Weight Loss Exercise

Quest Natural Protein Bar Review

Quest nutrition sent me a box of their protein bars a little while ago to try out and I have to say that I really enjoyed them.

I have eaten protein bars on and off for years and they certainly are a great way to keep your nutrition up and to recover from workouts so over the years I have tried dozens of different bars and am proud of it. A good protein bar will fill me up and aid me in recovery from exercise and depending on the size they tend to be low in calories

If you want to know more about the Quest protein bars in particular I can tell you that they are very good. When shopping for bars in the past I have found that the protein bars that you buy at your local grocery store are usually made from pretty poor quality ingredients. Usually you will find bars with crappy quality protein and sweetened with sugar, not much better than a candy bar.

Is the Quest Natural Protein Bar Good for You?

Quest Natural Protein Bar ReviewHonestly, no one in my house likes protein bars so I got to eat them all (except two) and firstly the flavor was very good. Usually protein bars come in chocolate or some kind of chocolate variation but these bars came in flavors like apple pie, cinnamon roll, coconut cashew, and Strawberry Cheesecake. I have been nervous to try the Strawberry Cheesecake protein bar since I don’t like cheesecake. All of the bars that I tried tasted really great.

Next is the fillingness of the bars. One of the reasons that you are eating a bar like these is to try and use it as a meal replacement and the reason that a chocolate bar or other snack is not a good meal replacement is two-fold, first the nutrition is not usually there and secondly it does not fill you up. The Quest Natural Protein bar is very chewy so it takes time to eat and has 17 grams of fiber so it is filling for a longer time.

I am not saying here that you should live on protein bars, we all need fruits and veggies and the micro nutrients that come from the fresh food that we eat but these bars are great for post workout muscle repair and I find that instead of looking for crappy food to eat these bars come in handy.

So going back to my earlier point about the crap nutrition that most protein bars have I can tell you that the Quest Protein bars are quite a bit better, unbelievablly they have things like almonds, strawberries, and whey protein in them so they are definitely more healthy then some gunk made in a lab instead of food based products.

Do I recommend these Protein bars?

The bar I have in my hand right now is the Strawberry Cheesecake and it is 60 grams (a normal candy bar is about 45 grams), and it has 20 grams of protein which is a meal worth, and is a total of 160 calories. Plus this bar has 17 grams of fiber which is the amount an average American gets a day total even though we should be getting more like 35-40 grams. So nutritionally this is pretty packed with nutrients.

I was not really sure if I was looking at the Quest Nutrition Protein bars as a normal person would, and by normal I mean someone that has not eaten a lot of protein bars in the past so I started looking at reviews and it seems I am not alone in my love for these bars. They taste great, they are filling as a meal replacement, and they are good for you as well.

I have to say that I am very thankful that these guys turned me on to their bars, the Quest Natural Protein bar is great and great for you

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How to Lose 10 Pounds

How to lose 10 Pounds? Often people are not really overweight but instead are just looking at how to lose 10 pounds that have been hanging around for a few weeks or even a few years that they do not know how to get rid of. Well I have a few ideas on how to lose 10 pounds now and fast that should get you on the right track.

How to Lose 10 Pounds

how to lose 10 pounds1. When trying to lose weight it comes down to energy in and energy out. There is no real way around this. To lose 10 pounds you need to burn 35000 calories more than you take in. The math doesn’t lie and you can’t lie to a scale either.

2. Most of our body is water and because of this there is water retention. Your body combats what is throwing off electrolytes or stress or other factors and it will naturally retain water.

3. Fat is high in calories. High water foods are low in calories. In order to change that input output ratio you need to raise the amount of low calorie density foods and lower the amount of high caloric density foods. so eat less red meat and fatty deep fried food and eat more fruits and veggies which are high in water content and nutrients.

4. All weight loss comes with a reason. What is the reason that you want to lose the weight? When you are hungry and drive by a McDonalds or KFC and just want to do drive thru what is going to stop you? Certainly not losing weight.

How to Lose 10 Pounds – Pulling this all together

So how do you pull all of this together? how to lose 10 pounds?

When you want to know how to lose weight it comes down to planning. Plan to drink a lot more water, it will make you pee more often but will also clean you out and give you move energy. You also have to get more exercise and by exercise I mean try to get one hour of exercise of any kind in a day. This needs to be exercise that you like and not exercise that just feels like work as that will not be sustainable.

As far as eating goes you will need to get back to those core eating habits of eating fruit and vegetables and reducing the amount of heavy carbs like rice and potatoes and make sure to eat often. Eating smaller meals more often will keep that metabolism up for you.

