bad for the lungs, but they can help you through those times in the early days of quitting when you feel that you must inhale something.

Imagine if you could easily use the same method that allowed Paul Peyton, a heavy smoker for more than 14 years, ? to permanently quit overnight… Wouldn’t that be wonderful?Well, guess what – you can. In fact, ANYONE can do it.

But first, you need to understand where you’ve gone wrong in the past… Treating just the physical addiction to smoking. But it can only be removed completely by using targeted psychotherapeutic techniques. NOT by ignoring it and hoping it will go away. And CERTAINLY NOT by throwing even more nicotine at it, in the form of patches or gum. You MUST deal with BOTH parts of your addiction the right way, or you will keep getting those cravings forever…

Specific, step by step instructions ? we show you exactly what to do, so nothing is left to chance. You choose the timeframe ? implement the method at your own pace, as you feel comfortable. Tried and tested method ? this cutting-edge method has been successfully used to cure thousands of happy ex-smokers. Permanently removes your mental dependence at the subconscious level ? resulting in a permanent end to mental cravings.
Check out PermaQuit now.

There are many kinds of help that you can get when you have made the decision to stop smoking but the most important question is whether you are really determined to quit. It has to matter to you. So the first thing to do right now is to sit down and write a list of all the reasons that you want to quit. Think of at least 10-15, more if you can. The best quit smoking aids in the world cannot help somebody who is only quitting because somebody else wants them to.

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The Basics of Healthy Detox

It’s easy to distinguish a healthy detox plan from an unhealthy one ? how it feels. And for each detox plan, there’s someone out there whose body will respond in a positive way and someone who will respond to the same plan in a negative way. Everyone’s body and lifestyle is different, so research carefully before you embark on the process.

The basics of a healthy detox plan mainly involve eating healthy foods to produce a healthy outcome. You should have an abundance of energy and never feel hungry. If you’ve been consuming an unhealthy diet, you may experience cravings or withdrawals, but those should pass in a short amount of time.

There are 3, 7 and 21-day detox plans and even 1 day plans, depending on your lifestyle. Some ask you to drink a liquid diet for at least one day and take a laxative to flush out the toxins. For some, this is too drastic — to ease into the plan is a much better option. And always check on your overall health before embracing any severe diet plan.

When you decide upon a healthy detox plan, it’s important that it’s at the right time in your life. You should plan to have as few distractions as possible during the beginning phase, so that means you should time it so that you can slow down, meditate and avoid the triggers (television and stress) that cause you to consume food mindlessly.

Among the basics of a healthy detox plan is to break away from unhealthy foods. You probably already know what they are:

· Alcohol and drugs ? Check with your doctor before you quit taking prescription drugs, but basically ? don’t drink alcohol or take over the counter drugs during the detoxification process.

· Don’t eat unhealthy foods ? Stay away from allergy-promoting foods, those that contain additives and unhealthy fats. Don’t eat meat during the detox plan. It can contain harmful hormones and other additives.

· Dairy and soy products ? Eggs and milk often contain antibiotics, causing digestive problems. Rather than soy, choose nuts and grains to get your protein requirements.

· Processed foods ? Products made with white flour and processed grains can cause an allergic reaction ? and they also contaminate your immune system.

· Don’t use saturated fats or hydrogenated oils in cooking ? Use healthy oils instead, such as olive and sesame oils.

· Avoid drinking carbonated beverages. Instead, drink pure, filtered water ? and plenty of it.

When you’re researching for a healthy detox plan, keep in mind the word, ‘natural.’ If you can’t say that a food is natural, don’t eat it.

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Breads and Vegetables evil or good?

Breads and Vegetables? What do these have in common? Not much. The reason that we want to consider these two staples of a diet is for opposite reasons.

Breads are a nightmare for many people trying to cut down on the carbs in their diet. There is good reason to cut the carbs as most people are taking in to many carbs in the first place. In saying that cutting down carbs is good I am not writing about a zero carb policy like with the Atkins diet but instead just talking about cutting a quarter or half of your carbs out and not replacing them and thus you will have cut your calorie intake quite substantially. Bread as any diabetic can tell you is a very addictive food. To most people the cutting of bread from their diet is one of the biggest sacrifices they can make and once it is out of your diet for a week or two you will feel better and will not have those cravings anymore. I know this from experience as I have a bagel every morning (equivalent to 5 slices of bread) and for a week I went without and felt badly in the morning but by the next week I was not missing it at all.

Vegetables are also carbs but are much better for you and in the typical North American diet most of us would be very short of the six or so servings that we should have. The advantages to increasing your vegetables are threefold. First vegetables are fairly high in Water and fiber which helps your body to keep everything running smooth. Secondly vegetables are a great source for most of your vitamins and minerals and thirdly vegetables are filling and will keep you from getting up after your mealto grab something sweet.