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Time Magazine Breastfeeding Cover

So what do you think? Are you shocked? This cover of Time magazine is sparking support and outrage all over the country and I guess for good reason. Everyone is a fan of breastfeeding until kids get a bit too old for their comfort.

Why is Breastfeeding Important?

Well first of all lets get to the root of the issue here. I have never seen a case where any study has said anything bad about the effect of breastfeeding on kids or their parents. Not only is breast milk very healthy for babies but it also helps to create that bond between mother and child helping them to protect the baby and to help the mother in the nourishing as well as weight loss aspects of child rearing.

No child can live for any length of time without some kind of milk product and the fact is that the American Academy of Pediatrics says babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months. Beyond that, the American Academy of Pediatrics encourages breastfeeding until at least 12 months, and longer if both the mother and baby are willing.

Breastfeeding a four year old?

Time Magazine Breastfeeding CoverSo the real shocking part of this whole story seems to be the picture itself, although I think that breastfeeding just kind of makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable. The woman on the Time Magazine breastfeeding cover is Jamie Lynne Grumet and she is actually standing in defiance while nursing her 3 year old (maybe 4 year old) son standing on this stool.

According to a poll this week 73% of the people who saw the cover felt uncomfortable with it. I am not one of these people. I saw the cover, was initially shocked at the pose, but them looked inside myself to see what was really wrong. My daughter was breastfed until 6 months, my sone was never breastfed, I have no issues with nudity, so the only thing that I think caused me to recoil initially was my own sense of self values in the media. I am sure Time magazine knows this as well.

This is a very important issue I think. Women are encouraged to breastfeed, but never in public, and then expected to stop at 6 months. What is they decide to go longer? Not going to hurt the kid, not going to hurt me. This has to be looked at as a civil right for women, no need for us non-women, non-breast feeders, to be judgemental of how someone wants to wean or not wean their child from the boob.

In the end I think this is just one more way that we need to look at ourselves and decide where our sense of morality is and why. Good for you Jamie Lynne Grumet

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Weight Loss Fast Also Has Health Benefits

Many religions use fasting as part of their faith and as an opportunity to slow down and meditate about spiritual issues. Fasting is also a method to begin a weight loss program on a positive note by removing toxins and pollutants from your body. A weight loss fast might be drinking only water, juices or tea for a day or more, or it can mean that you drastically cut your calories for a length of time.

When you cut calories, your body is forced to rely on the stores of fat it’s accumulated for energy. It’s normal to feel lethargic and experience headaches and dizziness during a strict weight loss fast, but that usually lasts for a short amount of time. You may want to fast one day or alternate days while you’re going through a weight loss plan if you have a busy schedule and don’t have time to rest during the day.

Another good weight loss fast plan is to skip meals. Skipping a dinner, for example can drastically cut calories and give your digestive system a rest while you’re sleeping. It’s been scientifically proven that when we restrict the calories in animals, they’re healthier, keep off unwanted weight and also enjoy longer lives.

Heart disease is a major problem among overweight or obese people, so we’re beginning to study and find ways to restrict calories and lose weight for health as well as to feel better about our bodies and look better in our clothes. A scientific study in Utah revealed that heart disease among people of the Mormon religion is significantly lower than the rest of the population. Mormons usually fast on the first Sunday of the month and also maintain healthy diets, avoiding caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.

Longevity is another reason to periodically engage in a weight loss fast. By cutting calories, losing weight, eating a healthy diet and avoiding processed, chemical- and pesticide-laden foods and other things you ingest that plug up our systems, your body performs better and your immune system is better prepared to ward off diseases. As you age, changes occur in your insulin level and body temperature. Periodic fasting and restricting calories on an every day basis can slow those changes and help you to age more gracefully.

Begin a weight loss fast carefully by researching which type of fasting plan is best for the lifestyle you live. One thing to beware of when fasting is that your metabolism will slow down during the fast and when you resume your normal diet, you’re likely to put the pounds back on unless you ease into it.

Along with the weight loss fast, choose an exercise plan that you can stick to. It doesn’t have to be rigorous ? a walk around the block with your pet can do wonders in keeping your metabolism up and your weight down. Good luck!

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Weight Loss Exercise

Can You Lose 25 Pounds in 25 Days?

Have you ever thought that you could lose 25 pounds in 25 days? I am listening to an interview right now by Joel Marion, John Romaniello and Vince Del Monte. These guys are three of the top experts in getting fit and losing weight today.

Can You Lose 25 Pounds in 25 Days?

What these three guys are talking about is really wide ranging but mostly it is around the idea of one of the guys sisters losing 25 pounds in 25 days ahead of her wedding. This interview is really cool for no other reason than it is full of rambling and stories. Here is what is being covered.

How to Lose 25 Pounds in 25 Days

Intermittent fasting – taking a day off of eating one every few days.

Taking a cheat day once every 5 days – Cheating means that you can eat mostly anything that you want for a day.

Working out on a fasting day – I have never worked out on an empty stomach and these guys are saying that it is really great and the workouts are really good.

How to Lose 25 Pounds fast – There is no way it seems that you can lose a pound a day for any length of time.

Depleting Glycogen – This is the energy sitting in your liver and muscles and this should help you lose weight by not retaining fat on your cheat days.

Cycled Eating – You eat for a few days and then cheat. They have added the fasting day after though.

Well the reason that these guys are talking about this is because Joel Marion is going to be launching a new weight loss program called The Extreme Fat Loss Diet – That is a link to a free ebook. I am always intrigued by these diets as they come out so watching the run up to the diet and it seems like doing the intermittent fasting, cycled eating, workouts on fasting days and more stuff is really great.

I will do a full review of the program sometime in the next few days but this really looks like something interesting. Whether you lose 25 pounds in 25 days is up to you.