Weight Loss Exercise

Men’s Health Diet for Weight Loss

You need a healthy diet and regular exercise if you want a flat stomach and strong muscles. The Men’s Health Diet was created to help men achieve a sculpted body by getting rid of belly fat fast. If you stick to the rules in the diet plan, you can become fit and experience weight loss while eating great food.

As a rule, men hate going on diets that are too restrictive. Some diets leave them feeling hungry and deprived. In contrast, the Men’s Health Diet encourages healthy eating and developing new eating habits that can be used beyond the program. It requires you to eat a wide variety of foods that will boost your energy level and provide all the nutrients you need. The program also includes an exercise plan that will help you lose fat faster and develop bigger muscles.

Men’s Health Diet: The Rules

This weight loss program consists of seven down-to-earth rules that are easy to follow. If you follow these rules, you’ll be able to cut down on calories and burn fat while you continue to eat foods that you enjoy.

The first rule in the diet program is to eat proteins with every meal and snack. The reason for this is that your body needs protein to build muscles that will help you burn fat more quickly. The program also requires you to eat before and after exercising. This will ensure that you have enough energy to do your workout properly. When you eat after working out, your body will have the nourishment it needs to restore and rebuild itself.

The diet program also encourages you to eat more plant-based foods. Fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains are rich in vitamins and minerals but low in calories. You are also advised to avoid drinking “sugar water” or soda, sweetened fruit juices, iced tea, etc.

You Don’t Have to be Perfect

Mens Health Diet for Weight Loss

Men’s Health Diet

One great thing about the Men’s Health Diet is that it recognizes the fact that nobody’s perfect, so you are asked to follow the rules only 80% of the time. If you try to follow the rules all the time, you are more likely to throw in the towel and give up.

But if you know that it’s okay to break the rules once in a while, you won’t have any guilt feelings about breaking them and will continue to follow the program.

Diet and Nutrition

The diet program includes recommendations for the best foods for men, including recipes that will help you fight fat while providing fuel for your muscles. You are provided with great food choices plus the advice to eat only the best.


The best diet programs always include exercise. The Men’s Health Diet implements an exercise program that is exciting and challenging. It includes circuit training, aerobics and strength training to help you lose belly fat in a matter of weeks.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Self Plan

self april 2012 carrie underwood Self Plan

I do love magazines, I’m not gonna lie. I know the models are airbrushed and unrealistic, the information is regurgitated, but that doesn’t stop me from picking them up on occasion as a treat. I haven’t read Self in a really long time, and in a fit of needing inspiration I bought this, Health and Fitness when I was in WV the weekend before last.

I do find inspiration in them, just having them around the house, in the bathroom (haha I know) or the coffee table, it’s like a reminder of what I’m doing. Where I want to be.

Anyhow, the point of this is to share with you that the April issue of Self has (in my opinion) a really good and realistic weight loss plan.  I’ve tried a lot of diets in my pre and post blog. Some that require counting calories or restricting carbs and they all work, it’s just about consistency and for me, the more down to earth it is, the more likely I am to stick with it. As soon as I decide I can’t have something for the sake of weight loss, that’s all I want. Even if I don’t really want it.

The Drop 10 (and more, they talk about losing more weight) is pretty straightforward: 1,600 calories a day, with a 200 calorie treat a day that can be carried over to other days when you may need them more (like plus points with weight watchers), the only catch is that you can only stack 800 together at a time. So say, you are planning to go out for a celebration this coming weekend you can use up to 2,400 at one time and still lose weight.

They also provide a daily exercise plan, recipes and a check off list to keep track of your progress. And for those wondering, I wasn’t paid or asked to promote this magazine or plan, I just really liked how simple and doable it is. I think having structure with the principles of Brain Over Binge (breaking bad habits) will be a winning combination.

I’m traveling to WV again this weekend for a baby shower and plan to save some of my extra calories this week for that.

Today’s breakfast:

One Ezekiel cinnamon raisin english muffin with less than 1 T butter, 1 T cacao (cacao!) bliss and a cup of strawberries: 367 calories

4 16 12breakfast Self Plan


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Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise Tips for Women

Having a healthy lifestyle involves having proper exercise, as these exercise tips for women will show, and diet. Women nowadays are getting more and more motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle through proper exercise in order to lose fat and weight, to maintain their physique, and to have a longer and healthier life.

Here are a few exercise tips for women to help you achieve your desired weight and size through proper exercise:

Exercise Tips for Women

Exercise Tips for Women

Exercise Tips for Women

Create a workout plan. One of the main reasons why most exercise ‘plans’ fail is that there is no actual plan or strategy laid out for you to follow and abide by. It is important to write down a complete workout plan to follow in order to be much more motivated to strictly follow it. It is also important to plan out an exercise plan in order to know certain limitations and to assess which kinds of exercise you need.

Set realistic goals. It is perfectly good to aim high but it is important to make sure that it is completely attainable and not too far-fetched. It doesn’t make sense to stress out over trying to reach an unrealistic goal. If you are not used to running long distances, you may want to set a goal of 15-30 minutes of jogging three times a week in order to prepare your body well to attain 5k distance, for example.

Consistency is key. There is no point in creating an effective workout plan or setting realistic goals if you are not inclined to keep it consistent. The most important key in a successful exercise regimen is to maintain focused on the goal. Proper workout and exercise should be consistent and not only done for a certain duration of time.

Make fitness a state of mind. It is also important for you to see fitness not just as an end goal, but a way of life and way of thinking. It shouldn’t be treated as a one-time activity to lose a certain number of pounds; instead, it should be embraced as a way of life and should be integrated into your everyday life.

There are still a lot of other exercise tips for women but what you should remember is that it won’t work unless you are really focused and have adjusted your mindset to making it happen. Start today by creating a workout plan, setting goals, being consistent and making exercise and healthy living a way of life for you.

If these exercise tips for women were helpful to you please send your freinds over to my site to see them too.