Weight Loss Exercise

Vegetable Juicing For Weight Loss

When you gain so much weight and you want to lose some, you might think that it is not an easy thing to do. There are so many ways to lose weight but do you really know the most effective way?

Juicing for weight loss has been around for years and has been widely discussed in magazines, the internet, and other forms of media. Vegetables are known to be a very healthy and detoxifying food. Many people use vegetable juices to detoxify and help then in their weight loss journey.

Several research studies show that you can actually lose weight efficiently by drinking vegetable juices. Some people can lose as much as 3 to 4 pounds a day. As the fast continues, the average loss is one pound per day.

Vegetables are proven to be very effective in weight loss. Vegetable juicing for weight loss also offers a wealth of health benefits for the body. It is a good replacement for water detox regimens. Water fasting may soon be phased out and vegetable juicing will be the primary way to lose weight or an alternative when you do not have time to work out in a gym.

Exercise is still recommended if you want to achieve the best and fastest weight loss results. Vegetable juicing and exercise can melt down unnecessary pounds and make your body look great.

Vegetables To Juice For A Start

Turbulence Training

Vegetable juicing may not be easy especially when you are not used to eating vegetables. The following vegetables will help give you an easy start:





These vegetables are a good start and as you get used to vegetable juicing you may want to add more nutritious ones.

Best Vegetables To Juice

You will get the most benefit from intensely colored vegetables. Dark green leafy vegetables are best for juicing. You can start with the following green leafy vegetables:




Cabbage juice is considered one of the most healing nutrients for ulcer repair because it is a good source of Vitamin U. Vitamin U stimulates the production of mucin, the protective layer that coats the digestive system.

Do not use the same vegetables every day. For a better juicing experience and wider variety of nutrients, rotate your vegetables. Use carrots to add sweetness to your vegetable juices. Carrots are rich in antioxidants and the sweet taste makes the process more enjoyable.

Weight Loss Exercise

Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss

Using Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss can help you achieve your goals in a variety of ways. It can reduce cravings, jumpstart your metabolism, support your bodys fat-burning processes, reduce your bodys acidity, and detoxify your fat cells.

The modern diet is lacking in many of the nutrients that our bodies desperately need. That is why we have so many cravings as our body attempts to take in the nutrients it needs. Oftentimes we crave for sweets and we tend to eat larger portions. This is one reason why so many people these days are overweight.

Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss

Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss

Juice Cleansing for Weight Loss

Juice cleansing is a detoxifying technique used by health-conscious people. It is not only effective for weight loss but is also good for staying healthy inside. Cleansing also gives you shiny hair and clears your complexion.

It is ideal to combine fresh carrots, celery, beets, spinach and apples for a cleansing juice diet. You must avoid juices like tomato because these are too acidic during fasting.

Adding other ingredients to your juice is a creative way to help you enjoy your juice fasting. There are many recipes you can browse on the internet to keep you motivated while cleansing through juicing.

Juice can be consumed throughout the day as needed. However, drinking less juice will speed up the detoxification process. More juice will only slow it down. Drink just enough. For juice cleansing, remember this: less is insufficient, more is close to dangerous.

Juice Cleansing Benefits

Other than weight loss benefits, juice cleansing also provides the following benefits:

You will feel renewed and more energetic physically and mentally.

Juice cleansing is simple, easy, inexpensive and versatile. You can tailor it to your needs and preferences and you can use fruits and vegetables that are readily available.

Juice cleansing is a great way to break bad habits and start all over again with a natural and cleaner diet.

It will speed up your metabolism and prepare your body to lose weight in the long term. Juice cleansing also cleans your liver.

Juice cleansing helps with drug, alcohol and nicotine addiction. It shortens the duration of symptoms by accelerating the detoxification process.

Feel free to change the ingredients in the recipes you have seen on the internet. The most important thing is to find juice cleansing recipes that suit you and that you are comfortable drinking. Juice cleansing for weight loss will indeed help you out.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Staying Hydrated

I’ve been on my game this week with food and exercise, and you know what? It’s making everything else go a lot smoother. My stress is down, I feel good, I am hopeful, and I’m more productive. All of those things make me happy and life just a little more manageable. I believe everything is related and how I take care of myself is directly related to all other aspects of my life. I want to remember that.

I baked a new batch of muffins yesterday morning. Banana nut using white whole wheat flour and sucanat. There are about 200 calories each. I’m working on getting them even lower in calories by replacing some of the oil with applesauce or pineapples.

I love having muffins on hand this week. They are so easy, filling and delicious. Just 20 seconds in the microwave and breakfast is ready. I know what the ingredients are and I know that I don’t feel bad about anything in these muffins. They don’t give me that familiar spike and drop that muffins from my past have.

Lunch was so good! I love boca burgers, and pretty much all meatless (and meat!) burgers. I love burgers, what can I say? My maiden name is even Burger. I’m going to work on making my own meatless burgers next week, but for now these frozen ones are handy.

Whole wheat bun: 180 calories, boca burger: 140 calories, spinach: less than 5 calories, 1/2 oz. pepper jack cheese: 55 calories, 1 t mayonnaise: 33 calories. Total: 413

Another treat from yesterday is in the form of fruit tea. I’ve been coming up with various fruit tea concoctions and this one is my current favorite. I used regular brown ice tea mixed with unsweet cranberry juice. It’s about 10 calories a cup and very refreshing. It feels cleansing and is helping me  stay hydrated.

An ice cold glass of this truly feels like a treat to me. I had several glasses of it throughout the day. I’m started to understand the importance of hydration for exercise. I can go longer and harder when my muscles are hydrated.

The rest of the days food goes without a photo. I meant to take my camera to my creative women’s group yesterday but forgot as I buzzed out the door. We all brought healthy fare and my plate didn’t reach above 500 calories. I brought some of my leftover asian noodle salad. I enjoyed a carrot and cabbage salad. Two small chick pea patties. A small slice of whole wheat bread with olive oil and goat cheese melted on top. And one of my friends applesauce sweetened chocolate chip cookies.

When I got home I was still hungry so I enjoyed half of a bacon and spinach salad (one slice of bacon, half slice of bread, and lots of spinach) at around 150-200 calories and several rice and nut crackers at about 200 calories.

Total calories for the day: About 1,462-1,500

Exercise: 45 minutes of Insanity cardio (400-600 calories burned)

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