Weight Loss Exercise

2013 Goals and Plans

I sent this email out to the subscribers of the blog (sign up is below this post). I got a great reception for this and I think it is probably becasue people like to see other peoples goals to see if they are going in the right direction or if they are pushing hard enough.

So I thought I would share it on the blog so you could see it as well.

2013 Goals and Plans

Here we are in 2013 and it probably looks a lot like last year. But I hope after the last few emails that I sent that your head is in a great place to make changes in your life and to expect and push for more this year then last.

I expect this year to be a great one for me as well.

The key is to make sure everything you do is in manageable chunks. You have to break up different parts of your life, have S.M.A.R.T goals for each of those parts of your life, and finally your next task to get yourself towards these goals.

This shouldn’t be complicated and it should make sense but I find so often that people just lose interest or get scared of the change that will happen in their lives.

So here are my goals for this year – see if they make sense

Career/Money – Build up the fitness website to be world class and earn a full time income so that I can concentrate on just helping as many people as possible and not get distracted by things that don’t help and are just busywork.

Family – Cut my time online in half so that I spend more, and better time with my family, more outings, more camping, and more experiences

Mental – Read more books. Break this up to reading a book each for Fitness, social media, and family/relationship book a month. Also I want to pick up a new skill every month so that I can keep growing and using my brain. Learning guitar is one of the first for me.

Physical – Move away from just weights and cardio and more Yoga, crossfit, tennis and more other sports. Clean up my diet more with more raw food and less junk. And really I suspect I could probably lose a bit of fat but expect that if I do it will come off with changing up my exercise and eating schedule

Social – For this I am the worst. I don’t get out enough and spend too many nights at home. I am going to push myself to get out one night a week actually being social with others!

I have been reading John Acuff’s blog quite a bit lately and he has this whole thing broken down into 7 things for 52 days which also seems to be a great idea

I know that this is more about me than you. Sorry. I just feel like if I get this information out there is keeps me grounded to what I really need to focus on and at the same time give you some ideas of how easy and important it is to make changes to improve yourself.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

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Ricki Lake Show Looking For Women Who Have Lost Weight But Still Feel Fat

Jessica, a production assistant at the Ricki Lake Show, sent us an email saying they are “currently producing a segment about women who have lost a significant amount of weight but still feel fat.”

If this sounds like you or someone you know; please leave a comment here about it and perhaps the Ricki Lake people will get in touch with you!

The new Ricki Lake Show is premiering this September 10:

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Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise Helps Smokers Quit

Exercise helps smokers quit and remain smokefree, according to new data presented today at the World Congress of Cardiology. Moreover, exercise increases life expectancy in smokers and non-smokers alike.

The study of 434 190 people who went through medical examination program at a private fee-paying company between 1996 and 2008 in Taiwan revealed that active smokers (those engaged in at least moderate activity) were 55% more likely to quit smoking that those that were inactive. Furthermore, these active smokers were 43% less likely to relapse than smokers that were inactive.

Physical activity among these subjects was also shown to increase life expectancy, even among smokers. Smokers that participated in physical activity had an increased life expectancy of 3.7 years and a reduction in all-cause mortality of 23%– equivalent to levels achieved by ex-smokers with low activity levels.

 Results of Study – exercise helps smokers quit

The results of this study shows that exercise helps smokers quit smoking also demonstrated that active ex-smokers increased their life expectancy by 5.6 years and reduced their all-cause mortality by 43%– equivalent to the levels seen in inactive non-smokers.

Exercise helps smokers quit and quitting smoking has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing CVD and that must be the goal of all smokers,” said Dr C.P. Wen, National Health Research Institute, Taiwan. “If smokers can continue to exercise, not only they can increase the quit rate, but also they can reduce their mortality for all cause and for CVD in the long run.”

Exercise Helps Smokers Quit

Exercise Helps Smokers Quit

The prospective study of 434,190 individuals in Taiwan was conducted over a period of 12 years. Leisure time physical activity of each individual was grouped into 1) Inactive, 2) Low active (15 minute/day), and 3) Active (30 minute/day).

Tobacco use and cardiovascular disease

Smoking is one of the major causes of CVD and directly responsible for one-tenth of all CVD worldwide. Smokers are almost twice as likely to have a heart attack as people who have never smoked. Moreover, second-hand smoke exposure is responsible for 600 000 deaths every year.

Article from Health 24

A person can substantially lower their CVD risk by stopping smoking. Within five years of becoming a non-smoker, a person’s risk of having heart attack is halved and within 15 years the risk of developing CVD becomes nearly the same of someone who has never smoked. Get out and exercise, exercise helps smokers quit.

Exercise Helps Smokers Quit

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