Weight Loss Exercise

5 Fat Loss Myths

There are so many fat loss myths out there in “exercise-land” that I was hired by a fitness magazine to write about one myth each month.

After all, by now you’ve probably heard that if you don’t do 60-minutes of cardio in your fat burning zone on an empty stomach while Venus is in line with Jupiter, you’ll never burn fat.

5 Fat Loss Myths

Fat loss Myth buster Craig Ballantyne

The problem with myths is that not only are they wrong and give false hope to millions of people trying to lose weight, but they also waste your time and mental effort.

I have also seen these myths used as justification for cheating on a diet, watching countless men and women justify their “treats” because they believe they are on some type of magical exercise program or nutrition plan.

I could go on for days about fitness myths, but I cut my list from 30 down to the Top 5 Fat Loss Workout Myths today. I’ll save the other 25 for future newsletters.

Fat Loss Myth #1: You have to do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Relax. You don’t have to hop on the treadmill at 4:30am every morning. Let’s allow common sense to dictate when and how you exercise.

If you want to work out first thing in the morning, and I know that is the best time for many TT readers, by all means, go ahead and do it. There’s nothing magical about this time – although it is often the only time many of day many people have to themselves.

We need to think “outside of the hour” of exercise and realize that calorie burning and fat burning goes on for 24-hours. Forget about the theories and look at the big picture.

It doesn’t matter when you exercise – as long as you exercise intensely and consistently. Focus on relatively high-intensity workouts to increase your metabolism for as many hours after exercise as possible. That is best done with interval training and resistance training.

Fat Loss Myth #2: You have to do your cardio in your “fat burning zone”.

Again, nonsense.

While you might burn a larger proportion of total calories as fat when you exercise in your fat burning zone, you burn fewer calories overall by exercising at such a low intensity.

When you increase your workout intensity and get out of your so-called “fat burning zone”, you burn more total calories, and as a result, more fat.

In addition, the “fat burning zone” training doesn’t put “turbulence” on your muscles…so you don’t burn many calories in the post-exercise time period. But with interval training, you burn a significant amount of calories for hours after training, and that leads to more fat loss.

I’ve worked with hundreds of people that have avoided the fat burning zone while still managing to lose dozens of pounds of fat. The “fat burning zone” is one of the biggest fitness myths of all time.

Click here to stop the cardio lose fat with Turbulence Training workouts:


Fat Loss Myth #3: You have to do cardio for 20 minutes before you burn fat.

When I hear this, I picture a fat-burning switch in my body that turns on only after I’ve been doing “cardio” for 20 minutes. But what if I only exercise for 19 minutes and 59 seconds? Are you telling me that I won’t have burned any fat? That’s ridiculous.

What if I did it on an empty stomach in the morning and in my target heart rate zone? (read that one sarcastically!)

I’ll say it one last time. We need to be more concerned with our 24-hour metabolism, not how much fat or even how many calories are burned during the workout.

Fat Loss Myth 4: Drinking ice cold water will help you burn calories and lose fat.

Standing in line at the grocery store is a great place to pick up the latest fat loss myths. You’ll also find this one all over the Internet.

This myth often comes along with some calculations showing that by drinking 8 glasses of ice-cold water you can burn 70 calories per day. I don’t believe that actually holds true in real life. Regardless, drinking cold water is not going to burn any more fat off your body than drinking room temperature water.

Don’t get me wrong, I strongly believe you should drink 12 glasses of water per day, but the temperature of your water won’t have any effect on your overall fat loss success.

Fat Loss Myth #5: Adding one pound of muscle will burn 50 extra calories each day.

Uh-oh, now I’m cutting down a myth that supports my use of strength training in a fat loss program. But I have an obligation to set the record straight about this extremely prevalent myth (even though I just saw a big name fitness expert perpetuate this myth in a recent article!).

This myth sounds so good. Add a pound of muscle, boost your metabolism 50 calories. That doesn’t seem out of line at all.

But do the math for a guy that puts on 30 pounds of muscle. Does his metabolism really increase by 1500 calories? Absolutely not. For an average guy, that would require his resting metabolism to increase from 2500 calories to 4000 calories per day. How would he be able to keep any of that muscle with a metabolism like that? He’d have to eat like a pig forever.

So when you look at the big picture, you can see this little myth start to fall apart.

That’s not to say you should stop your strength training, but just don’t use this myth as an excuse to cheat on your diet.

Bonus Fat Loss  Myth: Negative Calorie Foods Cause You to Lose Weight

According to the “experts”, a negative calorie food requires more energy to digest than it provides you when you eat it. And included in the negative calorie food list are apples and bananas.

So by this logic, I would actually starve to death if I had nothing to eat but apples (because I would have a net energy loss from eating a so-called “negative calorie” food).

There is no such thing as a negative calorie food. It’s a shame “experts” are out there promoting this stuff, and that so many people fall for it.

Instead, let the common sense fat loss principles apply. It’s going to take consistent effort, working hard at your workouts and with your nutrition to get the results you want.

