Weight Loss Exercise

Foods to Avoid for Better Health

Today I want to write about the foods to avoid for better health. So yesterday, just as a recap I wrote about the five things you should eat. Meat, veggies, fruit, milk, water. I know that these are the staples of what we should eat but I know that as a core we do not tend to eat just those things.

But here is the thing, eat those foods as the basis of your daily diet. Everything else is extra and not as good.

So I want to make a short list of what to avoid or not eat as much of. These may seem obvious but the point is that what we put in our mouth is often not well though through.

Foods to Avoid for Better Health

Foods to Avoid for Better Health

Foods to Avoid for Better Health

1. Bread – I know that this is a very broad one but bread, although offering some carbs and nutrients is not a core food to me. I eat it but I also do try to avoid it (breadsticks anyone?). This is not the worst food but your body can turn this into fat fairly quickly as the calories are pretty dense.

2. Rice and Potatoes – Another complex carb these two are the basis of most people dinners. You have a piece of meat, a vegetable, and a half a plate of mashed potatoes or rice. Both of these do have some nutrients but because of the carbs per once of food the calories will add up quick and be stored as fat in your body

3. Fried Foods – Frying food in many parts of the world is a constant and normal type of cooking. Fried chicken, fried fish, french fries, deep fried snickers bars. There are a couple problems with these fried foods and these are the loss of nutrients in the frying process and the gobs of calories in fat added needlessly to the food.

4. Pop or Soda – Apparently what I call pop in Canada is called soda in America. Anyway these are of course empty calories and I am as guilty as many for this. I have a can a coke a day which is the equivalent number of calories as a regular meal. There is no redeeming value in sodas, no nutrients, contain caffeine, and they work as a diuretic robbing your body of water.

5. Sweet or fried Snacks – This should be obvious to everyone so it was an easy one for this list. Sugar turns to fat easily, no nutrients, blood sugar peaks and valleys. These snacky foods that can fill a pantry easily are not at all good, mostly very bad and should be avoided.

So lets have a caveat here. I take shots at the food above and we all know why we should avoid it but they are around and we still want to eat them right? I am a real person and I do eat all of the above but the fact is that we need to realize the importance of good eating and the result of bad eating. I would not expect anyone to completely take all of the above out of their eating plans but at the same time you have to be careful.

This leads me into what I want to write about tomorrow which is sacrificing food habits and how to avoid it.

Hope this list of foods to avoid for better health just helps you think about things as they are today.

General Weight Loss Tips

Soul Food and The Diet

I can say with total confidence that there is nothing  nutritionally redeeming about this meal. It was floury, sugary, buttery, and deep fried. This is exactly that I ate Saturday afternoon, it was brunch and it was out of this world. For the past month I’ve allowed myself to have an indulgent meal or two on the weekends and this was no exception. Although I will say that I’ve had nothing truly this indulgent in a very long time.

I can also say with total confidence that if you’re ever in Roanoke Virginia, Thelma’s Chicken and Waffles is a must. This was by far the best fried chicken and waffle I’ve ever had. The waffle tasted like a snickerdoodle cookie. The potatoes were fried, buttered and seasoned to perfection. And the chicken was insanely good. We did not speak. We ate. I ate 3/4 of my waffle and gave the rest to Josh. It was that rich.

I will say though,  as good as this meal was, it did not make me feel good physically. Not that you’re surprised. I mean, look at it. Everything is brown!

This brings me to my next observation and thoughts and wonderment: my diet. For the past two months since I’ve changed up my diet (yet again) I’ve stopped buying the following: bread, cheese (occasionally I will buy raw cheddar or feta), milk, processed snacks such as crackers and cereal and frozen pizzas. Our meals at home consist of breakfast, eggs and bacon, yogurt with jam, or oatmeal with various mix-ins. Occasionally I will have a Kind bar or Pure bar. For lunch I will have stir fry, or a salad. Dinner is something Chinese inspired. I’ve been making vegetable stir fry with peanuts or cashews or a regular basis.

When I eat out on weekends, or at someone’s house, I eat pretty much what I want. Not excessively in portion, but just whatever is handed to me or I feel like eating. I still say no to sugar most of the time. This year, since giving up refined sugars, I can count on both hands how many times I’ve had dessert. Last year, I didn’t have enough hands.

In the past two months I’ve lost 18 pounds with stalls when I get out of “the zone”. It’s still a struggle. The internet makes me feel food shy, as in, scared to share. When you share, you invite criticsm and advice. Two things I don’t deal well with especially when it feels short sighted on unjustified. Nothing annoys me more than an opinion pretending to be authority. How do you guys deal with it? Why do we care so much about what other people eat?