How to Lose 10 Pounds – Here are more Lose 10 pounds tips

  1. Eat all your food in 5 or 6 meals a day instead of three
  2. Cut back on your White carbs (rice, potatoes, pasta) and substitute with vegetables, which are higher in water and nutrients anyway
  3. Exercise first thing in the morning by walking or light jogging or even biking for 30 to 45 minutes
  4. Drink water from morning until night to stave off those urges to eat more food and to keep your metabolism up
  5. Eat all your food in those 5 or 6 meals before 7:30 at night so that you are not going to sleep on a full stomach

Finally if you want to know the real secret of how to lose 10 pounds you need to worry about why you are trying to lose weight. On those days where it is really tough to diet or exercise or make good decisions then you need to be very clear what the heck this weight loss sacrifice is for.

  • Is it going to make you more healthy, losing 10 pounds will make you a lot healthier.
  • Or do you want to fit into smaller clothes?
  • Or is it a goal to prove that you are in control of yourself?

All of these reasons and more are important. Write you reasons down and post them up everywhere. Make sure that you never forget the WHY of how to lose 10 pounds.

So now you know what I know about how to lose 10 pounds the rest is up to you to plan, eat, drink, exercise and follow through on your goal.

How to Lose 10 Pounds, 4.2 out of 5 based on 155 ratings

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Weight Loss Exercise

Tips for Healthy Travel

Healthy travel seems like a crazy and oppressive way to not have fun when on the road and that is that last thing I want to tell someone to do. Travel is a time for changing lifestyle and exploring what you haven’t seen. I find myself that the trouble with all of this is at we also have a problem staying in shape and staying healthy.

It all comes with our priorities and how we plan.

When you travel the planning needs to happen before you leave home and will finish when you get home so here are 10 tips to help you stay in shape and arrive home in even better shape then you left

Eating tips for Healthy Travel

1. Pack snacks for the road – whether I am traveling in a car or in a plane I am never sure where my next snack will come from so I always pack my backpack with some fruit. I have always worried about this when going through security at the airport but fact is I have never been stopped so it seems to be ok to bring some fruit.

Healthy Travel Tips

Healthy Travel Tips

2. Water not Soda – It is very easy to drink some soda or juice and I know that this will happen when I travel so I always stop at a grocery store in my destination and buy bottles of water. I don’t tend to pack water before as it is not allowed past airport security but it is always handy to have a bottle or two in the car for healthy travel outside of airports.

3. Eat local food – One of the great things about travel is the fact that you get a chance to eat locally grown produce as well as the local cuisine from an area. The sooner that you can eat fresh fruits and veggies after they are picked the better they are for you, so try to find out what grows locally and eat away!

4. Morning and Night Water – Because schedules are such a mess when traveling it is really hard to keep to a normal plan, and you probably don’t want to anyway. What I do is as soon as I wake up in the morning I drink a big glass or two of water or if in a sketchy area just a big bottle of water and again at night when back to the hotel I do the same.

Elevations, different temperatures and lots of different exercise and eating plans will mess you up so try to have a good hydration plan starting and finishing with water to be sure.

5. Watch the Restaurant Meals – I am a big fan of going out for meals but recognize that what I eat is not always that good for me. When we travel as a family we always get a kitchenette in the hotel room so that we can make the majority of our meals with food we know and then have one meal out a day.

6. Order Responsibly – One of the biggest problems we all run into besides scheduling eating times when we are on the road is the bad ways that we order. Healthy travel in a restaurant starts with ordering with discernment and making sure your choices are good.

When you are ordering at a restaurant watch how they cook your meal. In most places, just like at home the chef will cook for taste not for nutrition. Stay away from sauces and deep fried food and instead get grilled meat and salad or veggies instead of fries

Exercise Tips for Healthy Travel

1. Book Hotels with Amenities – when booking a hotel for your travels make sure there is some kind of gym, google the hotel if need be. the fact is that a little exercise will make your travel more comfortable and give you the energy to make the most of your days and if you don’t set yourself up for success you will fail to exercise.

2. Plan your exercise and activities – even though you probably do not know when you are going where on your travels everyone seems to plan the next day at least. In the evening before decide how much exercise you will be getting, a hike maybe? Surfing all day? Sitting by the pool? And plan your exercise around that. If you will be out sightseeing all day then plan to go to the gym for a weight workout in the morning. If you are just by the pool then start the day with cardio. If you do cardio and then walk around all day you might run out of gas before the day is done so plan ahead!

3. Plan Active Activities – Now when travelling on vacation this is easy enough to do but when you are travelling on business it is a lot more difficult. You can perhaps go out in the evening and walk the town, like many people plan a jog around the new city you are in (be careful of unknown neighbourhoods) or even just rent a bike to travel around instead of always taking a car, this gets you active and you also get to meet more people and see more in your journeys.

So there are nine things you can do. This week in my travels across the west I had some trouble keeping all of these intact and ended up suffering. At home there is a fridge and a schedule but on the road that schedule and access to healthy travel was only as good as the way I made it, and sometimes I did not do so well

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