General Weight Loss Tips

Living By My Mission

Figuring out what I want is key. Any time that familiar voice tells me “Well you could eat a pint of ice cream. No one would know. You could just start over tomorrow. You deserve it.” I have a back up plan, and that plan is my mission. My mission is to do what is good for me, not what I think I deserve momentarily.

Binge eating takes me away from my mission. My mission is to be the best version of myself every day. To be present and engaged, to create, to be good to myself and my husband, to be good to others, to spread and share creativity and hope.

When I eat too much I can’t participate. I can’t be there for myself or anyone else. I have no energy, no hope, and no will to create or follow through with my mission. Food in excess robs me of time and I’m a firm believer that time is the most precious thing we have. How I spend that time is crucial. Not seeking perfection, but giving myself the best possible chance.

The struggle these past couple of weeks is knowing the difference between binge eating and frequent vs. occasional overeating. And being okay with this part of the journey which has not been completely effortless. But, I trust it eventually will be.

When I’m challenged I do two things. One, I realize that my desire to eat too much is just that, a desire. Acting on that desire means nothing more than getting out of the discomfort of having the urge. I don’t force it away, I just sit with it. I also remind myself of my mission and the decision becomes more clear. Binge eating (or even frequent overeating) is not apart of my mission and the bigger picture of what I want for myself.

Do you have a mission?

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General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 01: One Word

What is one word to describe your 2011? Why does that word sum up your year? (We’ll be writing about our one word for 2012 later, so just focus on this year!)

(follow along here)

I couldn’t resist following along with the blog girls. These questions are difficult for me  to answer. All the more reason to participate.

The word for 2011 would be: Mistakes. I don’t mean for that to sound negative  as I’m a firm believer in making lots of mistakes. I believe that mistakes are essential to growth and knowledge. I learned a lot this year.

I made a lot of mistakes this year. A lot. I had lots of failed ideas. I started way too many projects. I didn’t  have a plan. I stopped and started so many times. I got people involved in my big ideas. I said yes when I should have said no. I trusted way too easily. I said more than I should have on more than one occasion. I let go of my privacy.  I let my ideals and virtues slide. I took shortcuts and skipped steps. I put my self-worth in the hands of others. I let anger and hurt linger too long. I can’t think of another recent year where I’ve made more mistakes and I’m thankful that I can see them for what they are. I’m forgiving myself.