General Weight Loss Tips

Today What Did I Do…


I love these questions. Today what did I do for my mind, my body, my spirit, my relationships, my creativity and passion? This pretty much sums it up for me and all the notes that I want to hit on my path.

I have to tell you, this form of journaling is meditative and peaceful. It clears my mind and helps me to focus. Yesterday was a busy day, and I still managed to cook for myself and my husband, I made time for friends and  family, I took a few minutes to write, I was creative, I moved and I ate well.

Today, what will you for your mind? body? spirit? relationships? creativity and passion?

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General Weight Loss Tips

My Potential Excites Me

September marks the beginning of my favorite season of the year, Fall! I love you Fall, we’re good friends. I cannot for the life of me enter Fall without thinking of school supplies, apples, pumpkins, hay rides and craft festivals. And though it’s not technically Fall, the chilly mornings in Floyd remind me that it’s just around the corner. I have a strong desire to throw on a hoodie with flip flops and enjoy a cup of coffee outside. It’s gonna happen.

So goals. I was talking to my lady friends Krissie and Miranda via email yesterday and said something that I wanted to share here. A big something that has been bothering me and as soon as I wrote it, I felt better and realized that wow, I am really way too hard on myself.

“I would like to be more zen about my blogging process and not worry so much about negativity or advice that comes my way when I blog for me. I have thin skin, it’s bad. I care too much. And when I do go back and reread, I cringe. I cringe about failed challenges, promises and goals. I cringe that I continue to put myself out there and fall short. I cringe that people read what I write. My poor writing skills, my inability to stick with anything. It often feels like blogging puts a big flashlight on everything I do wrong in my life. I wanted to do a september goals post, but I’m so paralyzed about the public display of goals and failed attempts that it just makes me too sad to continue putting myself out there.”

And for reasons that I will never talk about in this space, I know exactly why I keep feeling this way. Inadequate. I lead my life like I’m not good enough because for many reasons, deep down, as good as I try to be, I don’t feel good enough. And honestly, if this doesn’t make trying to change your life and take care of yourself that much harder, I don’t know what is.

This is heavy stuff and I don’t put it out in the world because I want people to tell me that I’m awesome. My husband, friends and family reassure me that I’m doing good things. For the duration of my life I’ve been yearning for other people to validate me, to make me feel worthy. And let me tell you, if you’re waiting for the world to make you feel good about youself, you’re going to be waiting for a very long time. Stacked up against every other person in the world, you will never be enough. But for you, you can be everything. I speak in “yous” often, but what I mean is “me”. I’m telling this to myself because it’s blaringly obvious to everyone else, words that I hear often: you’re to hard on yourself. Yes, I know.

And even as I type this. I hear the voice in my head talking in a very stern voice. You aren’t good enough. If you ever accept yourself you will never change. People think you’re stupid. No one respects you. Why aren’t you doing better? You have to feel bad about yourself to do anything right. And it’s all bullshit. Because I dare anyone who reads this to tell me it didn’t take them years before they were success with weight loss, their career or whatever it is that they’re trying to be good at. Or I dare anyone who reads this to tell me that they haven’t made the same goal many times before it clicked. Or anyone to fail at something all the time. I fail constantly at trying to lose weight. But, my goodness it so does not have to define me. I choose to put myself here, I continue to make goals, because it gets me up in the morning. My potential excites me. I have strong hope, despite the negative voice in my head, that I can do whatever it is that I seek out to do. It may not look like it should, the path is bumpy and unreliable, but that doesn’t mean much. I’m not just a fat person. I’m not just a person who battles with the insane desire to eat until I’m sick. This isn’t all that I am.

Lawsy, that was a lot. I’m answering my own questions in these lengthy posts. The more that I write the more I resolve what it is that I’m seeking. And I know at the heart of it, this is why I continue to write here. Why I share even when it’s embarrassing to admit that I didn’t follow through, yet again, because oh my lord, do you guys really care? Do you care that I’m still here? Do you care that I make goals and meet a fourth of them, do you think I’m a failure? And if you do, should it really matter to me?

Should I care if you think it was crazy to start Paleo? Or crazy to said I wouldn’t eat sugar for a whole year and then six months later eat ice cream over the weekend with my husband? Or not worth continuing to make goals because I didn’t always get to the place I was headed? I’m writing this to myself now: I am worth every single goal I set for myself. I am worth the hope of being better every single day. And more importantly I’m worth the effort. Being healthy is the ultimate goal, and I so deserve the outcome.

