Weight Loss Exercise

Biggest Loser Resort

We have all heard that you can’t put a price on good health. Well while watching the Biggest Loser last night I noticed that they were plugging the Biggest Loser Resort. We are all used to all the cross promotion that the Biggest Loser does so it should not have surprised me that they had moved into the resort business.

I had not heard of the Biggest Loser Resort so I had to Google it to learn more.

Well it seems that there are four locations and it is basically the same experience as the Biggest Loser TV Show without the celebrity coaches. They have workout facilities, recovery facilities,nutrition classes and even cooking classes.

Expensive Biggest Loser Experience

biggest loser resort

When I first looked at the website the first thing I looked at was the price. I am kind of a bottom lie guy which is a bit of a problem and the price is quite a bit $3,000 a week.

I was thinking “$3,000? What the hell? That is a crapload of money”

Well maybe I jumped against the price a bit quick. I always look at these kinds of things as compared to a vacation. usually an all inclusive vaction would cost between $1,000 and $2,000 for a week but this would probably be a much less relaxing but much better vacation even though it is really expensive.

So the “vaction” itself would be a lot different. My last all inclusive vacation my family went on was in Mexico and included room, food, booze, workout facilities, concierge and entertainment.

What Does Biggest Loser Resort Offer?

The Biggest Loser Resort by comparison has all of that plus courses on meal planning, eating, exercising, cooking, in home workout planning. Also the gym workouts have great trainers and many different kinds of training classes.

Really the idea of the Biggest Loser Resort seems to be an all inclusive Biggest Loser TV show type experience where you live, breath, eat, and experience a full fitness boot camp lifestyle.

Again this whole Biggest Loser Resort experince is really interesting but also disappointing as the huge majority of people that don’t have the knowledge and resources would never be able to afford this kind of one or two week or even more time on a situation that would really help.

What are your thoughts about the idea of the Biggest Loser Resort? Would you be interested in spending some time there? Had you even heard of it before?

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Weight Loss Exercise

Beginner Bodybuilding Workouts: Setting Your Goals

There are plenty of beginner bodybuilding workouts available online but which is the best? The answer depends on your situation – not just your current state of body fitness, but what you want to achieve.

Most beginner bodybuilders are impatient to get started and skip the most important step – setting goals. As a result, they soon lose focus and motivation. The first burst of energy that starts us on the road to building a great body soon fades away, especially since most beginners quickly wear themselves thin by overtraining. If you do not have clear goals to keep up your motivation at this point, you can easily lose your way.

So take some time right now to write down your goals. Like any goals that you might set in work or life, your goals in bodybuilding should be S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Let’s look at what each of these means in terms of bodybuilding workouts.

1. Specific

A specific goal is one that clearly says what you want to accomplish, along with how, when and where you will do it. ‘Get a great body’ is not a specific goal. ‘Go to the gym 4 days a week after work and train to build muscle mass’ is a more specific goal.

Even better, say exactly which muscles you will work on which days, and note down your routine. The routine for your bodybuilding workouts will change as you make progress but the overall goal of going to the gym 4 days a week to build muscle mass will remain the same.

2. Measurable

When you are working toward goals, it is very important to have some way to measure your progress.

If your goal is going to the gym for bodybuilding workouts 4 days a week, you can easily track that in a diary. But with a goal like ‘get a great body’, there is nothing to measure. So if you want to set goals in terms of the physical result, do it in terms of inches gained or weight that you can lift.

3. Attainable

It is important to know when you have reached your goal. That way you can plan a reward or celebration, have a sense of achievement and start thinking about your next bodybuilding workouts goal.

This means that the goal itself, as well as your progress toward it, must be something that you can measure and know whether or not you have achieved. So your goal is to go to the gym 4 days a week – but for how long? The rest of your life? If you think that way, you will never be able to congratulate yourself on having achieved the goal. A month would be good for a beginner. Then set a new goal.

4. Realistic

Your goal needs to be something that it is possible for you to attain in a reasonable period of time. Remember that goals can change. You do not need to start out with the goal of winning the Mr. Universe contest. If contests are your thing, start with winning your division in a local contest. However, if you believe you can win Mr. Universe, then go for that. It is all a matter of believing you can do it.

5. Timely

Whatever type of goal you set, it is good to give it a timeframe. Are you going for this year’s contest, next year’s or two years from now? Be specific about how much time you have to achieve your goal, and you will be set for success in any of the beginner bodybuilding workouts that you choose.

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