Weight Loss Exercise

Dr Phil lawsuit

OK, I thought I had mentioned Dr Phil before here but it appears that I did not. I have always thought that Dr Phil means well in his show, on his CDs and with his weight loss books but he does get very irritating.

I just saw that there is some kind of a lawsuit being filed against him and I thought it was another one of those crappy “I don’t like you so I’ll sue” type suits but it appears there is more to it

Dr Phil’s Supplements: Class Action Lawsuit?

It seems that Dr Phils program included taking a ton of pills a day to improve your weight loss. I am really against any pills and have to be proved otherwise whenever something new comes out.

The one thing that I am in favor of and take a fair amount of is Vitamins. I feel that in taking vitamins you are just replacing the nutrients that you can not get from food thanks to the bad way in which our meat and vegetables are produced and processed. I have never been in favor of taking excess vitamins to create some kind of thermogenic effect.

In looking at diets and trying to decide which diet is right for you the only important parts are the food and types of food you take in and the exercise that you do. Any extra pills in a diet are something that you would not want to incorporate into your lifestyle forever so you would not want to rely on them in your initial weight loss phase of any diet.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Ab exercises to get that six pack

I just found this Ab weblog for improving your abs.

I was out on the weekend at a water park with the kids and noticed that there is a huge difference in the overall shape of a person with good abdominals or bad ones. I have lost some flab over the spring but still need to get in some crunches, situps.

Ab Blog

To expand on that weblog the best schedule for doing abdominal work is to do an abdominal workout three days a week so that you can recover between workouts. Do crunches which are just situps with your lower legs up on a chair alternated with sets of leg raises. do each for 3 sets of 25 and just to make things easier you can do leg raises by just lying on the floor on a mat, pulling your knees up toward your chest while holding onto something solid with your hands up behind your head.

Ab exercises to get that six pack
Have you thought that maybe you have the whole picture wrong about how to get six pack abs? There is this fantastic diet and exercise system that will teach you everything you need to know about how to get a firm and trim midsection and that allows your ab muscles to show through.Check out my Six Pack Abs review now.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Recap of the first six days

This is our first recap day. I am planning a few of these days as I know that some of the changes that you are making are tough and there is still more tough stuff coming to get you felling better and most of all getting healthier.

Whenever you make any kind of life changes there are a lot of tough times. There are days when everything seems to go right as well as days when nothing seems to click. The reason that this happens is that your attitude starting the day either tells you that YES you are moving ahead and the changes are great or NO everything was find before and the pain of the changes are not worth it. Hopefully to this point you are having more yes days than no days.

Our first day was just a subtle commitment to make changes without really know the impact that it would have in our everyday life except for the excitement that comes with changing for the better.

Our second day was adding more water to our diet and this I thought was a fairly easy start with a high impact result over the fairly short term.

Our third day was getting started doing cardio everyday. We did not go into any details on the cardio because the first most important exercise trait that you want yourself to get used to is some kind of movement. Just as long as you walk, dance, do yoga, run or bike you are doing great.

Day four was taking care of our meal sizes, far to often people eat to few meals and often to large to really give anyone the nutrition they need and giving anyone a great way to gain fat. Many meals are a great way to keep up energy and be more aware of the food you eat.

The fifth day was a day to learn how to stretch. After all that movement and cardio your muscles will be getting sore by this day and stretching is a great way to get the blood flowing to the fibers of your muscles to get rid of a day or two of extra muscle pain as well as giving you extra flexibility.

Day six is the first good nutrient day. Learning about carbohydrates is a great way to see how we eat when we are not conscious of what is an important kind of food. North Americans are really bad for eating a lot of sugars and then eating far to many carbs as well in each meal.

The next few days may be a little more difficult but I will try to keep a few easy days in as these changes are going to still be challenging. I am sure by this point that your new attitude and feelings are great. These 30 days are designed to give you not only a better feeling body but also a fantastic new outlook on life.