Weight Loss Exercise

How to Keep A Food Journal

Though exercise and weight training are very important factors for increasing your fitness and losing weight, you absolutely cannot outwork a bad diet. Your body needs certain nutrients to thrive, and it needs them in the right quantities to create the physique you want. A food journal can help you to understand exactly what’s going into your body, leaving you better equipped to plan your workouts and calorie goals.

When you write down everything you’re eating each day, you automatically become a lot more mindful about food. It’s easy to snack away on junk all day without really thinking about it, but when it comes time to write down every single thing you’ve eaten you might be shocked! This alone is motivation enough for many people to lose weight.

What To Track In Your Food Journal

Food Journal

How to Track your eating in a Food Journal

If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important that your food journal shows that you created a calorie deficit for the day – that is, that you ate fewer calories than those you burned off through exercise. If you’re trying to build muscle, on the other hand, you’ll need to eat extra calories. Although you might think you can track this mentally, a journal is far more effective.

If you’re into bodybuilding then you’ll also want to keep track of your macronutrients throughout the day. When working out your bodybuilding aims, you’ll know how many proteins, fats and carbohydrates you should eat each day. A journal will ensure you’re keeping on track. If you’ve made progress, or are suffering from a lack of progress, then you can even look back through your food journal to try and find out why.

So, on a most basic level you should include the name of the food, the size of the portion and the number of calories it contained. You can also include details of protein, carbs and fats, and you can make use of a digital kitchen scale or a smartphone app if you want to note down more detailed stats.

If you’re an emotional eater then you can also use the food journal as a place to note down how you feel when you eat certain foods. This will leave you more connected to your emotions and in a much better position to understand the triggers that cause you to eat more than you should.

Yes, a food journal does take effort. However, if you start a new weight loss or diet goal without keeping track of your progress, the chances are strong that you’ll just give up without really trying.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Does Fiber Help Lose Weight?

Fiber – we can’t digest it and it provides us with no calories or nutrients, yet we know that it’s good for us and most of us need more. What is it exactly, and what is it about fiber that makes it so healthy for us?

What is Fiber?

Fiber is simply the part of the plant foods we eat that we aren’t able to break down in our digestive systems. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber will form a gel when dissolved in water. This type of fiber will slow down the rate of your digestion, leaving you feeling fuller for longer, and off of fewer calories, too! Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve, instead, passing through your digestive tract intact. It fills you up and “scrubs out” your insides by collecting toxins and fats, and taking them out when it passes.

You shouldn’t focus on getting specific amounts of any one type of fiber. Eating a healthy and varied diet will take care of that for you. The only thing you should be trying to do to get more fiber is eat healthier foods on a consistent basis.

Does Fiber Help Lose Weight?

Does Fiber Help Lose Weight?

Does Fiber Help Lose Weight?

Fiber affects weight loss because of the effect it has on our sense of hunger. Your feelings of hunger are controlled by many things, including the amounts of carbs, fat, protein, water and fiber that are present in the things you eat. Eating healthy amounts of an appropriate mix of these foods will eliminate excess hunger and cravings.

Did you know that people eat basically the same amount of food each day. There aren’t usually any drastic changes in the amount people eat from day to day – aside from special occasions that may call for pigging out, that is. When you replace some of the foods you eat with foods that are high in fiber, you’re doing one of the best things you can for weight loss. After all, fiber adds no calories to your diet and most fiber rich foods have ver y little calories compared to other foods of the same weight or volume. It helps you feel full faster, and for longer periods of time. It also absorbs fat, leaving less of it for your body to digest. And most fiber rich foods require you to chew more because of their texture, and this simple act of slowing the rate at which you eat is the perfect way to avoid overeating.

