General Weight Loss Tips

Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

wholewheatfrenchtoast Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

Remember all that snow we got the other day? It’s all melted and sunny today. I’m so ready for spring!

This morning we had whole wheat french toast with organic blue agave maple flavored syrup. I picked up a bottle at the Fresh Market last week with this breakfast in mind (and maybe some almond flour pancakes too!). The bread was dipped in an egg/milk/cinnamon mixture and fried in the skillet like grilled cheese.

I don’t have any thoughts about using agave versus anything else, but I like that a little goes a long way and I never feel groggy after eating like I do regular syrups.

Served with half a banana and cherries.

frenchtoast Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

I have a new DVD coming in the mail and I’m so excited to get started. It’s called Strong Knees and I’m hoping it will strengthen my knees to prevent future injury and to help heal my knee from where I fell two weeks ago. From the reviews, it sounds like these exercises are exactly like the ones in physical therapy, or very similar. I like the idea of building up the muscles around my knees to give them more support with exercise and daily movement. This could be very good for runners too.

strong knees2 Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

It was hard giving up TV yesterday. I may have whined about it to Josh for 10 minutes and then I got over it. Not watching TV or a movie last night made the day seem much longer and more full. It felt like I was spending quality time with Josh rather than zoning out like I normally want to do. We ended up meditating (I always fall asleep) and listening to music and eating popcorn. It was nice.

deepak chopra Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

I also start reading Deepak Chopra’s book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You with highlighter in hand. I have a lot to share with this one!

And listening to a lot of Miike Snow these past couple of days. In fact, I’m listening as I write this. Someone recently asked me what kind of music I listen to, and my answer made me pause. I seem to gravitate towards more upbeat/poppy/electronicy music.


Random Question:

If you could hang out with a blogger for a day, who would it be? I would hang out with Olivia from Every Day Musings. Her life, photos and enthusiasm are incredible and inspiring. She is living a big life. She also makes Charleston, SC seem like the best place on earth to live.


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General Weight Loss Tips

Life Food

dinner2 22 12 Life Food

This is hands down my favorite type of home cooked meal. It’s quick and easy to put together, healthful and most of all, delicious. I used to believe that healthy food equaled boring and plan food. For me, “diet food” was gross and unappealing. Low-fat, low-carb, low-calorie. It was cold and bland, like cottage cheese. And then I came to my senses and realized that this isn’t diet food at all, this is real food. It’s satisfying and flavorful.  It’s food that makes my heart sing.  It’s life food. No sacrifice here.

dinner2 22 12x2 Life Food

Whole wheat couscous with garlic and olive oil, topped with sauteed mushrooms and fresh parmesan.

dinner2 22 12x3 Life Food

Roasted butternut squash (I swear, the most dangerous vegetable to cut!) with sea salt, olive oil, garlic and cayenne. Roasted at 425 degrees for 30 minutes. And a dark mixed greens salad and cucumbers with my own creamy dressing.

peanutbutterballs Life Food

For dessert I had four peanut and date balls. Which are exactly as they sound: roasted, salted peanuts and pitted dates in the food processor with a dash of vanilla and water. Form into balls and store in the refrigerator. They are addictive and taste a lot like peanut butter cookies, or the dough.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Not Giving Up

tortillapie Not Giving Up

Breakfast this morning was a serving of leftover tamale pie from last night’s dinner. I’ve been eating leftovers for breakfast for as long as I can remember. Food is food, right? This recipe is so easy to put together: prepared polenta, black beans, diced tomatoes, monterey jack cheese, cumin, garlic and salt. Bake and eat.

grillecheese Not Giving Up

Lunch was pretty uneventful, a grilled cheese sandwich. I always feel like I could eat like five more. So instead, I eat pineapple.

pineapple Not Giving Up

Pineapple will forever remind me of our family trip to Hawaii when I was 12. My mom was on a pineapple kick after that trip and so now they remind me of her. Mom, remember your pineapple rug?

I’m already feeling hunger pangs for dinner, what are you guys having?

Oh! I was interviewed for Fitbie (an MSN sister site) recently of an article, 10 Weight Loss Bloggers You Should Follow:

fitbieinterview Not Giving Up

I have to admit feeling a little sheepish when these sorts of things come as a result of my blog and no doubt my search engine results. Not that I don’t appreciate them, because it’s kind of cool to show it to my mom and makes me feel validated on some weird level, but I’m aware of my lack of actual consistent weight loss.

I will say that there seems to be two types of weight loss bloggers, those who lose weight, and those that don’t and stop blogging. And while I’ve been tempted to be the latter on more than one occasion, I feel good about my decision to continue sharing my life. Like I said in the interview, “I want other women to know that you can have a loving husband, awesome career, and amazing outfits right now. If someone leaves my blog with hope, that’s really it for me. I want people to see somebody who hasn’t given up.” That is very true, I’m not giving up.

Today starts Lent, are you giving up anything? I’m going to try giving up TV again (I only made it to week five last year!) and continuing with eating only when I’m hungry rule. I slipped a little this weekend (I’m looking at you, smores), so I like the idea of making it through this stretch of time eating only out of true hunger.