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Green Detox Smoothie

Just made me a green detox smoothie. This thing tastes great and is really easy to make. I used a handful of washed kale, half a can of pinapple, one banana, and one peeled orange.

Green Detox Smoothie

Green Detox Smoothie

Although this tastes think and great there is a change I will make next time and that is to freeze the pineapple and the banana or maybe use frozen oranges. The consistency is good but it is not as cold as I would have liked. Sadly my daughter does not like bananas or pineapples so this was not a green detox smoothie for her but it is for me.

Benefits of a Green Detox Smoothie

Kale is super high in Vitamin K (1300% of a daily amount), Vitamin A, and Vitamin C as well as having a lot of digestive abilities.

Pineapple of course is great for helping digestion because it cantains Bromelain. as well as being high in Vitamin C and Manganese, and has many Anti-Inflammatory  Benefits.

Add to this the antioxidants in both bananas and oranges and you can see this green detox smoothie really packs a punch all in one big glass.

Green Detox Smoothie

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Skin Care Tips For Winter and Summer

Skin care tips are important all year round. As if keeping your skin healthy day to day weren’t hard enough, Mother Nature has to throw us a couple curve balls every year – the summer season and the winter season. Just when we think we’ve got our skin figured out, the season changes and our skin doesn’t look or feel the same way, and certainly doesn’t react the same way to what we put on it. What you need to do is come up with a plan for the winter season that is different from what you do during the summer season.

Winter Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tips For Winter and Summer

Skin Care Tips

Generally, winter wrecks havoc with our skin because of low humidity. We make it worse by turning up the heat in our house and the car. If you live in an area of the country where winter humidity is low, then consider using a humidifier in your home. A humidifier puts moisture back in the air and can relieve dry itchy skin, and can also stop the “shocks” you get when you touch your light switches. You can get a humidifier that attaches to your furnace or a less expensive portable one that is freestanding.

Don’t turn your shower, bath, or tap water hotter even though it feels so good and warms you. Hot water causes your skin to dry out. Use lukewarm to wash your hands, and keep your shower at a comfortably warm, not scalding, temperature. Your skin will thank you.

Consider switching out your moisturizer if the one you are using isn’t cutting it. Try one that has oil in it, like an ointment or night cream, especially for your hands. It forms a layer that helps protect your skin. An ointment or night cream might not be right for all areas of your body though, and you’ll need to experiment.

Not only should you switch your moisturizer, you should apply it more often. If you’re going to be outside, be sure to put on a lotion with sunscreen. The lotion will help protect your skin from the wind and the sunscreen will protect it from the sun.

Summer Skin Care Tips

The biggest skin care tips I can give you about summer care is to protect your skin from the the sun. You need a good sunscreen that blocks UVA and UVB rays, and you should remember to reapply it every two hours.

Drinking lots of water is important for your overall health, not just your skin, and it’s even more important in the summer when you tend to sweat more. Keep hydrated for your health, and this will ultimately help your skin too.

If your skin is looking oily in the summer, clean it more often, but don’t use drying agents that remove the natural oils. Find a cleansing product that takes away the shine without drying it out.

A change of makeup may be in order for the summer. In fact, summertime may be a good time not to wear makeup at all. If you do want to wear makeup, go lighter. You might want to try an oil-free makeup base as well.

Don’t forgo the moisturizer, just use a lighter one. You still need moisturizer, especially after a day of fun in the sun and wind. I would also recommend doing facial masks to sooth your summer skin.

The winter and summer seasons call for different skin care help. Be aware of what’s going on with your skin and take measures using the above skin care tips to help your skin be at its best.

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How to Use Anti Aging Skin Creme

Anti Aging Skin Creme is a bigger deal all the time as the baby boomers look to hang onto their youth. When you’re buying something, especially online, it’s tempting to rely primarily on reviews. This can be helpful when you’re buying, say, a book or a computer accessory, but when you’re buying something more personal and much more complex, like skin care products, reviews should be only one part of your shopping process.

Anti Aging Skin Creme Reviews

How to Use Anti Aging Skin Creme

Anti Aging Skin Creme

Before you buy any skin care product, you should know what problems you are trying to combat, such as fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles under your eyes, etc., and what ingredients you need to deal with those problems. Then you should buy a product with those ingredients.

Always remember that ingredients are key. Without the right ingredients, no amount of time spent reading anti aging skin creme reviews can help you buy the right product.

Second, in this same area of ingredients, keep in mind that you need to buy all-natural, organic ingredients; cheap products full of petrochemicals will not effectively treat your skin, may harm your skin and can have damaging effects on your health, or even cause cancer.

So you must know what is in the skin care product you are considering, and the best way to get this information is from the manufacturer, not from anti aging skin creme reviews. The reviews can be helpful and may include this information, but always verify it with the manufacturer.

Reviews are helpful once you’ve found a product that has ingredients you like, from a company that seems to have great customer service and with whom you think you’d like to do business. Then you can check out reviews and see what people like you are saying about the products you’re interested in. This is where the review process shines.

Anti Aging Skin Creme Reviews are Subjective

But even here, keep in mind that any review is one person’s subjective opinion. They may have had a different experience than you, may not have given it as long as you might have, may have different skin, or may have different needs. If they don’t like it, you might; if they like it, you might not.

So you will want to read more than a couple of anti aging skin creme reviews. But skin care creme reviews are an excellent way to get opinions from real people who are using skin care products under real conditions and who are willing to talk about the good, the bad and the ugly and share their experiences. And by reading several reviews of several different products you can get a fairly good comparison of them.

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