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Quit Smoking Prescription

Have you ever thought of going to the doctor for a quit smoking prescription? You know that quitting smoking will result in better health and perhaps a longer life. If you sincerely want to quit smoking, you have many resources and treatments at your disposal. You may have already tried unsuccessfully to quit on your own. It may now be time to consider other options, including visiting your doctor for a quit smoking prescription.

Quit Smoking Prescription at the drugstore

Quit Smoking Prescription

Quit Smoking Prescription

When you visit any drugstore, you’ll find a variety of quit smoking aids sold over the counter. You might have even tried one or more of these aids with little success. But you are becoming discouraged and frustrated with your inability to stop smoking no matter how hard you try.

However, before you give up hope, you should know that there are also quit smoking prescription products like Zyban or even nicotine patches that may work for you. Make a point of visiting your doctor to discuss the problem. Your doctor will be able to suggest some type of medication that could help.

Keep in mind that medication alone may not be quite enough to let you stop smoking for good. This is a difficult habit to break, especially for those who have smoked for many years. That’s why a support system can be crucial to your success. You should have someone you can talk to about what you are going through. This person might be a friend or a family member who is willing to support and encourage your efforts.

Remember that a quit smoking prescription will not completely solve your problem. If you’ve tried and failed to stop smoking before, then some type of prescription medication could certainly be beneficial. Such drugs will control your urge to smoke and minimize your withdrawal symptoms. However, you will continue to have the smoking habit until you replace it with a healthier alternative.








Quit Smoking Prescription
So what if it is really that easy? What if all your beliefs about how hard it is going to be to quit are completely false? What if, after just one session of hypnotherapy or NLP you find it incredibly easy to become and remain a happy, confident non-smoker for life? The reason why hypnotherapy NLP are so successful is because both our beliefs about smoking and our habitual smoking behaviours reside within your unconscious mind. So whilst consciously we may wish to quit, all too often our all powerful unconscious mind simply would not let us. 

Check out Quit Smoking Today now.

You must sincerely want to stop smoking before you try to quit. Otherwise, you are sure to fail. But if you have the right mindset and you’ve made a firm decision to stop, then you can use a quit smoking prescription to give you that extra boost. A quit smoking prescription might be just what you need to break the cigarette habit forever.

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Best Ways to Quit Smoking

Best Ways to Quit Smoking

Best Ways to Quit Smoking

Best ways to quit smoking are what lots of people are looking for when quitting. There are many ways to quit smoking but regardless of your reasons you will need to either quit by tapering off or quiting cold turkey.

There is of course a good strategy for both of these methods of quiting smoking. And I would like to flesh out these two methods to quit smoking and then I will let you decide which is best with my bit of ideas.

Best Ways to Quit Smoking

So If you want to know the best ways to quit smoking and want to try tapering off to quit smoking here is how to do it. First take a day and answer a few questions. When do you smoke? How many cigarrettes do you smoke in the morning? In the afternoon? In the evening? When do you have a real urge to smoke? Now that you have this list you need a plan. You want to start your first day with a victory so you will plan the first day cutting down by not feeling guilty about smoking but instead smoking when you really need it. Make a goal of how many smokes you will have that first day and then you can go to bed on that first night knowing that you did well.

Every day after this you wnat a goal and you will start to need a way to cope with not smoking during the days and nights that you really have a nic fit and an urge to smoke. Eventually you will be down to just 5 cigarettes or so a day and one day you will have to make that leap to being a non smoker.

Best Ways to Quit Smoking – Cold Turkey

The other of the best ways to quit smoking is to just quit cold turkey. To quit cold turkey you need to do the same as above. You will start with one day where you just smoke as usual and write down when you smoke and why. What are your triggers and when are you times that you really struggle and feel the stress of needing to smoke.

Once you have figured this out you set a date and get rid of all of those smoking paraphernalia. You need to get rid of all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, actually anything that reminds you of smoking or makes you more comfortable to smoke. Also it is important to stay away from smoking situations like bars, smoking restaurants and in those smoking spots that we all see and look for when we look for a place to smoke.

On that first day without tabacco, cigarettes and nicotine expect to have conflicting emotions about your decision to quit. Quitting is hard but if you give yourself the chance you will be able to quit smoking easily enough and after just a few weeks you will have the confidence to not think of yourself as a smoker anymore and then you will really be a non-smoker.

