General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 05: Theme Song

If your life was a television show, what would its theme song be? What music would be cued at the start of the show or when you entered a scene?

Think about this past year. Is there a song that you’ve heard that has really struck a chord, one that has spoken to you? Maybe there’s a song that goes along with your one word for 2011. Maybe there is a song that you’ve heard that instantly cheers you up or makes you think of a special moment that happened this year?

If you can find a link to a video or snippet of the song or the lyrics, please share it and explain why this song is your theme song and how it relates to your 2011.

How will you resound? Follow along here.

Lyrically, this song doesn’t mean a whole lot to me. Although I can relate to these lines: “Been down one time, Been down two times, I’m never going back again.” This song came on Pandora one day and was stunned at the guitar melody. It’s so simple and beautiful. This song makes me feel emotional and hopeful and creative all at once.

General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 04: Superpower

Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound … we know you’ve got one. What’s your 2011 superpower?

For those of you going what the what … stop. Think about it for a moment: what have you learned that you can do better than anyone you know this year? What can you do that no one else can? Don’t be shy!How will you resound? Follow along here. 

This one is difficult for me. I have a hard time seeing my strengths, but this year saying yes was my superpower. I said yes to my big ideas, to failure, to trying new things, to traveling when it made me nervous, to giving new friendships a chance, to new projects and businesses, hard exercise and sweat, to getting up again, to embarrassing myself and exposing parts of myself. I said yes to a lot of equally bad and good ideas.

General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 03: Virtues

Yesterday we got down and dirty and revealed our 2011 vices; today we’ll wipe the slate clean and talk about what personal virtues we discovered in 2011.

What good have you done in 2011? Where do you really shine? What have you done that makes you proud of yourself? We know you’ve got it in you! How will you resound?

Follow along here. 

I’d say maintaining  and cultivating female friendships this year makes me proud.

I created a platform for creative women in my town to gather and have fellowship with each other. There are eight of us and these friendships are invaluable to me. They provide feedback, support and encouragement where I’ve lacked it. They make me feel less alone in this small hippie meets country town. We are different, but have commonalities. They make me feel loved and cherished. Almost all of us are married and some of us have children, and all of us run full-time businesses yet we make time for each other. These are “yes” women and I’m proud that I’ve made time for them.

The other friendships that I’ve maintained are with those I’ve known for a very long time. As I look over photos from the year, I see moments with them that we’ve created. Visits to their homes, to cities in the middle, to pumpkin patches and farmer’s markets, hours long lunches and birthdays. And again, making time and planning for these moments this year makes me happy.

And last, but not least. Getting together with online, turned real/offline friendships. Trips to DC and Lexington, holiday swaps and pod casts. These times are invaluable to me. We laughed until it hurts. We crack jokes at each other. I look forward to more of these gatherings next year.