Weight Loss Exercise

Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories

Weight loss surgery is one of the biggest life decisions anyone could make. Opting to have weight loss surgery is a crucial decision that cannot be taken lightly. Before arriving at a decision, people want to know all they can about the surgical procedure, what to expect, risks and benefits, and how it can possibly change their lives. The personal experiences of other patients who have undergone the weight loss surgery are just as important as scientific publications, if not more so. This is the reason why people want to read weight loss surgery success stories.

Importance Of  Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories

Reading success stories after weight loss surgery can provide inspiration to people who suffer from obesity. It tells them that there is hope yet, and they too can achieve a normal and healthy weight. Personal success stories told by real people can help allay any fears and doubts an individual may have about a surgical procedure. Weight loss surgery success stories are often accompanied by “before” and “after” photos that provide concrete evidence of what they can hope to accomplish with bariatric weight loss surgery.

While sharing your success story can inspire others, it can also benefit you. Your weight loss success can give you the confidence you need to face other challenges.

Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories of Real People

Lynda’s Story

Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories

Weight Loss Surgery

Lynda had been morbidly obese for most of her life. Standing only 5 feet tall, she weighed 305 pounds and had a BMI of 57. She felt constantly tired and depressed, and found it difficult to move about. Finally, she decided to undergo gastric bypass surgery in order to lose weight and improve her health. After her weight loss surgery, she was able to lose 72 lbs in just three months. One year after her weight loss surgery, she had lost a total of 154 pounds and her BMI had dropped to 31. Lynda now has more energy and her blood pressure is normal. She exercises regularly and does aerobics and weight training to maintain a healthy weight.

Robert’s Story

Grossly overweight and burdened with diabetes and high cholesterol, Robert finally realized that his only hope to achieve a healthy weight was to undergo bariatric surgery. He opted for duodenal switch surgery. Two years after the bariatric surgery, Robert had lost a total of 210 lbs. He is now physically active and is healthier than before.

Colleen’s Story

At age 50 and weighing 323 pounds, Colleen knew that she had to do something drastic to start losing weight permanently, otherwise she would die early. For many years she had been dieting and struggling with her weight problems. Because diet and exercise did not work for her, Colleen finally opted for weight loss surgery. The LAP-Band procedure helped her lose a total of 140 pounds. She now has more energy and exercises regularly by walking 6 miles a day to keep the weight off.

Weight Loss Surgery Realistic Expectations

Reading weight loss surgery success stories may give people unrealistic expectations about bariatric surgery. It’s important for people to keep in mind that they may not be able to lose as much weight in the same amount of time as someone else. Neither can weight loss after bariatric surgery guarantee that you will stop feeling depressed, unattractive or inferior, if you have been feeling that way before weight loss. Counseling can be beneficial for some people who have negative feelings about themselves.

Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories

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I like to pretend that raw juice can fix all things in life. It’s like the windex of good health. I was feeling FuNky  this morning, so I pulled down my ol’ juicer friend and got started.

juice Cure All

morningjuice Cure All

Do you juice? What are your thoughts on the foam the gathers on top? I rarely drink it. The foam is not my cure-all.

In other news, I finally got my Strong Knees DVD in the mail! That’s gonna happen today. Apparently I have to do it every single day for it to work. I’m not good at doing anything every single day, but goodness I’m tired of having a funky knee from falling on a dog.

And in more other news- I lost 3 pounds last week taking me t0 13 total pounds lost!

myclip Cure All

And more, more other news thank you to those who supported my Wear it Well Spring ecourse. I tell you, putting stuff out in the world is not for the faint of heart. I am a timid mouse who is full of fears and doubts way more than I should ever admit, and just saying to people “hey, I made something, you might like it” makes me want to crawl in a hole. Because, what if they don’t like it?

What if they think I’m a loser who makes ebooks? What if they think my design or writing is bad? What if they don’t get it? What if people will only respect me if I have a “real job”? What if people are tired of me trying to make a living off of my creativity? What if I’m not respected?

What if, what if, what if. Isn’t is all so silly? I want to be more brave and live with the learning process, but it’s not easy. I want to be more graceful. If anyone ever tells you that following a dream or doing something different is easy, they are lying. No one will ever tell you that anyway.

And further more, doing anything, anything at all will raise eyebrows. You might as well do it anyway. So with that said, if you’re at all interested in an ebook filled with 90 pages of style inspiration, Wear it Well is just that. Right now and until the end of March you can pay what you want. Which means  for $5, 10, 13.25, 16, or $28+ you can buy my ebook. And then you can email me and tell me what you liked or didn’t like about it, because I truly want to know. So I can make it even better next time.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Goal Setting and success in your health

Goal setting is an important piece of any changes that you make in your life. Whenever you get started making changes in any way I am sure that you have found that the giddiness that you feel at the beginning feels like it will keep you going as long as it takes. After a while we all know that doubts creep in and before you know it the excitement is replaced by doubt and the things that seemed important now feel like a chore.

Well if we start every new plan by setting goals correctly we will have more than a fighting chance once the excitement fades we will have A PLAN.

Goal setting is a simple process, you decide what you want, make lists of why you want your goals as well as a list of what could stop you, make a plan decide what you will use as goal posts as you move toward the goal and finally once you reach your goal you celebrate the achievement.

Let’s try this out with a weight loss goal:

  • Goal, to lose 30 pounds
  • Why, to feel and be more
    healthy, prove to myself I can do anything
  • What could stop me, people
    offering food, bad weather for workouts, tiredness
  • Plan, to do cardio 3 days a
    week and weights 2 days a week, to cut the size of my meals, to cut out
    all sugar except for once a day, get lots of sleep to rest from the
    changes and workouts
  • Goal posts, lose 2 pounds
    per week, 30 pounds should be lost in 15 weeks, adjust diet and
    exercise as needed
  • Celebrate, after finishing
    this weight loss get a family picture taken with me in new clothes

This goal setting system is almost fool proof, the only thing that you should add if you can is a partner and someone that you can talk to about your progress, a spouse maybe or a personal trainer if it is a exercise goal.

Now go forward and make some goals! One more thing that I learned from listening to Tony Robbins is that when you do make a goal don’t leave the site of a goal without taking an action towards it’s attainment.

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