Weight Loss Exercise

Best Cardio Workouts for Men to Lose Weight

Aerobics or cardio training is an essential part of any fitness program. Cardio workouts for men are primarily performed to strengthen the cardiovascular system and burn body fat. Cardio exercises improve stamina and endurance so you can workout more effectively. The secret to cardio exercises for weight loss is to maintain your heart rate at the fat-burning zone.

Benefits of Cardio Workouts

Cardio training strengthens the heart and lungs to make you healthier. Multiple studies show that cardio workouts help men lower their risk for obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. To get the most benefits from your workout, it’s important to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, five days a week. Cardio exercise can also help you burn fat faster if you maintain your target heart rate which can be calculated by subtracting your age from 220 and multiplying the result by 0.75.

Effective Cardio Workouts for Men

Best Cardio Workouts for Men to Lose Weight

Cardio Workouts for Men

There are numerous cardio exercises that you can easily perform to keep fit. Many of them do not require a lot of equipment or extra space.

  • Running or jogging. This is one of the best cardio workouts for men. All you need is a good pair of running shoes for this exercise. You can run anywhere and anytime. You can burn up to 300 calories in half an hour while running at 5 mph. Running or jogging is a high-impact exercise, so take care not to overstress your ankles and knees.
  • Swimming. Swimming is a challenging cardio activity that involves your entire body. You can use different strokes to involve different muscle groups. The great thing about swimming is that you can workout without having to worry about possible high-impact injuries on your joints.
  • Burpees. Burpees are some of the most challenging cardio workouts for men. This exercise engages the muscles in your legs, arms and core. Burpees combine a squat, pushup and vertical leap to deliver an intense workout.
  • Step aerobics. This cardio exercise is performed on a raised platform. It targets the muscles in the legs, butt and hips. The number of calories burned depends on the step height, speed of movement, and duration of the workout. Step aerobics builds a healthy cardiovascular system and burns calories.
  • Interval training. According to the American Council of Exercise, interval training is the best type of cardio workout for men. It pushes the body aerobically and anaerobically. Interval training consists of short periods of intense exercise followed by a recovery period. The short bursts of intense activity allows the body to burn more calories. Interval training is suitable for all fitness levels because you can choose the intensity and duration of your exercise.

Use these tips if you are a guy looking to get in better shape using Cardio. There are so many great ways to get in better shape and cardio exercise will make sure that you are healthier and have a better lifestyle.

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Weight Loss Exercise

5 Healthy Eating Tips for Men

A nutritious, balanced diet is essential if you want to stay healthy and avoid heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and some types of cancer. Sad to say, many people these days do not know how to eat healthy. Either they eat too much calorie-laden foods and become overweight, or they go in the opposite direction and deprive themselves of the foods they love.

Healthy Eating Tips for Men

These healthy eating tips for men will show you how to make healthy food choices and maintain a delicious, nutritious diet.

1. Plan on success

If you want your diet plan to succeed, make a number of small, manageable changes that you can follow more easily. Focus on healthy foods that you like and include fresh ingredients. Be sure to start slow and accept the fact that you cannot develop healthy eating habits overnight. Make sure that every change you make leads to a healthier diet. Do not try to be “perfect” or eliminate foods that you truly enjoy. You want to feel good and have more energy, so make food choices that will lead to your goal of healthy eating.

2. Eat in moderation

Serving sizes these days are unrealistically large, particularly in restaurants. As a result, many people tend to eat too much and put on excess weight. A healthy eating tip for men is simply to eat in moderation. Although certain foods may be high in calories, they do not have to be off limits. By reducing portion sizes or eating them less often, you will be able to maintain a healthy weight.

3. Pay attention to how you eat

Food is meant to be enjoyed and savored, not wolfed down. Eat more slowly, preferably with other people. When you eat alone in front of the TV or computer, it’s easy to overeat. Take time to chew your food and enjoy it. Listen to your body and stop eating before you actually feel full. It takes about twenty minutes for your brain to signal your body that it has had enough food.

4. Fill your plate with colors

5 Healthy Eating Tips for Men

Healthy Eating Tips for Men

One of the most important healthy eating tips for men is to fill up on fruits and vegetables. Bright, deeply colored fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber. Different colors provide different health benefits. Fill your plate with leafy greens, naturally sweet vegetables, and antioxidant-rich fruits. Excellent examples are broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, squash, berries, oranges and mangoes. Get your vitamins from natural foods, not pills.

5. Eat healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats

Whole grains are excellent sources of healthy, complex carbohydrates and fiber. They provide protection against heart disease and diabetes. Men also need healthy fats to nourish the brain and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Avocados, nuts, olive oil, flax seed, salmon and sardines are rich sources of healthy unsaturated fats. Avoid saturated animal fat, margarine, and processed foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Other healthy eating tips for men include taking calcium for strong bones and protein for building muscles, tissues and organs. Limit your intake of sugar and salt to prevent health and weight problems.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Fitness Tips for Men: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you concerned about the extra pounds on your belly? You should be. Studies show that overweight men whose waistlines exceed 40 inches are at greater risk of suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. Fortunately, it’s not that difficult to get back in shape.

The following fitness tips for men will help you lose excess weight, develop muscles, and make you healthier than ever before.

1. Shed extra weight

As you grow older, your metabolism starts to decline. Men who are in their 40′s or older are more likely to gain weight. Shed those extra pounds by exercising regularly and eating a sensible diet. Keep in mind that diet and exercise go together to help you burn fat faster.

2. Improve your cardiovascular health with aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is one of the best fitness tips for men. According to fitness experts, aerobic exercise can help prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

Aerobic exercise elevates the heart rate, improves blood circulation and boosts your endurance. If you are a beginner, it’s best to start your exercise regimen by walking. Later on, you can include jogging, swimming, or biking as your fitness level improves.

Aim for 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic exercise five times a week.

3. Build muscles

Fitness Tips for Men: A Beginners GuideMost men love exercises for muscle building. Strength training is important for men because muscle loss is inevitable as you age. Weight lifting helps prevent muscle loss and keeps you strong.

For beginners, start by lifting dumbbells and lighter weights. Choose weights that you can lift to exhaustion after 12 reps while maintaining proper form. Exercises that make use of your body weight for resistance are also recommended, such as pushups and pull-ups.

Perform weight-training exercises at least three times a week, and be sure to work out all major muscle groups every week. Muscles increase your metabolic rate so you burn calories faster.

4. Eat healthy

Proper nutrition is a fitness tip for men that should never be ignored. You cannot become fit if you do not eat properly. Look for diet plans that will help you lose weight while increasing muscle mass. This means your diet should be rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, whole grain cereals, beans and healthy fats.

5. Drink plenty of water

People often forget that the human body needs water to stay healthy and function properly. Plain water is what your body needs, not soda or sweetened fruit juices. Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily.

The best fitness tip for men who are serious about their health is to exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, and live a healthy lifestyle.

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