Weight Loss Exercise

Quit Smoking – Gain Weight – Still Better Off

I found this article about weight gain after you quit smoking over at the CBC Canada website and thought it was an interesting study. As I have written before, I smoked for many years and would actually put out my cigarette on my way into the gym but once I tackled my smoking habit over and over again I found that I finally quit smoking and have been more healthy now than ever.

I think that the excuse that you can gain weight after quitting smoking is a bit of a red herring but is always brought up. Tobacco is both an appetite suppressant and and a stimulant and so it can keep your weight down…But at a HUGE cost to your health.

The bold notes below are my comments on this article.


Quit smoking leads to an average weight gain of up to five kilograms in the first year, significantly more than previously thought, according to a new study.

Most of the kilos are piled on in the first three months, a team of medical researchers write in the online journal British Medical Journal, as another group stresses that the health benefits of quit smoking far outweigh the risks of putting on weight.

Quit Smoking Leads to Weight Gain

For quitters who did not use nicotine replacement therapy, the average weight gain was 1.1 kilograms at one month, 2.3 at two, 2.9 at three, 4.2 at six months and 4.7 after a year, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation said.

*Notice that the weight gain is front loaded as people are trying to fight nicotine cravings with food? I bet almost every ex-smoker will agree this is the case

This was “substantially higher than the 2.9 kilograms often quoted in smoking cessation advice leaflets,” write the team from France and Britain.

“Moreover, this mean weight gain is greater than the 2.3 kilograms gain that female smokers report being willing to tolerate, on average, before embarking on a quit attempt.”

Quit Smoking   Gain Weight   Still Better OffEarlier research showed that nicotine is an appetite suppressant and may increase the metabolic rate.

For the latest paper, the researchers collated data from earlier studies conducted between 1989 and 2011 in the United States, Europe, Australia and east Asia to assess weight changes among successful smoking quitters.

The researchers stressed that changes in body weight varied greatly, with about 16 per cent of those that quit smoking losing weight and 13 per cent gaining more than 10 kilograms in the first year.

*You would expect that these ex-smokers that lost weight made bigger lifestyle changes and smoking was one of the changes. Exercise and diet changes will turn your whole lifestyle around and are tough, but on the other side you feel like a new person just a few months later

Smoking riskier than weight gain

In an editorial accompanying the paper, Associate Professor Esteve Fernández of the Universitat de Barcelona and Professor Simon Chapman of the University of Sydney say modest weight gain is far less life-threatening than smoking.

“Tobacco is the main cause of premature death worldwide, being responsible for 5.1 million deaths each year. Obesity, together with overweight, causes 2.8 million deaths,” they write.


I am more than happy to me an ex-smoker. I did not personally gain weight, I proved to myself that it is possible, and I became more serious about my other health habits. So I can say personally that I would urge anyone to quit smoking even if they are worried about a bit of weight gain. This is a large part of your health issues that you have control over and then you can use your quitting to accelerate yourself to better health.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Diabetes Symptoms in Men is an accurate way to watch your health and to help you to guess whether you have diabetes. Diabetes is a condition where blood glucose levels are abnormally high because the body cells are unable to absorb glucose from the bloodstream and utilize it for energy. The condition may arise because the body produces too little or no insulin, or the body may fail to respond to insulin. Diabetes produces a number of symptoms in both men and women. This article discusses the common diabetes symptoms in men.

Common Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Some of the early signs and symptoms of diabetes are similar to the symptoms of other health disorders, making it difficult to recognize the condition. But early diagnosis and treatment of diabetes is vital in order to prevent complications. Diabetes symptoms in men include:

Excessive thirst and urination. One of the most common symptoms of diabetes is excessive thirst. This symptom can be experienced by both men and women. High levels of glucose in the blood causes the kidneys to work double time and draw more water from the blood. This results in thirst and a frequent need to urinate.

Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Unexplained weight loss. If you have not made any changes in your diet or amount of physical activity but find yourself losing weight, you may have diabetes. Diabetes can cause weight loss because the body cells cannot absorb and utilize glucose from the blood effectively.

Constant fatigue. If you feel rundown and tired all the time, you may be displaying one of the diabetes symptoms in men. The body cells’ inability to utilize energy-giving glucose can result in chronic fatigue.

Constant hunger. Some diabetic patients can experience an increase in appetite. This happens if the body increases its production of insulin in order to bring down blood glucose levels. High levels of insulin in the body increases hunger. Some diabetic patients can start eating more and gain weight, but others can still lose weight despite increasing their food intake.

Nerve damage. Consistently high levels of sugar in the blood can damage the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. Nerve damage causes tingling and numbness in the extremities such as the legs, toes, feet, hands and fingers.

Erectile dysfunction. This is one of the most important diabetes symptoms in men. High levels of blood sugar associated with diabetes can damage the nerves and blood vessels of the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction.

Poor healing. Diabetes may affect the immune system, causing recurring infections and difficulty with wound healing.

Vision changes. This diabetes symptom in men and women can happen if the condition is left untreated, and may even lead to blindness. The buildup of glucose can affect the shape of the lens, resulting in vision changes. Diabetes can also damage the blood vessels in the eye.

These are the most common Diabetes symptoms in men to watch out for and of course go to a doctor if you have any concern that this is what you are suffering from.

Weight Loss Exercise

How much water to drink

How much water to drink

How much water to drink

How much water to drink? Water is your most important nutrient. Everyone knows that the majority of our body is water. The single most important nutrient in your diet is water. Here are some facts. babies are 70% water, adults are 50-60% water and in breaking your body down, Blood is made up of 83 percent water, bones are 22 percent water, and muscle is 75 percent water. So water is really important. As you exercise and gain weight with muscle you can see that muscle is mostly water.

Most people do not drink much water if any at all. In fact both Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig both have their customers drink between 8 and 10 glasses of water a day and most people find that they lose 2-10 pounds in the first week on their diet, primarily from the water loss.

How much water to drink

Hydration is a very interesting thing. If you do not drink enough water your body seems to retain it to protect itself, once you start to drink a LOT of water you will find that for the first few days you will be running to the bathroom every hour but your body quickly adapts and you regulate quite well.

When drinking your water you will also find that your concentration gets better and you are more attentive. I have also found a very interesting attitude amongst others around me, when they see you increasing the water in your diet they will in a very condescending tone tell you that yes in fact drinking water is good for you. You are going to see this with many of the new habits that you pick up that people will seem to know these things and sometimes feel guilty to see someone else follow through on them.

One thing you will really find after you discover how much water to drink  is that your energy and concentration will improve by a significant amount as you drink more water on a daily basis.

Finally just one thing that I have found is that I kick start my day by drinking about 3 glasses of my water first thing before I get on my bike to start my day. I think that how much water to drink is up to you and that more is usually better.

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