Weight Loss Exercise

How To Find Raw Food Information

Getting some raw food information is almost a must if you want to follow a raw food diet. Most people start out with a lot of enthusiasm but the same old salads and smoothies grow boring pretty fast. When you lose interest in what you are eating, you can easily be tempted into unhealthy choices and even binges.

Raw food information can help you avoid these traps by giving you many more options for your meals and snacks. But where can you find the kind of information in raw food preparation that you need?

The answer is to look online. There are plenty of people providing workshops and courses in raw food preparation, so you just need to find one in a location that is convenient for you.

A raw food preparation workshop will usually show you how to prepare two or three dishes that you may not have thought of for yourself. That already can be interesting and motivating, but even more important is having the chance to ask questions. In a question and answer session you can find out how the presenter copes with cravings and temptations, for example. You can also learn a lot from the questions that other people ask.

Many of the ‘raw food gurus’ start out by offering raw food information. One way to track them down is to look for raw cookbooks on a site like Amazon and then search for the author’s website. In some cases you will find that they offer workshops. Other times, if they are not doing this themselves, they may recommend somebody who does.

Online raw food forums and message boards can be another good way to find raw food information in your area. If you can find a group or forum that is specific to your country or state, you will be chatting with people who probably know what is available for you. If not, start your own thread by heading it something like ‘Raw Food Training In Alabama?’ But always be sure to run a search on the forum before starting a new thread, because it is irritating for regular users if new people keep asking the same questions that have already been answered elsewhere on the forum.

You can also find information in books themselves. A raw cookbook will give you a lot of ideas. However, most people who are looking for raw food information want something more personal than this.

One of the best ways to get your raw food information in a fun way is to attend conferences and gatherings. These are held in many countries over a weekend, week or even longer. One example is the Raw Spirit Festival in the USA. Even if you live at a great distance, you could still attend by making this your annual vacation.

Festivals can be an amazing opportunity to network with other raw food enthusiasts. This can bring new energy to your raw food diet in ways that go far beyond other forms of raw food information.

How To Find Raw Food Information

This is my recommendation for a cheap and easy book to learn the essentials of the Raw Food Diet. Whether you want to start today doing Raw completely or if you just want to test out the Raw Food waters this book is a must. This specific easy to use Raw Food diet will help you lose weight, look younger, and have great energy. Learn more about Raw Food here now.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How To Change Your Eating to Lose Weight

How To Change Your Eating to Lose Weight

Change Your Eating to Lose Weight

The way you eat can have just as much to do with your weight gain or weight loss as what you eat. By changing a few things regarding how you eat, you can actually save calories and feel fuller. These techniques are easy to follow and will not draw a lot of attention to your weight loss process.

1. Chew your food slower. Many times you eat fast and hurriedly. This can cause you to eat more calories than you actually think you are eating. My chewing your food slower and taking smaller bites, you can make yourself feel fuller and lose more weight.

2. Eat off a dark colored plate. Yep, even the color of your plate can make you hungrier or fuller. Use a cool or dark colored plate to cause your mind to relax and enjoy the food better, hence causing you to eat less and slower.

3. Relax and de-stress before you eat. Many people are emotional eaters and stress will cause them to eat more. Relaxing will allow you to eat less and enjoy your food more.

4. Have some water with your meal. Feel free to drink water between bites and before your meal. This will make you feel fuller and be better hydrated.

5. Leave the room that you are eating in after eating. This way you can feel completely done eating. Dishes and leftovers can wait for a few minutes while you relax and begin to digest your food.

6. Focus on one thing at a time. Yes, it can be tempting to read the paper or watch television while eating, but this can distract you from your portion control and can even create a habit. This can cause you to want to eat every time you watch television, rather than watch television while you eat, causing you to eat more calories.

7. Designate areas of the house in which food is allowed. Not only will this keep the house cleaner, but it will also teach you to only want to eat while in those designated area. This can help to keep cravings and temptations at bay.

8. Buy salad plates and use these instead of dinner plates. These are smaller and will make whatever you put on them look bigger. This will trick your mind into thinking that you have eaten more and therefore are not hungry for more.

These little changes are simple and easy to implement but are also very effective for controlling your appetite. Such simple techniques can help you to retrain your brain and body, causing further weight loss. With such simple techniques, there is no reason not to be able to stick to your diet plan, provided it is balanced and reasonable.

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Why Today Was Awesome

Today I created a list to live by based on what I consider to be a successful day. It’s slightly embarrassing to share this on the internets, but I really love lists and encouragement so here goes…

To take care of my body by:

Exercising: 60 minutes a day (taking Sunday’s off)

Eating Well: planning meals a day ahead, taking time to cook and count calories

Caring for my skin: Washing my face morning and night, using moisturizer

Caring for my teeth: brush morning and night (minimum), floss and use mouthwash

Caring for my feet and hands

To take care of my environment:

Keeping the dishes clean:  not going to bed with a dirty kitchen

Making the bed and putting clothes away

Quick tidy-up in the bathroom, living room and dining room

Caring for plants and animals: watering and tending

To Work Hard:

Complete “musts” on to-do lists

Complete small chunks of large projects daily

To meet deadlines and fulfill expectations, to do more than expected

To Be Creative:

To blog daily

To create new jewelry

Create new recipes

Take photographs

Paint and sew

To Connect:

Return emails as I read them

Stay in touch via phone, email, visits, twitter and facebook

Leave comments on blogs

Take time to do something fun with husband every day

Plan special events with husband, friends and family

All of the red tasks are items that I checked off my “successful day” checklist. I won’t do this every day, but it’s good for me to check in with my goals and to see if what I’m doing every day is taking me closer to them.

I’m making a true effort to get my eating in check this month. I feel like I keep saying it, but I really need to do it. It’s not that I feel that I’m eating horribly, but I can do better. My plan is planning. For tomorrow I have my breakfast and lunch already planned out and prepared with the calories counted. Everything is in a container and ready to go. I feel good about this, but I always feel good on day one. We’ll see.

We’ve entered week SEVEN of insanity and I just cannot believe it. I can hold a steady plank pose now. My stretches are much deeper and I am moving better in general. I’ve noticed that I don’t want to eat bad foods because I am having the thought “I won’t feel good enough to exercise if I’m bloated, or feel sick from food”. Having that thought is shocking for me. That is a thought that I think truly healthy people have; considering food choices because of how they makes you feel. I want to do so much that eating poorly would only take my energy away. I’m just now realizing this, food=energy, bad food takes energy, good food gives energy. Why did it take me so long to realize this?

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