If you want to know a product or two I have also written a page on the best way to stop smoking as well with some things that will make the struggle easier.

So what is the best way to quit smoking? I have tried a few times and was always unsuccessful but finally I stopped smoking by going cold turkey and have now been quit for 12 years. Realistically, as you may have figured out the best ways to quit smoking are really to quit the best and most convenient way for your lifestyle.

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How to Quit Smoking Today

How to Quit Smoking Today

Quit Smoking Today

Quit smoking today? As much as I can’t stand to be around smoking today, I can’t believe that I ever started – I would guess that most people end up feeling that was after they quit.

I look back through the years and that question in amazement, because I quit smoking for good when I was 25, after smoking for 12 years. Yep, that means like a fool I started smoking when I was 13 – why, I guess because the older kids were doing it, and I wanted to be cool like them.

My dad smoked all his adult life – 3-4 packs of Pall Mall non-filters a day. He hacked and choked, and he huffed and puffed; he actually ended up getting adult asthma that was probably from it. And then the surgeon general’s warning came out and he quit overnight. But not me, I didn’t believe in that stuff – so as he quit I started.

I eventually stopped smoking overnight. I got a really bad case of the flue and couldn’t have smoked if I wanted to. I threw away my last pack with the conviction that I would never start again [yeah right], but this time I followed through.

Quit Smoking Today Aids

Aids are available for all smokers, but nonetheless, stopping smoking is something that has proven impossible for many people. You know how important it is to quit, and you have tried many of these smoking aids. But regardless of your intentions, and regardless of how many times that you have tried – the craving comes back, and before you know it you are smoking again.

How to Quit Smoking Today
So what if it is really that easy? What if all your beliefs about how hard it is going to be to quit are completely false? What if, after just one session of hypnotherapy or NLP you find it incredibly easy to become and remain a happy, confident non-smoker for life?The reason why hypnotherapy NLP are so successful is because both our beliefs about smoking and our habitual smoking behaviours reside within your unconscious mind. So whilst consciously we may wish to quit, all too often our all powerful unconscious mind simply would not let us.

No doubt that it is far better for your health and well-being if you would quit smoking, but with the inability to quit being related to what becomes an addiction to nicotine, this becomes about more than simply having the willpower to quit.

But what if you could stop smoking – what would it mean to you? Clearly there will be benefits for your health over the long term, but your body will be improve immediately as you start breathing clean air -vs- all the crap you are currently breathing every time you inhale cigarette smoke.

Quit Smoking Today Benefits

You will be amazed at the great changes in your health that have been shown to take place virtually immediately after you quit smoking. To begin with, your blood pressure and heart rate are going to fall to a level that is far healthier for you. And within as little as a day after you quit, your blood is going to have levels of carbon monoxide that are near normal.

Now keep it up for a couple of months and see how it feels as you get an increase in the function of your lungs. You might start feeling faint from surprise, but it won’t be because you can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without feeling like you are going to pass out from the effort. Also as a result of quitting smoking, you are going to find that you are going to have better blood circulation and blood flow from the heart – and with that you are decreasing your risk of having heart disease or a stroke.

Quit smoking today and make it for a couple of months, and hopefully you are on your way to quitting smoking for good – let’s project what you have to look forward to.

Stop smoking for nine months and you are really going to start noticing the benefits as you find you are choking and hacking as much, and you are even able to take deep breaths. Your lungs are now able to function effectively, as your smoker’s lungs and destroyed cilia have regenerated. And besides breathing better, the cilia can now work to keep debris out of your lungs and nasal cavities, and as result reduce the risk of infections.

Quitting smoking has a major impact on your lungs, but it has a similar effect on your heart – did you know that after you have quit smoking for a year that you have cut your risk of heart disease in half?

Stop smoking for a year is a massive accomplishment – now let’s push it to five years, to a decade, to the rest of your life. Death from lung cancer has been cut enormously, as has other types of related cancers like throat and mouth. You have also dramatically reduced your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Congratulations, you quit smoking today and it is going to last forever. And what is your prize – just your life, and a long and healthy one.

Quit smoking today is something that all smokers want to do and have even tried to do, but for so many it just doesn’t seem possible. Quit smoking today and wonderful things are going to happen – come to Quit Smoking Today to learn how

Quit smoking today, quit smoking for good and have a happier and healthier life because of it.

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