Weight Loss Exercise

What is Chi Running?

What happens when you combine running with the practice of T’ai Chi? The answer: chi running. When people first hear about it, they often ask, “What is chi running?”. Chirunning, as it is also called, is a relatively new way of running that focuses on form and keeps you relaxed and meditative while running. Danny Dreyer, who popularized chi running, claims that it will result in less pain and fewer injuries.

What is the Chi Running Approach?

Chi running is mindful running that focuses on every single movement of the body. Its approach is based on the principles of T’ai Chi, yoga and Pilates. Chirunning works with the core muscles and harnesses the mind for more effortless running.

Chi Running as a Running Technique

As a running technique, it teaches runners to move in a more natural and efficient way. The traditional way of running focuses on power and strength for faster running. Chi running, on the other hand, focuses on efficiency with the use of a midfoot strike rather than the heel strike in traditional running technique. A midfoot strike is believed to more biomechanically efficient, resulting in faster running speed with less effort.

Chi Running as a Philosophy

Chi running is more than a running technique. It is also a philosophy of running. It is about running in a relaxed and meditative way. Like T’ai Chi and yoga, chi running provides a spiritual experience and integrates mind and body.

What is Involved in Chi Running?

In chi running, mindfulness means being aware of your body while you run. You pay attention to everything including how your feet strike the ground, your posture, how you breathe, etc. Chirunning requires deep, full breathing so that your body works more efficiently and is relaxed with adequate oxygen.

It’s important to maintain a good posture and remain relaxed while running. Normally people tense their muscles when they exert effort to run faster. This is completely against the principles of chi running. Keeping an upright and natural posture with your muscles relaxed lowers the risk of injury. Good posture allows your body’s chi or natural energy to flow smoothly while poor posture diminishes chi and tires you out.

Does Chi Running Work?

According to the proponents of chi running, this technique minimizes pain and lowers the risk of injury while running. There are no scientific studies to substantiate these claims, although harnessing the mind and body to improve your running technique could enable you to run faster and longer.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Running for Beginners

Running for beginners is one of the best forms of exercise. It is a great cardiovascular exercise that almost anyone can do. It doesn’t cost much either, since all you need is a good pair of running shoes. Here are a few running tips for beginners to help get you started.

Get Motivated To Run

When you think of all the health benefits that running provides, you won’t need a lot of prodding to start running. It only takes a minimum of 30 minutes at least three times a week to improve your cardiovascular health, lose excess weight, and stay fit. Before you know it, you’ll be joining 5K runs or even a marathon.

When starting a running routine, be sure to take it slow at first in order to avoid injuries. It’s a good idea to run at your own pace and take a walking break when necessary. Gradually build up your endurance until you are able to run for 30 minutes without stopping.

Get The Necessary Running Gear

Running for Beginners

Running for Beginners

The best part about running is that you don’t need a lot of gear to get started. The most important piece of running gear for beginners is a good pair of running shoes. Your shoes should fit well and provide the support and cushioning your feet need for a comfortable and injury-free run. There are different types of shoes suitable for pronators, supinators, cushioning, trail running, etc. Go to a specialty running store and have someone there help you find the perfect pair.

You will also need running apparel made of performance fabric to keep you cool/warm, dry and comfortable.

Don’t Ignore Pain

Beginning runners often have sore leg muscles, especially during the first week of running. Stick with a routine and pace that helps eliminate the pain, and if the pain gets too bad be sure to stop and rest for a few days. To avoid common running injuries, be sure to wear proper footwear and comfortable clothes. Do not overdo your training.

Runners often get side stitches. To get rid of side stitches, take a deep breath and bend over at the waist while exhaling.

Stay Hydrated

An important running tip for beginners is to stay hydrated and drink more than you would normally drink. Before starting out on your run, drink a few ounces of water. A hydration belt and water bottles will allow you to carry water that you can drink on the way. Drink more water after your run.

Train With A Buddy

Running for beginners is more enjoyable if you have a buddy who can run with you. Set short-term and long-term goals and hold each other accountable. When you have a running buddy, you’ll be more inclined to stick with your exercise routine.

Running for Beginners, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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General Weight Loss Tips

Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

wholewheatfrenchtoast Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

Remember all that snow we got the other day? It’s all melted and sunny today. I’m so ready for spring!

This morning we had whole wheat french toast with organic blue agave maple flavored syrup. I picked up a bottle at the Fresh Market last week with this breakfast in mind (and maybe some almond flour pancakes too!). The bread was dipped in an egg/milk/cinnamon mixture and fried in the skillet like grilled cheese.

I don’t have any thoughts about using agave versus anything else, but I like that a little goes a long way and I never feel groggy after eating like I do regular syrups.

Served with half a banana and cherries.

frenchtoast Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

I have a new DVD coming in the mail and I’m so excited to get started. It’s called Strong Knees and I’m hoping it will strengthen my knees to prevent future injury and to help heal my knee from where I fell two weeks ago. From the reviews, it sounds like these exercises are exactly like the ones in physical therapy, or very similar. I like the idea of building up the muscles around my knees to give them more support with exercise and daily movement. This could be very good for runners too.

strong knees2 Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

It was hard giving up TV yesterday. I may have whined about it to Josh for 10 minutes and then I got over it. Not watching TV or a movie last night made the day seem much longer and more full. It felt like I was spending quality time with Josh rather than zoning out like I normally want to do. We ended up meditating (I always fall asleep) and listening to music and eating popcorn. It was nice.

deepak chopra Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

I also start reading Deepak Chopra’s book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You with highlighter in hand. I have a lot to share with this one!

And listening to a lot of Miike Snow these past couple of days. In fact, I’m listening as I write this. Someone recently asked me what kind of music I listen to, and my answer made me pause. I seem to gravitate towards more upbeat/poppy/electronicy music.


Random Question:

If you could hang out with a blogger for a day, who would it be? I would hang out with Olivia from Every Day Musings. Her life, photos and enthusiasm are incredible and inspiring. She is living a big life. She also makes Charleston, SC seem like the best place on earth to live.


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