General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 12: 12 in 12

Take today to talk about 12 things you would like to accomplish in 2012. These 12 things can be 12 resolutions, 12 changes in your life, 12 wines you’d like to drink, 12 cities you’d like to visit, or 12 monthly goals. The decision is yours. Good luck and have fun!

How will you resound?

1) I want to stop living in the future. This doesn’t mean I won’t plan or set goals, it means that I will stop thinking about everything as a future activity with no date in sight for completion. Often times, I get paralyzed by things that aren’t happening and tasks that are set for unnamed dates in the future. I want to push myself to be in the moment of my actions. To immerse myself into activities 100%. When I’m exercising, I want to be there. I want to give everything. I don’t want to be in my head planning out tomorrow or who I need to email or designs I need to finish. I want to give every bit of myself to that moment. I want to stop thinking about 170lbs in the future. Or the days when I will be different. Or projects that I plan to get to eventually. When I’m working on a project, I want to be there with it, pushing my work, and acting as if that work is the most important one I will do.

2) I want to learn to make croissants. And then I want to put chocolate in them.

3) I want to leave obesity in my 20’s.

4)  I want to read fewer tweets and status updates and more books. I want to judge people less by what they say on social media sites.

5) I want to start saving for Paris. (followed by #7, of course) And learn to speak French.

6) I want to pay off my debts and buy a new car.

7) I want to waste less. Less garbage and plastic bags.

8. I want a better garden.

9) I want to appreciate and celebrate my life and those around me.

10) I want to write, a lot.

11) I want to narrow down my projects and businesses. In 2012 all my projects will be under one roof. I will have one etsy store, one way to find my work, and one business name for my design.

12) I want to be okay with saying no and I want to do it more often. I want to stand up for myself and my time.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Fall House Cleaning Part: 1

Lighting my fall scented candles…

Listening to my favorite music…


Cleaning the doors and windows, dusting my favorite wreath…

Organizing and rearranging…

Mopping and vacuuming…

And you’ll know I’m my mother’s daughter when I tell you I want to put a garland of fall leaves on my white table. I love that most of the items in these photos are thrifted, handmade from etsy or made locally. I treasure that dress form. Oh my, we’re good friends.

What does fall cleaning look like for you?


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