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How to Cope With Depression

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Are you wondering how to cope with depression? Depression affects several of our everyday activities including our work, studies and relationships with others. People with depression do not just get better overnight, especially those that suffer from major bouts of depression. It is equally important to know how to cope with depression as it is to get treated for it. If you are ready to start coping with your depression, here are a few tips.

How to Cope With Depression

Have a Support Group – It is very helpful to have friends or family you can reach out to at any given time to talk about your feelings. Having an outlet in this form makes it easier as you feel the love and support from others. Your support group can help you in how to cope with depression.

How to Cope With Depression

How to Cope With Depression

Stick to the Plan – Stick to the therapy sessions and medication your doctor has prescribed for you. While it may not seem to work at first, continuing with the prescribed treatment will eventually reap its benefits. In the meantime, resolving to go through with therapy can help you get strength on coping with depression.

Have an Outlet – Having a way to express frustration, sadness or extreme emotions is a way of how to cope with depression. Go into art or pick up a hobby. Occupying your time with these activities can take your mind off your depression. Make time for these hobbies so you can withdraw yourself from stressful situations regularly.

Start Changing your Lifestyle – Change your dietary habits. Eating a balanced meal can help you cope with depression. Natural food such as fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that our body needs for its chemical balance. This in turn helps our body cope better with stress.

Having a regular exercise routine is also a good way to fight stress. Physical activity releases hormones and other substances that naturally make our body feel good. It also boosts immunity making us less prone to illnesses.

How to Cope With Depression Using Therapy

Coping with depression means preparing your mind and body to overcome depression. While you are on your therapy it is important to make sure that you are able to withstand the different sources of stress which can intensify depression.

Reach out and ask help from your physician and your friends and family. They’ll be able to guide you on how to cope with depression and help you on your way to recovery.

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Brain Over Binge: Part 2: What I’m Learning

Tomorrow makes one week since I started reading and implementing the tools of Brain Over Binge.  In that week I’ve come to realize a few things that are helping this process:

1) Not every urge or feeling means something. I used to believe that all of my urges and feelings were me, that by not acting on them I was somehow denying myself and being unauthentic to who I am. And on some small level, I already got this. Denying every feeling is uncomfortable and often the only thing I’m fighting is the feeling or urge in and of itself, not the actual thought or feeling.

Here’s an example: Sometimes I over think situations and my relationships with people. Often I find myself truly not understanding the motives of a person and examining them. I mull over every detail  in frustration until I feel nauseous and agitated. This is especially true when I believe their actions are wrong, hurting me or themselves. These thoughts take over my mind and I gave them freedom to take over. I do this so often that is became comfortable and familiar, like a bad habit. Like eating 10 cookies. But now, I’m acknowledging that sometimes I just default and it doesn’t mean anything about me or the other person. Not every thing needs attention, examining, or confronting. Sometimes I just need to achnowledge the feeling and move on.

This is the same with the urge to eat more. Those urges are not me, but sometimes it’s confusing to know the difference because I’ve learned to give weight to them in my own, evolved voice that reasons and sides with the urges.

This is what they sound like: You already ate that cookie, you might as well eat all of them and start over tomorrow. Your breakfast wasn’t perfect you might as well eat everything you want for the rest of the day. You’ve been so good these past few days, you can slack off today. You didn’t lose any weight today, might as well throw in the towel and get serious tomorrow. 

2) I do not need the scale right now. It’s true, eating less usually results in weight loss, but not always and not every single day. Logically I understand this. I know that a few days before my period I hold on to water. I know that exercise makes me hold on to water as well. I know that salty foods make me hold on to water. I don’t want to use the scale as an excuse or motivator right now. So today, I’m taking it out of the bathroom.

