Weight Loss Exercise

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Being skinny or scrawny can be devastating especially for men. Fortunately, it’s possible to gain weight for men and develop bigger muscles. There’s no need to put up with being taunted or teased because there are many ways to add pounds and muscles to your body.

It’s true that some men are naturally skinny and have a hard time building a more muscular physique. Some people also have a fast metabolism, burning away calories even before they can be stored as fat. However, many men who cannot gain weight may simply not be getting enough calories and nutrients to sustain their body. A healthy weight gain plan and workout routine can help men who are struggling to add a few extra pounds.

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Add more calories to your diet – In order to gain weight, men need to eat more calories than they burn daily. You may think that you are eating enough but if your weight remains the same, you are not consuming enough food. If you want to gain weight fast, add 500 to 1000 extra calories per day to allow you to gain 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Your weight gain meal plan should include high quality protein sources such as beef, lean pork, chicken, fish, eggs and cheese. Milk is also an excellent source of protein. For a well-balanced meal, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and healthy oils to your diet.

Focus on weight gain foods – One of the fastest ways to gain weight successfully for men is to consume the right types of high-calorie foods. Fast food and junk food are high in saturated fats and calories but they are an unhealthy way to gain extra pounds. Instead of building muscles, junk foods will only make you fat.

Learn to identify nutritious, high-calorie foods. Eat plenty of dense, whole grain breads, chunky soups, nuts, dried fruits, whole wheat muffins and pancakes, pastas and sweet potatoes. Add healthy oils to salads and pastas. You want foods that pack a lot of nutrients and calories per serving.

Eat more often – When you are trying to gain weight, it can be challenging to consume all the calories you need in just three meals. Increase your calorie intake by eating snacks between meals and before bedtime. For your snacks, eat calorie-dense foods such as sandwiches made of peanut butter and whole grain bread, protein powder shake, dried fruits and nuts, trail mix, cheese, etc.

Lift big – Men on a weight gain diet need to exercise in order to avoid getting fat. A strength training program is the best way to stimulate muscle growth. Lift weights at least three time a week, and aim to progressively increase the weight to boost muscle development and add bulk to your physique.

Go easy on cardio exercises – Cardiovascular exercise is important but if your goal is to gain weight and increase muscle mass, it’s best to keep your cardio workouts light. Too much cardio can burn too many calories and prevent you from gaining weight. Limit aerobic workouts to brisk walking or a similar exercise a few times per week.

Weight Loss Exercise

Health Risks of Childhood Obesity

There is a lot of concern over the growing rate of childhood obesity today.  In the United States, at least one child in every five is overweight or obese.  Genetic factors play a role but the primary causes of obesity are consumption of high-calorie foods and inadequate physical activity.

Due to the rising rate of obesity, weight-related diseases are becoming common among children and adolescents.  There are many health risks of childhood obesity, including the following.

Health Risks of Childhood Obesity

Type 2 DiabetesType 2 diabetes is a chronic disease linked to childhood obesity.  An increasing number of overweight children and teenagers suffer from this medical condition.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in three children in the United States will develop diabetes in their lifetime.

High Blood PressureChildren who are obese or overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, which can lead to other health risks such as heart disease.

Cardiovascular Disease – Overweight children often suffer from high cholesterol levels as well as high blood pressure.  These two medical conditions are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.  Hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis is linked to high cholesterol levels in the blood, and is the most common cause of heart disease.  It can begin as early as childhood in overweight children.

Health Risks of Childhood Obesity

Health Risks of Childhood Obesity

Breathing Problems – Other health risks associated with child obesity are asthma and sleep apnea.  A large number of overweight children suffer from asthma.  Obese children can also have trouble sleeping as a result of obstructive sleep apnea.  This is a serious breathing disorder wherein the sufferer’s breathing is briefly interrupted during sleep.  If left untreated, apnea can lead to heart failure.

Gallstones and Liver Problems – Children and teenagers who are obese are likely to have gallstones.  Obese children are also at risk of fatty liver disease and liver problems that could lead to cirrhosis.

Orthopedic and Other Complications – Excessive weight bearing down on the body can cause orthopedic and joint problems.  Obese children suffer more often from fractures, muscle problems, arthritis, joint pain and bone deformities.

Metabolic Syndrome – It is estimated that 25% to 40% of overweight children will develop metabolic syndrome that could lead to diabetes and heart ailments.  Metabolic syndrome linked to weight problems include high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and abnormal lipid levels.

Future Health Risks – Child obesity carries health risks not only in the present but also in the future.  Children and teenagers who are overweight or obese are more likely to become obese adults.  Obesity in adults has a direct negative impact on their health and well-being.  In addition to increased cardiovascular risk, adults who are obese are more likely to suffer from diabetes and to develop certain forms of cancer.

What You Can Do Now

Childhood obesity is a serious health problem that should be dealt with as early as possible.  There are treatment options for obese children, such as diet and gastric bypass, but health professional believe that prevention is the best way to combat childhood obesity.  Parents should provide a balanced and healthy diet for their children.  They should also set a good example by leading a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious foods, and encouraging their children to participate in regular physical activities.


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Weight Loss Exercise

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Many people are skeptical when someone talks about easy ways to lose weight. For most of us, losing extra weight is one of the hardest things to do. It takes a lot of willpower, motivation, and hard work to achieve a trim and toned body. This may be true but there are ways to help you shed pounds painlessly. The secret to a successful weight loss program is to make small lifestyle changes that reduce your caloric intake and increase your physical activity. Here are 10 easy ways to help you lose weight and keep it off permanently

Easy Ways to Lose Weight

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Eat more fruits and vegetables – Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrition but low in calories. If you want to lose weight easily, substitute high-calorie foods with fruits and vegetables. Don’t make the mistake of eating fruits or vegetables in addition to what you usually eat. It will only add more calories and make you gain weight. So instead of having a doughnut for your snack, eat an apple or a cup of carrot sticks.

Stop drinking high-calorie beverages – Carbonated drinks, sweetened fruit juices, and alcoholic drinks deliver calories that you may not even be aware of. Even your morning latte can pack a whopping 200 calories. If you’re thirsty, drink water instead.

Keep a food journal – Keep a small notebook where you write down everything you eat for the day. Use the journal to help you control your caloric intake for the day. Studies have shown that people who maintain a food journal are more likely to consume fewer calories than those who don’t.

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Control portion size – Find out the correct portion size for different kinds of foods and don’t eat more than you should. Use a smaller plate to help you control your portions.

Eat more slowly – It takes up to 20 minutes for the brain to recognize that your body is full. If you eat too quickly, your stomach may already be full but you’ll still want to eat. Put your fork down between bites and chew your food properly. This is an easy way to keep you from over-eating so you can lose weight.

Walk every day – Get into the habit of walking every day to help burn calories and reduce body fat. Even a 15-minute or 30-minute walk will help you lose weight over time.

Get active – Just because you’re watching television does not mean you can’t burn more calories. During commercial breaks, try doing crunches, stretching, or lifting dumbbells.

Walk or bike to your destination – Consider biking or walking to your destination instead of driving, especially if it’s only a few blocks away. You’ll save on gas, help protect the environment, and have a healthier body too.

Take the stairs – Instead of the elevator, walk up (or down) the stairs. You can burn a lot of calories this way. Best of all, you’ll improve your cardiovascular health. While you’re at it, complete your tasks while standing or walking instead of sitting all the time.

Do strength training – Strength training is an easy way to lose weight. The muscles you build will allow your body to burn more calories even when you are resting.

These easy ways to lose weight should get you started. Once you are moving well and eating right you will start to pick up even moreeasy ways to lose weight

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