And I’m no different. I follow the blog of a radio/tv personality who recently lost 60+ pounds. She looks great! But her daily food logs are disappointing. Her calorie goal is 1,100-1,200 a day. And most of those calories come from candy, coffee, cottage cheese, cookies and pizza crust to name a few. When she has what I would call a successful day of eating healthful foods, she calls a “bad” day because her calories float towards the 1,500 mark. I would never say anything directly to her in a comment, and I can guarantee she isn’t reading this blog. But, I know what it’s like to want to fix people. To want to suggest that they can do better. I get that.

But I’m getting to a point in my weight loss journey where it is hard for me to share. It is hard for me to say “I’m trying this” and then not following through exactly, or changing things around so much that my head spins. In the past two months I’ve lost 18 pounds, but I still feel like I’m spinning my wheels. Taking two steps forward and two steps back. I get in the zone. Where it’s easy. You guys know what I’m talking about. The weight loss zone, where everything is mindful, you feel hunger and full, you’re making good decisions, you’re feeling confident and positive, the scale is moving down. You can see your future self, continuing down this path. It’s like it never was before.

And then poof. It’s gone. You’re out of the zone and it feels like someone plunked you down in the middle of the sea without a life jacket. It happens quickly and without warning. And it leaves me wondering from the head space of assumed observers…was I too strict? not strict enough?  and why oh why can I not stick to anything?

This is why so many people stop blogging about weight loss. It is hard to continue putting yourself out there. To continue to observe, to continue to make new declarations, that this time, no really, this time I will do it. It’s gonna happen. And after five years, it’s hard not feel a little pain and discomfort from it. To have your failures in writing. It becomes glaringly obvious what you’re doing wrong, and everyone is happy to tell you.

I commend myself for continuing to be here. To continue to over share exactly why this is hard for me. I didn’t think I’d last this long. It is painful to still be here, right where I was before. To have clear mistakes and missteps right in front of me. To have the opinions of others who are in “the zone” hovering over me ready to lead me down the righteous path. Their path. Willing to hand over their key to success…if only you’d stop…if only you did this…all you have to do is that…this is where you’re wrong… this is what you should be eating…you’re too hard on yourself…you’re not hard enough… please stop eating bacon…please stop eating fruit… you just need to write it all down… just do what i did…

I realize that I contradict myself, I make big claims, I declare that I’ve changed. And I have changed. But I’m still fat. And some days I’m hopeful that I won’t always be, while others I wonder how I can be any other way. I’m dishing out my issues and my desire to change on a weekly basis. I know what to do, I know what it looks like, I even know what it feels like. I’ve had temporary success.

I love feeling exhausted from exercise. I yearn for the feeling of sweat and fatigue. I love the feeling of an empty stomach. I love the feeling of control that comes from documenting it all. I love the high from feeling above my weight, the feeling of I got this. But it’s oh so fleeting because as much as I strive for it all, I toss a brick at it any chance I get. To prove to myself, nope not this time.

So this is me un-declaring myself from all the promises I’ve made. The promise to stop eating sugar or flour until I’m at least minus 100 on the scale. The promise to do it all in one years time. To do it all quickly. To do it on your terms or their terms or by the book or the rules. There will be times when I pass on something to eat, just because. There may be times when I eat too much. I want to free myself shackles of weight loss, the guilt, the shame from not being there. I’m okay as a fat woman. I am beautiful. Have you seen my eyes lately? They sparkle. I have full lips. Hair that sometimes stays in place. I have hands that type for me. A mind that is endlessly curious.

All I truly want is to fill my heart with that which truly makes me happy. Overeating has never made me truly happy. The only declaration I can make is to stop eating for no reason, past fullness, past feeling, past emotions. To stop and think about what I’m doing to myself. I know and always have known what good food looks like for me. The only promise that I can make to myself is to stop eating past fullness or the wrong reasons. I can’t promise that it will always be the healthiest choice, or not involve butter, but I can make a real promise to eat less of whatever it is. To enjoy and savor, rather than stuff. A successful day is one where I eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m full. If that involves anything from  fried chicken to a lovely salad, then so be it.

