Diet Pills

Appetite suppressants – top rated diet pills

Appetite or anorectics are different chemicals that make a person eat less. There are appetite suppressants on the market and different they all act exactly the same way – an appetite suppressant to help the brain to release chemicals such as norepinephrine and promote a feeling of satiety. In this article we will discuss the appetite suppressant most common and why you should or should not choose them for your program of weight loss.

Chemical appetite suppressants. Often sold as a prescription drug, they are always a hot topic of debate in the industry of weight loss, especially after incidents involving "Bangkok pills" – pills weight loss that contained illegal drugs and deliberately been sold on the Internet. One of the appetite suppressants, most current synthesis Phentermine is used today, which together with fenfluramine formed the famous (and now banned) "Fen-Phen" combination of drugs. Phentermine can have very harmful side effects on your body and is generally used by people who need to lose weight quickly, because their life-threatening obesity.

Natural appetite suppressant. One of the most commonly used natural appetite suppressant Hoodia – a plant old who came to use in the Western world until recently. Hoodia is often sold purely as 100% natural diet pills do not require approval by the FDA, however, vary because it is reported that there are mixtures sold on the Internet that are said to contain Hoodia – but they do not contain any of Hoodia. The plant has no side effects reported to date, however.

Natural appetite suppressants are without doubt the best choice if you go for this type of weight loss pills. Just remember to do exercises and appropriate use of dietary supplements and consult your physician before using diet pills. Also, things of the research you are planning to use, because doctors may not be aware of new developments in the industry-changing weight loss.