Weight Loss Exercise

Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss?

Is a Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss? There is very little question that a detox diet is just plain good for you. Freeing your cells and tissues from harmful toxins and restoring your body back to its optimal function simply cannot be argued against. But whether or not a detox diet is to be implemented for the purposes of weight loss is a different story… sort of.

Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss?

The truth is, any time you decide to give your body the gift of cleanliness, purity, and renewal, anyone who would try to talk you out of it would be an absolute fool. And here’s the kicker. I have actually heard people suggest that this is a great way to get healthier and more energized, but shouldn’t be used as a primary means of weight loss. I couldn’t disagree more.

Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss?

Body fat is a defense mechanism. It protects your vital organs, blood vessels, sensitive tissues, cells, and even nerves from acids and pollution within the bloodstream. The fat cells grab onto these dangerous chemicals, essentially trapping them and blocking them from doing damage to the body’s critical players. In football terms, fat cells are your body’s offensive linemen!

But if you’ve got weight to lose, then a detox diet can help the body start getting rid of these toxins, while preventing new toxins from entering. As a result, your body will no longer have any need to hold onto excess fat, and alas, fat loss becomes totally effortless, healthy, and substantial. On certain detox diet plans, you can SAFELY lose up to two pounds a day!

Of course, you don’t want to remain on a detox diet permanently, generally keeping 30 days as your absolute maximum. However, you can implement them several times within a given year. Many nutritionist recommend a 14 day detox once per quarter (4 times per year).

There are many detox diets to choose from, each with varying degrees of intensity and effectiveness if a detox diet plan good for weight loss. Perhaps the most extreme is a fast, where you will only drink purified water for the entire duration of your cleanse. There are other variations of a fast, such as a green drink cleanse and the Master Cleanse (aka the Lemonade Diet). Another popular and well-respected detox diet is the Raw Food Diet, which can actually end up becoming a permanent lifestyle plan if followed correctly.

Naturally, you will want to consult with your trusted health care practitioner, who will ideally be someone who is well versed in preventive, natural medicine as opposed to being a gung-ho pharmaceutical pusher who’s only interested in treating symptoms and ignoring causes. A doctor with a good balance of prevention and treatment focus is a great choice. Talk to him or her about whether a detox diet plan good for weight loss and see if they have any recommendations that will meet your specific needs.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise to Help Tone Your Arms

Do you avoid wearing sexy, sleeveless tops or dresses ? or refuse to take off your jacket to reveal a sleeveless shell — because of flabby and unsightly arms? Your arms may sag because you’ve recently lost weight. The fat cells may be gone, but the skin doesn’t know what to do with itself.

The arms are complicated areas to firm and tone, and it’s better to exercise them rather than attempt to target your arms for weight loss. The arm area tends to store fat cells than other parts of your body, so try aerobic exercises for overall fat loss and for toning your arms at the same time.

To achieve sexy, firm arms you’ll need to build up your biceps and triceps. Biceps are the muscles along the front of your arm, while triceps are muscles found in the back of your arms. When you tone and firm these muscles, you’ll be creating muscle where the sagging skin used to be.

All you’ll need to begin the quest for sleek and sexy arms are an exercise band and weights. Include the following exercises in your daily or weekly routine:

Exercise 1: Hold the middle of the exercise band with your feet. Holding one of the two ends of the band in each hand, bend the elbow on one arm from the waist, stretching the band forward and upward. You’ll feel your biceps muscles tensing as you raise the band. Be sure your elbow is always bent slightly. Take turns repeating this exercise on each arm for 8 to 10 times.

Exercise 2: Repeat the above exercise, except pull the band outward from the left and right sides of your body.

Exercise 3: Repeat the above exercise, except pull the band backward from the left and right sides of your body. This exercise will benefit the triceps of your arms.

Weights are also a great way to tone the arms. Lift the weights when sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. Be sure to begin with light weights and then graduate to heavier ones as you’re ready.

Basically, any exercise that causes resistance to your biceps and triceps can help tone your arms. Yoga and Pilates are also proven ways to firm up your arms. Online sites that tout yoga or Pilates will lead you to specific exercises for your arms.

Don’t pass up those sexy tank tops because of jiggly underarms. It won’t take long to see results ? and you won’t even have to adapt to a strenuous exercise routine.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Break Out Those Butt Firming Moves.

Have you ever asked a friend, husband or child the question, “Does this make my butt look big?” As women, our backsides are probably the most thought-about part of our anatomies. We’re constantly on the lookout for jeans, pants, shorts or swimsuits that will slim, tuck and hold in our backsides so that we’ll feel more confident when we venture out in public.

A considerable number of fat cells (plenty more than we want) can be found in our backsides, and they aren’t likely to let go easily. You most certainly won’t acquire a tighter, firmer tush without dedicating yourself to a “kick ass” program that will eventually grant your wish.

There are exercises galore designed to tone and trim the butt, but unless you combine them with a good fat-burning diet program ? and a firm commitment, you won’t achieve the results you desire. But, if you’re truly committed to reaching your goal, the results will follow.

The best exercises to firm your butt don’t require a club membership or any special equipment. Walking and/or jogging are two of the desirable ways to tone your butt and get a cardio workout besides. Riding a bicycle and engaging in sports such as tennis, swimming and volleyball will also do wonders for the rear.

Two of the best exercises designed to firm and round out the butt are:
Front Lunges ? With your feet shoulder length apart, step forward with your left foot. Bending at the knee, bring your leg forward until the knee is over the ankle. Return to starting position and repeat with right leg. You may want to hold on to the back of a chair for balance.
Squats ? Stand with feet apart and squat down, keeping your back straight. Return to standing position and repeat several times. You may also use a chair to help keep your balance. Simply squat and let your butt touch the chair before rising to the standing position.
If you tire of the normal firming and toning exercises, try kickboxing for a change. Many health clubs now offer classes in this exhilarating and tension-busting exercise. The carefully controlled kicks combined with an aerobic workout target the butt and leg areas and also burn fat.
Don’t just dream of having a terrific tush ? commit yourself to some hard work and see the results in the mirror and in clothes that fit where it matters.

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