This is not a halt in the journey to be less fat, I thrive when I count calories. This is me claiming my fatness in an honest way. Why I’m still here and how I can strive towards a healthier body without punishment or belittlement. Without the temporary high that comes from The Zone. The self-righteous, I got this. Because I don’t. I never did. I don’t know what it looks like, but all I ask from myself and from you is to release me from expectations and perfection. I know there are healthier things to eat than bacon and eggs, but lord help me if I will stop eating them. I know fruit has sugar, but I will always congratulate myself for grabbing grapes instead of cookies, just like I did this afternoon.




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General Weight Loss Tips


As usual you guys never cease to amaze me. Who knew so many women would show up to yesterday’s conversation and share their experience? I’m not alone. And we can figure out a way to cope. And more importantly keep going. I found that  the act of writing about my issues with PMS helped tremendously. Coming clean, as to say- here it is, this is where I’m going to need help. Writing is the best therapy for me. It makes me lighter.

I’m doing well. Hell, I’m doing good even. Yes I am dealing with 4 pounds of water weight, but who cares? 4 pounds is not the big picture. It’s silly. It’s water. It will go away and then more will go away and I will be a better person for sticking it out. My weight does not make me a bad person. This is a daily reminder. Being obese is not a crime.

And this brings me to my next topic: contradiction. I would say 100% that my beliefs and ideas contradict each other. This may be confusing to some people that know me. “But you said yesterday…” yes, but I changed my mind. Or I’ve decided that this and that need to go together. It’s just how I am and the way I eat is no different.

Case in point: Since starting “paleo/eating better for me” I’ve taken grains and sugar out of my diet. I’ve cut down on dairy, starches and simple carbs. But. But is big here. I will eat them. And have eaten them. While traveling and dining with friends over the weekend I realized how insane we sound. “No thanks, I’ll pass on the bread. Sure, I’ll have a drink. Gnocci? yeah, sure why not?”. What?!!?

Call it justification, but here’s the deal. I’m learning that rules can be broken and personalized. I know what is and isn’t a good idea for me. I skipped on bread and chose to eat a sensible portion of gnocchi. I was hungry, it came with my meal, I ate it. Yes it’s a starch. Yes I said no to bread. Aren’t they one in the same? Technically, yes.

Here’s another example. On our way home we stopped at Cracker Barrel for dinner. We both chose the home style fried chicken. Skipped the bread and skipped the starchy sides. Drank water and didn’t have dessert. In the past, I would have had the fried chicken with mashed potatoes, a house salad drenched in ranch, two biscuits, sweet tea and bring on the apple cobbler! The difference is notable and real. Is the chicken breaded and deep fried? Yes! I ordered it with green beans and a salad. Skimped on the dressing and gave some chicken to the husband.

Want another example? In Charlottesville I had frozen yogurt from Sweet Frog. A planned treat. I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted a big cup of frozen yogurt topped with candy. So what do I do? I eat a very light breakfast of eggs. Skip lunch (not hungry). Have a light dinner (the gnocchi one from above) and then indulge in frozen yogurt. And topped it off with a long walk. I was even under my calories for the day.

I will have the occasional iced latte. I have brown rice almost every single day for dinner. I will put feta or goat cheese on a salad. I’m okay with all of these decisions because they aren’t what brought me here. 1 cup of brown rice a day didn’t make me obese. I don’t sneak around with salads with feta and the iced latte without sugar? We have a solid friendship. If I said no to all of these things, I wouldn’t last a week. I would be sad and cry a little. They aren’t the problem.

Pints of ice cream. Large frozen pizzas. Ordering meals with the most food. Stuffing myself. Snacks. Eating without hunger. Starting over…tomorrow will be better. I will be healthier next week. This mentality brought me to obesity. Consuming so much that I can’t move is the problem.

I’m slowly getting the point. Making better decisions. Planning. And while it may all sound like one big contradiction, it’s working for me. I know where to say no and where to say yes and the biggest point? I’m okay with it all. Being okay with the decision to eat a big bowl of frozen yogurt stops me from wanting more. It keeps me present. I’m here, I’m enjoying this and when it’s gone I can go on with my life.

I have events and dinners going on all the time. If I go to a friends house and they serve me a big plate of grains or lasagna, I’m not going to turn my nose up and say “ewww carbs!” I will enjoy, stop when I’m full and move on. I may eat lighter during the day or make sure I exercise or say no to dessert.

This is why I don’t like telling people what I’m doing because it doesn’t make much sense. In total. I’m eating less. I’m being pickier. I’m avoiding triggers. And if faced with something particularly delicious. I feel like I can enjoy it and move on with a plan of action.  I can stick with the low grains/sugar thing most of the time. At home, it’s no big deal. And that’s when it matters most. What I do most of the time is more important than what I do on occasion.

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