3) Finding my voice. One of the biggest challenges right now is finding my higher voice and listening to it. My higher voice is logical and doesn’t want to binge. It doesn’t want to keep eating or make myself sick. It wants me to succeed and move forward and grow. But sometimes it tries to justify and encourage my urges and feelings that aren’t me, my animal voice. It’s helpful for me to have a clear idea of what I do want on a very basic level so that I can easily access this information. It’s also helpful to have it written down and handy. Sometimes I can honestly convince myself that I want to binge, that it’s who I am, but I know better.

4) Knowing the difference between overeating (or eating too much) and binge eating. This one is very personal and looks different for everyone. This topic is covered a lot in Brain Over Binge. People who do not have any sort of binge eating disorder, eat too much on occasion. Having a second cookie, another slice of pizza, or seconds is not binge eating. Sometimes I simply eat more than what I need and that’s all it is.  To me, at it’s heart, binge eating is eating that is in excess. If it interrupts my life or causes me to be unhealthy, it is binge eating. I have never eaten as much in one sitting as the author of Brain Over Binge, but that doesn’t mean that my excess or binge eating hasn’t caused health issues  like obesity or disrupted my life by over taking my thoughts and actions.

4) Practice makes semi-perfect. Changing my mindset is taking work. It’s taking practice and meditation. It’s not always a huge struggle because I’m not fighting my urges, I’m just sitting with them, but it’s still new to me. I still fear that I can’t do this or that I’m fooling myself. I still hear the words of therapy and self-help books ringing in my ears that I need to fix my life or find fulfillment or get over depression or find self-esteem. Everday isn’t perfect, and I’m becoming okay with that. I’m just riding it out. It’s been helpful to create mantras of self-talk written down and handy. It’s also helpful knowing that my urges cannot access my movement and that I always have the choice to binge or not. It’s totally up to me. I know that it isn’t going to be easy at first, and I’m prepared for ups and downs, but I know it doesn’t have the be the biggest struggle in my life.


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You Never Need to Say “I Can’t Quit Smoking”

It’s not unusual to hear life-long smokers say, “I can’t quit smoking.”

You may have even spoken those words yourself out of pure frustration. You know that smoking is a dangerous habit that is harming your body. But you have been unable to quit the habit, even through your best attempts. Don’t give up yet, though. These days, there are many treatments to help persons such as yourself. You don’t need to accept the statement, “I can’t quit smoking.”

You may have tried and failed to stop smoking on previous occasions, but that is because you haven’t found the right method for you. Every smoker is an individual, which means that not every quitting method is suitable for every person. Just because a certain treatment worked for your relative or co-worker, it doesn’t mean the same treatment will work for you.

However, when you are knowledgeable about all the various quit smoking aids and treatments, you are more likely to find a method that will be effective. Before you throw up your hands and say, “I can’t quit smoking,” take a good look at the various options available to you.

You may have heard about gum and patches that help relieve nicotine cravings. In addition, your doctor can prescribe medications that are good for persons who want to quit smoking. Counseling can be useful in some situations. There is also a wide variety of hypnosis and self help programs on tape or video that can help you break the habit. Unless you have tried literally every method out there, you should not give up your quest to stop smoking.

If you’ve tried many different ways to stop smoking on your own and you still haven’t been successful, then perhaps you should talk to your doctor about the various treatment options. You don’t have to face this challenge all by yourself. A qualified professional can give you the expert assistance you need to permanently quit smoking, as long as you have the sincere desire to take this positive step.

You Never Need to Say I Cant Quit Smoking

So what if it is really that easy? What if all your beliefs about how hard it is going to be to quit are completely false? What if, after just one session of hypnotherapy or NLP you find it incredibly easy to become and remain a happy, confident non-smoker for life? The reason why hypnotherapy NLP are so successful is because both our beliefs about smoking and our habitual smoking behaviours reside within your unconscious mind. So whilst consciously we may wish to quit, all too often our all powerful unconscious mind simply would not let us.

Check out Quit Smoking Today now.

With so many new and advanced treatments being developed for smokers who want to break the habit, no one should be forced to say “I can’t quit smoking.”

If you’re eager to improve your health and your well-being by quitting smoking, there is no time like the present. Why not begin today?