I guarantee you that Turbulence Training will successfully guide you to the fat loss you deserve and desire.


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. Here’s the truth on fat loss from TT users…

“I Coach busy women with no time to look in the mirror, let alone adopt a whole foods lifestyle or exercise yet already! And yet, your Turbulence strategies show almost everyone that everyone has all of the time they’ll ever need to include exercise as a fun, performance-promotion essential to their lives. This program is amazing and plenty challenging because it is simple. Clear but lets no one off the hook. I’m thrilled to say this is a great addition to any woman’s arsenal of “what to do.” Ann G. Burgess, President, Pathfinders’ Fitness by Design, Arlington , MA

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training the Nutrition Guide here:


“I have been in possession of TT for a several weeks now; I absolutely enjoy the program. I can get in to the gym and rip though the supersets work up a great sweat and pump my energy levels up before I even get to the cardio portion of my work-out. I I have recommended this program to both beginner and veteran alike. Since starting TT I have dropped almost 2% of body fat and look forward to making my goal of 10% body fat in no time. This program is absolutely one of the best anywhere on the Web.” Alejandro B. Villalobos

Remember and internalize these fat loss myths so that your diet and exercise will be better.

Weight Loss Exercise

Fat loss 4 idiots – Complete Review of Fat loss 4 Idiots

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – Will It Help You Lose Weight?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a site and diet that my wife had learned about from her stepmom. Initially I looked at the Fat Loss For Idiots website and saw that after clicking though a bunch of pages of information I found that the program was only $39.

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 Idiots

Fat loss 4 Idiots

As a fitness and health enthusiast I know that there are no easy ways out of  weight losing so when I first saw all of the hype around fat loss for idiots I was of course initially skeptical. I have scoured the internet looking for more information on the Fat Loss For Idiots program and would like to present this to you here so that you can make an informed decision when you visit the Fat Loss For Idiots site.

Lose Weight Fast with Fat Loss 4 Idiots?

Fat Loss for Idiots claims you can lose 9 pounds lost in 11 days. Wow, is this possible? You probably have your doubts but I know because I have seen it happen, with the right diet and exercise program you can lose weight and lose it quickly.

The basics of Fat Loss 4 Idiots are based around four basic principles:

1. The Food that you eat is decided by a special Diet Generator on the website
2. You Eat 4 or 5 times a day until you are satisfied but not overfull
3. You go on the diet for 11 days and then take three days off and eat what you want
4. You do a bit of walking everyday
You do not live on this diet for life but instead Fat Loss 4 Idiots teaches you how to eat correctly and after you have lost your weight you know how to maintain at a good healthy weight. After that quick weight loss it is important that you continue eating according to the plan and get some exercise of any kind and you will continue losing weight. The way the diet cycles means that you should lose weight every week with no bad weeks at all.

If You Want to Lose 10, 20, 50 even 100 pounds then this may be what you have been looking for

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Meal Plan

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsFat Loss for Idiots food is made up of lean proteins,fruit and vegetables, and the sources of fat come from whole foods (such as cottage cheese or eggs). There are some starchy carbohydrates (such as oats and pasta). The day is divided into 4 meals that should be eaten at a maximum of 2 1/2 hours apart. There is no calorie or carb counting, no limit on portion size – Fat Loss 4 Idiots says you “just eat short of being full”.

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsAfter the 11 day meal plan there is a 3 day “cheat” – where you get to eat whatever you want. Then you are back into the 11 day plan again.

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsThe real difference between the fat loss for idiots plan and other plans is that the diet is purposely confusing your body so it never thinks it is starving. This is not a new meal program in that regard. Body for Life and other programs have long advocated confusing your body by having a day or more off of the diet so that you are in more control of how you eat. Fat Loss for Idiots does a good balance of this.

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsThe meal plan is created by selecting from a list of preferred foods that you select before letting the diet generator do it’s work. These are then used to generate your meal plan.

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsFor people that do not eat meat there is also an option for a veggie fat loss 4 idiots. You can select this option and as a vegetarian you will have that option to go with your eating style.

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsFat Loss for Idiots also includes a very extensive handbook that teaches you how to to eat, how not to eat and what is important in your goal of losing weight.

Exercise on Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Fat loss for idiots is a diet program. One thing and one thing only. The people that come up with the fat loss 4 idiots meal plans look at you as a person that is trying to diet and lose weight over the short term so they do not really worry to much about exercise, with one exception, they expect you to walk once a day.

Over 1000 fat loss 4 idiots success stories from people just like you

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 Idiots

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Before and After

Here are some reviews for the fat loss for idiots program:
  “I started this diet 3 days ago, and have lost 2 and a half pounds so far.”
  “I have now been on this diet for 11 days and have lost 6 and a half pounds. I am very happy with that, especially since I have not exercised or done the recommended walking.”
  “On Fat loss for idiots I lost 7 pounds the first 11 days! I’m happy with that considering (like I mentioned) I had not done the suggested walking.”