Fiber Helps Blood Sugar

Plus it’s good for your blood sugar. You may think that’s something only diabetics would be concerned with, but everyone – especially those trying to lose weight – should be aware of the consequences of consuming sugar. When you eat sugar or foods like refined carbohydrates that turn into blood sugar quickly, your pancreas is signaled to release insulin. When the body is flooded with insulin, your brain thinks you have more than enough energy (calories) to keep you going, so it shuts off the fat burning systems in your body. Plus, the spike in insulin that occurs after eating sugar or refined carbs is followed by a big dip in insulin levels, leaving your body exhausted and craving more sugar and calories. It can quickly turn into a vicious cycle that will leave you hunting for candy bars when you should be working out.

So, now you know exactly why you should be getting more fiber, and you’re ready to start. Before you go doing anything drastic, though, you need to know how to use fiber safely. Even though it’s extremely healthy for you, it’s never a wise move to overdo anything. Too much fiber can prevent your body from absorbing nutrients or utilizing medications. Upping your dosage too quickly can lead to uncomfortable gas and possibly constipation.

The best way to get your fiber is to eat more plant based foods. Sure it’s not as convenient as those juice flavored fiber supplements you mix with water, but it’s better because supplements don’t keep you feeling as full as food sources of fiber do. Plus food sources that are high in fiber are usually high in vitamins, minerals and nutrients that will indirectly assist your body with fat burning.

Anytime you eat fiber you should be drinking lots of water to go along with it. This will keep your stools comfortably soft and help even more with weight loss, being that water is right up there with fiber when it comes to making you feel full and satisfied.

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy weight loss regimen, and most people don’t eat enough, especially with the prevalence of convenient foods. Get more fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains in your diet and you’ll notice you have less room in your stomach for the unhealthy stuff. Your weight will start dropping and you’ll feel a lot better, too.

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Weight Loss Exercise

What is Mediterranean Diet?

What is Mediterranean Diet? One of the most popular, yet often misunderstood diet plans on the market today is the Mediterranean Diet. While everyone reading this can safely assume that the Mediterranean Diet is, in fact, derived from the style of eating implemented by the people of that particular region, there are many specifics that are simply not known.

I have heard this diet being compared to the South Beach Diet on numerous occasions, and this is certainly a fair comparison. It is an eating plan which is primarily made up of lean meats and fresh vegetables, but again, the specifics of the Mediterranean Diet are really what set it apart from the rest.

What is Mediterranean Diet

For example, red meats, eggs, and dairy are very seldom used on this eating plan. Individuals residing in the countries and territories surrounding the Mediterranean most often consume fish as their source of animal protein. Another key distinction is the fact that this animal protein is one of the last priorities on the diet.

In fact, fresh vegetables and fruits rule the land! Olive oil and whole grains take second place, followed by wild fish and small amounts of red wine.

What is Mediterranean Diet?

What is Mediterranean Diet

The key is healthy fats, primarily Omega-3 fatty acid, which is absolutely wonderful for raising the good cholesterol while lowering the bad. And because this high level of unsaturated fat is super clean burning, it actually trains your body to use fat as fuel… including your much hated body fat!

One reason so many people have turned to the Mediterranean Diet as their weight loss plan of choice is the incredible health-enhancing benefits they believe it to include. Common sense will tell you that these people are not off-base in this belief. In fact, when is the last time you heard that a diet high in fruits and vegetables, keen on whole grains and Omega fatty acids, and rich in antioxidants was bad for you? Most likely, never.

The antioxidant properties of this diet have been shown to be beneficial in combatting heart disease (hello, the number one killer in the Western World!) and certain forms of cancer (not too far behind)… this is a diet that anyone who values their health, and not just quick weight loss, can get behind.

Not only is this eating plan safe, effective, healthy, and logical… but it’s not weird! What do I mean? The ingredients are very basic and are available in any grocery store. This provides a kind of convenience that many diet plans can’t seem to provide.

Since I first heard of the Mediterranean Diet (maybe 10 years ago), I have yet to hear one bad word uttered against it. It’s practically the poster child for what common sense would tell you is a healthy, responsible diet. Crisp, fresh produce, unaltered grains, fresh wild fish, and lots of healthy cold-pressed olive oil. Hey, is anyone else getting hungry? Now you really know better What is Mediterranean Diet.

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