It’s funny, when I started this public journey almost five (five!!) years ago, I thought it would be simple. I thought I would plug in my points, go to the meetings, and blog my experience. I lost 50 pounds in NYC, but I was walking all the freakin’ time. Weight loss was how I got around in New York, on my own two feet. And while there is no doubt a lesson in that, I’ve come to realize that I’ve been avoiding the elephant in the room: Dealing with my head first. I can start a million programs or exercise regimens, and while on their own, when successful may boost my self-worth, I have to decide first that I’m worth the effort. That has never been my goal. I’ve wanted to lose weight because I was teased, because some members of my family have/had issue with my weight, because I don’t feel respected because of my weight, because I worry what others thing, because I want my husband to be proud, because I want to show everyone else that I’m worth their time. If I don’t believe I’m worth the work, then even at 130 pounds, not many people will believe it either.

And nine paragraphs later. I’m ready to make some goals for September. Some are big, some are small and I’m okay with not being perfect. These are goals based on habits and activities that make me feel good about myself.

1) Keep a private journal. Writing is my therapy (can you tell?), it helps me to process information and sort through my feelings. It makes me feel lighter.

2) Cook more. I have so many saved recipes that I want to make. My diet is wide open now. There are no off limit foods anymore. I want to explore everything this month. I want to be in my kitchen every single day trying something new. I want to feed my husband and myself really good food. Life changing food.

3) Keep a food journal. Nothing helps me more than keeping a food journal. Especially when I’m actually doing it. I love going back to see what I was eating. I love challenging myself with questions of “am I really hungry?” , “do I really want this?” As always, you can follow me on Myfitnesspal, I’m Lorriebee.

4) Create an exercise schedule with Josh. We’re working on a calendar this month, I will share when it’s done.

5) Believe in myself and surround myself with inspiring thoughts.




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Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

Whether you’re fasting to lose weight, cleanse your body or for a spiritual experience, you’ll want to do what you can to ensure that the fast is successful. When a fast is successful you can see it in your eyes and skin and feel it inside your body. Your eyes will be clear and bright, inside organs will feel renewed and begin to work properly ? and your outside organ (skin) will glow. These fasting tips should lead you in the right direction, but you should also make sure you’re following the directions of the fasting plan you choose.

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

One of the main ways you can ensure fasting success is to select a time to fast when your life is least demanding. Stress and a noisy and chaotic environment will keep you from focusing on the fast and how you’re reacting to it. You’ll need to slow down while you’re fasting, meditate, keep a journal and allow no distractions that will pull you away from the fasting plan.

Don’t begin with a fasting plan you can’t possibly keep up with. If you’re new to fasting, don’t begin with a strict water diet and plan to be on it for days. A better plan would be one that allows fruit juices and fruits and vegetables. As long as you’re eating something, you won’t be as apt to become discouraged and quit the fast. If you enjoyed the fast and the benefits received you can later move on to a more rigorous plan.

Is Fasting Deprivation?

Fasting is the height of deprivation for some ? and a new-found friend for others. If you tell friends and family about the upcoming fasting plan you may have a different reaction than what you think. Some might warn that you’ll become ill or a number of other reasons that you should quit the fast immediately. Others may simply be skeptical of the process. Avoid negative comments and thoughts about the fast by keeping the plan mostly to yourself. If you follow these fasting tips and the instructions for the type of fast you chose, you should do well.

Prepare your body for the fasting process by cutting down on the amount of calories you consume. If you’re used to eating lots of fast foods, carbohydrates and sugar-laden foods, cut them drastically before the fast. Your body will be more ready to accept the nutrients and vitamins contained in your new diet. Also, avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

You’ll need a good juicer for a juice fast and then afterward for creating your own. Juices at the supermarket contain additives and preservatives that you won’t want to contaminate your newly-cleansed body. The same goes for fruits, vegetables and teas ? be sure they’re fresh and organically grown.

The most important of these fasting tips is to see your health care provider for a complete checkup before embarking on a fast plan or any other diet that might make your system react in a negative manner. If you already have a health problem, such as diabetes, it’s even more important for you to have a checkup before beginning to fast.