What do I not like about Fat Loss for Idiots?

  Fat Loss for Idiots may be getting a lot of support by a lot of people but it is not all perfect. In watching how people use the diet I have found that some people have real problems with fat Loss for Idiots. First of all there is the dreaded “fruit day” one day of the cycle you eat nothing but fruit. Many people do not like this even though we all know how good fruit is for us.

  One other problem with Fat loss for idiots is that you are supposed to eat until satisfied. Don’t stop when you are hungry and do not overeat but just until satisfied. But how much is satisfied? I am not sure what to say about this. People like to have a measured amount of food and doing it yourself is a little stressful.

Oh and one last thing. I hate the salespage that they have setup. Really cheesy and they try to tell you a bunch of stuff making you go from page to page to page. It is way to flashy when you want to just go to buy the diet program and access to the fat loss 4 idiots diet generator. But that is just me, not sure other people really mind that free info.

What is Good About Fat Loss For Idiots?

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsThere is no magic behind Fat Loss for Idiots but really what it is a good focused meal plan and sensible exercise for beginners. Although this may not seem like much it is very important in my mind to be doing something that will give you the satisfaction that you are making the changes in YOUR life that will help you lose weight. This diet will work for you.
Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsWeight loss is quite easy on this plan
Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsYou can buy the food at the grocery store
Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 IdiotsAnd the simple fact is that at $39 fat loss 4 idiots is much cheaper than even a couple of weeks of Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers.
Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 Idiots60 Day guarantee if you are not satisfied

My Fat Loss 4 Idiots Recommendation

I am a big fan of Fat loss for idiots for no other reason than it is nice and simple, and it really does work, if you follow a diet that changes what you eat and moves you in a better direction nutritionally than what you are now.

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 Idiots

Fat loss 4 idiots   Complete Review of Fat loss 4 Idiots

As a favor to you to help jump start your NEW YOU program, I am offering you four free e-books if you purchase Fat Loss For Idiots.

The e-books are:

  • 101 Diet Tips (A great addition to everything else you will learn here)
  • Skyrocket Fat Loss (A Tom Venuto Interview that spans 41 pages)
  • Training and Nutrition Secrets (65 pages of secrets that almost no one knows)
  • Losing weight without starving yourself (61 pages about…well I guess the title says it all)

These ebooks alone are worth more than the total price of Fat Loss For Idiots which is only $39

After you have purchased Fat Loss 4 Idiots just email me at bill @ nadraszky . com (just click the link) and I will forward the books to you.

Weight Loss Exercise

Tips to Help Someone Quit Smoking

Many non-smokers are interested in learning how to help someone quit smoking. If you have a friend or relative who smokes, you may not realize how hard it is for them to give up this habit. Even though the smoker knows how harmful smoking is, wanting to quit and being able to quit are two entirely different matters.

You may have already quit smoking yourself, but that doesn’t mean that you can advise another smoker. Each person has their own reasons for smoking and faces different challenges in overcoming the habit. A smoking cessation method that worked for you will not necessarily work for someone else.

Figuring out how to help someone quit smoking requires you to be patient and understanding. Offer compassion, and remember that you can never completely know what the smoker is experiencing. It’s not particularly helpful to tell someone that you understand how they feel. Such statements can even be perceived as patronizing. Every smoker’s experience is unique, just as every person is unique.

Here are some suggestions for you if you want to help someone quit smoking:

1) Don’t expect the smoker to quit cold turkey
2) Encourage even the smallest steps to cut back smoking
3) Tell them that you have confidence in their ability to quit
4) If you go to a restaurant or bar together, sit in the non-smoking area
5) Encourage them to take up an exercise program — and then exercise with the smoker
6) Acknowledge their efforts to quit and give them positive reinforcement such as praise and hugs
7) Don’t tell them that you know how they feel
Be available if they want to talk about what they are going through
9) Help them find other activities to fill the moments during the day when they would normally smoke
10) Ask the smoker what kind of support they need from you

Stopping smoking is often a frustrating and painful task. The smoker truly needs all the support and encouragement they can get during this experience, in order to quit successfully. Even if the smoker relapses, you can continue to encourage them to try again.

Tips to Help Someone Quit Smoking

So what if it is really that easy? What if all your beliefs about how hard it is going to be to quit are completely false? What if, after just one session of hypnotherapy or NLP you find it incredibly easy to become and remain a happy, confident non-smoker for life? The reason why hypnotherapy NLP are so successful is because both our beliefs about smoking and our habitual smoking behaviours reside within your unconscious mind. So whilst consciously we may wish to quit, all too often our all powerful unconscious mind simply would not let us.

Check out Quit Smoking Today now.

Supporting your friends, relatives, and co-workers in their bid to stop smoking is very considerate on your part. As everyone knows, smoking is a deadly habit that is fiendishly hard to quit. Your support might be the deciding factor that helps the smoker give up smoking permanently.

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