Weight Loss Exercise

Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss?

Is a Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss? There is very little question that a detox diet is just plain good for you. Freeing your cells and tissues from harmful toxins and restoring your body back to its optimal function simply cannot be argued against. But whether or not a detox diet is to be implemented for the purposes of weight loss is a different story… sort of.

Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss?

The truth is, any time you decide to give your body the gift of cleanliness, purity, and renewal, anyone who would try to talk you out of it would be an absolute fool. And here’s the kicker. I have actually heard people suggest that this is a great way to get healthier and more energized, but shouldn’t be used as a primary means of weight loss. I couldn’t disagree more.

Detox Diet Plan Good For Weight Loss?

Body fat is a defense mechanism. It protects your vital organs, blood vessels, sensitive tissues, cells, and even nerves from acids and pollution within the bloodstream. The fat cells grab onto these dangerous chemicals, essentially trapping them and blocking them from doing damage to the body’s critical players. In football terms, fat cells are your body’s offensive linemen!

But if you’ve got weight to lose, then a detox diet can help the body start getting rid of these toxins, while preventing new toxins from entering. As a result, your body will no longer have any need to hold onto excess fat, and alas, fat loss becomes totally effortless, healthy, and substantial. On certain detox diet plans, you can SAFELY lose up to two pounds a day!

Of course, you don’t want to remain on a detox diet permanently, generally keeping 30 days as your absolute maximum. However, you can implement them several times within a given year. Many nutritionist recommend a 14 day detox once per quarter (4 times per year).

There are many detox diets to choose from, each with varying degrees of intensity and effectiveness if a detox diet plan good for weight loss. Perhaps the most extreme is a fast, where you will only drink purified water for the entire duration of your cleanse. There are other variations of a fast, such as a green drink cleanse and the Master Cleanse (aka the Lemonade Diet). Another popular and well-respected detox diet is the Raw Food Diet, which can actually end up becoming a permanent lifestyle plan if followed correctly.

Naturally, you will want to consult with your trusted health care practitioner, who will ideally be someone who is well versed in preventive, natural medicine as opposed to being a gung-ho pharmaceutical pusher who’s only interested in treating symptoms and ignoring causes. A doctor with a good balance of prevention and treatment focus is a great choice. Talk to him or her about whether a detox diet plan good for weight loss and see if they have any recommendations that will meet your specific needs.

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Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Want your body to look and look and feel like you’ve been to a spa for a week? You can get the same effects at home without spending thousands of dollars. Cleanse your body out with a fast that will flush out the pollutants that are making your body sluggish – and when your internal organs are working properly, your outside organ (skin) will begin to glow and become clear of blemishes in a short amount of time.

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Water only fast –  Limiting your diet to drinking only water for a few hours or a couple of days can produce benefits like lowering your blood pressure and releasing harmful toxins from your body so that your organs can better filter what you consume.

Natural foods fast – By eating only natural foods and eliminating alcohol, sugars, saturated fats, caffeine and cigarettes, your system will begin to naturally begin the detoxification process.

Cleansing supplement packages – These packages come with everything you need to thoroughly cleanse your system. They usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs and fiber.

Herbal cleanse – Herbs such as burdock, milk thistle and dandelion root can be used to cleanse the liver, which is one of the main filtering organs in your body.

Fiber cleanse – A good, natural fiber cleanse generally includes eating high fiber foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Among the best foods for a cleansing diet are cabbage, broccoli, beets and seaweed.

Exercise is a way that you can help the toxins pass through your body quickly. It’s also necessary to build muscle and keep from losing what muscle you’ve got. When you fast, the body turns to its stored glucose and fat for energy. When those resources are depleted, the body turns to muscle.

If you choose a body fast program as a weight loss tool or to cleanse your body of toxins, pay attention to the mental aspect of the program. Try to reduce stress from your life as much as you can. You may also want to clear your house of aerosol products that may contain environmental hazards and try to purchase organically-grown fruits and vegetables.

Body fast plans have been used for centuries to cleanse the body, restore health, prevent diseases, gain spiritual awareness and promote longevity. Modern-day researchers have found that detoxifying our bodies may also help us to be more mentally acute. Fasting may even help prevent the onslaught of Alzheimer’s disease – and for that, alone, it’s worth taking a look at. So cleanse your body out with a fast

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Weight Loss Exercise

Juice Fasting Recipes

A lot of juice fasting recipes are available on different online sites as well as in published cook books. Juice fasting recipes aim to help you on your journey as you engage yourself in a detoxifying process for a healthier body.

To start off, you need to know the basic procedures as well as the necessary equipment needed in order to make delicious and healthy fruit and vegetable juice right in the comforts of your own home. Here is a list of some of the things you will need before proceeding to the juice-making process.

A dependable juicer that can effectively extract the juices from your chosen fruits and vegetables
A peeler will be necessary if you are someone who does not like to include fruit or vegetable skins on his juice drink.
Knife to help you cut and slice fruits and veggies
Food spatula to help you scrape off your juicer from left over chunks or froth of fruits and vegetables that you wish to incorporate in your drink.
Drinking glass
Ice cubes
Garbage receptacle

If you have all the necessary tools, you can now start making these three easy-to-make juice fasting recipes.

Juice Fasting Recipe #1: Apple-Celery Juice

Apple is known for being rich in Vitamins A and C which are natural antioxidants. It aids in proper digestion and cleanses the harmful toxins found in your colon. It is also rich in potassium that helps correct fatigue and body weakness caused by electrolyte imbalances. On the other hand, celery promotes good kidney function to help excrete body toxins in the form of urine. It is also known for its natural calming properties that relax your brain and body.


3 medium-sized apples, seeded
2 stalks of celery, finely diced
Honey to taste
Ice cubes


Thoroughly wash the apples and celery stalks in running water.
Slice the apples in quarters and remove the seeds to avoid the occurrence of bitter taste.
Finely dice each celery stalk.
Run the apples and celery stalks on the juicer.
Using a spoon, remove the foam or froth prior to pouring your juice down to your drinking glass.
Add honey to taste.
You can also add ice cubes.

Juice Fasting Recipe #2: Cucumber Juice

Cucumber is naturally rich in Vitamin A, potassium, manganese, sulfur, silicon, and chlorophyll. It is known for promoting a healthy and radiant skin. Cucumber is also high in water content which prevents you from being hydrated while on a juice fasting routine.


3 medium to large dark green cucumbers
A small piece of ginger
A tray of ice cubes


Wash the cucumbers. Check if they have traces of wax (some cucumber sellers put wax on these vegetables).
Peel the cucumbers.
Puree all ingredients including the cucumber seeds and small piece of ginger on the juicer.
Serve your cucumber juice cold by adding some ice cubes.

Juice Fasting Recipe #3: Carrot Juice

Carrot is a good source of beta-carotene and Vitamins A and C. It also acts as a good and natural antioxidant that fights off and removes toxins out of your system.


3-4 medium sized carrots
Lemon or honey to taste
Ice cubes


Wash carrots thoroughly and trim off the ends.
Run it on your juicer and serve with lemon or honey drops to taste.
Add ice cubes if desired.