Weight Loss Exercise

How the Dickens Technique Can Change Your Life

There is a concept called the Dickens Technique, it is used extensively by Tony Robbins to change peoples lives and comes from NLP (neuro Linguistic programming) principles.

The Dickens technique gets its name and process from the character of Scrooge in Charles Dickens book A Christmas Carol. I am sure you remember the story where Scrooge was a miserable guy and he changed after he saw how his actions and way he thought now would absolutely create sadness and lack in the future. In seeing this he of course realized that there was no way to continue and that he had to change.

Well the Dickens technique does exactly this as well. You find a limiting belief, see what the future would be like, look at not having this limiting belief and see how the future would look instead, and then you will make that change.

The trouble often is that we know we should change a belief because it is a good thing to do, but good things to do will not create a very sustained emotional change in us. Instead we need to have a great emotional reason to change for the new belief to be permanent.

Using an example here is an idea of exactly how to use the Dickens Technique

How The Dickens Technique Works

How the Dickens Technique Can Change Your Life

Tony Robbins Uses the Dickens Technique a lot

1. You know that, or you have see information that says that you need to do weight based exercise every week. You don’t really like the idea of going to the trouble of joining a gym, ;earning about the exercises you need to do, and carving out the time from your busy schedule to workout.

2. First look at what would happen if you continued as you are without doing the weight workouts. You look 6 months out with out doing the weights and you are basically as strong as now, you aren’t too worried, you look out a year from now and see that you would have the same aches and pains as you do now, no big deal. You look out 10 years from now though and see that through degenerative issues you may have trouble walking up hills, your weak core leads to back problems, your lack of muscle mass leads to a hunched over posture and a sore neck, and finally you also see that you would be much less vibrant as a person.

3. That limiting belief doesn’t do you any good. Get rid of the thought of it and instead switch to a less limiting belief. You don’t have to commit to being a gym rat every day, that would be a difficult way to get started (here I am using my own limiting beliefs on you, not fair but anyway…).

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4. Now you look at what would be the effect if you just went to the gym once or twice a week. In 6 months you would be transformed. You would be stronger and more aware of how your body works and feels. In one year you have a better physique and are able to work better for longer at work with better concentration, very aware of the effect of food on your body, and also able to leap tall buildings in a single bound (well maybe not yet). Finally 10 years out you can see that instead of being weakened you are stronger than anyone your own age. You walk with confidence and strength thanks to a strong core. And whenever you want to go out and have fun there are no limits that you need to impose on your self, you physically do what you want when you want.

5. Now, critical point, make sure you can feel that way right now. Not that you are super strong right now but instead identify yourself as being at that starting place between the you now and that you in the future. You can use the future you to tell the present time you. Do the work! Make the changes necessary! Get started now because the future you is waiting 6 months, 1 year, and even 10 years out to do the work up front.

How Does the Dickens Technique Really Help?

This Dickens technique may seem a little bit like self-hypnosis, and in fact it is. You are reprogramming the way you feel about something to make sure that you know the consequences of your limiting belief.

Now that I have given you a very concrete example I think it is up to you. Journal your beliefs, I know that most people either free form their journaling to what they want or how the past went but you can also add this in. Ask yourself what irritates you. What you wish you could do. Even ask yourself what is really important that you have been holding back on because it is wrong or stupid.

Quite often we don’t recognise our limiting beliefs and they cause us lots of trouble. People stay poor, sad, jealous, guilty, and unfulfilled because what they have done in the past was to live small. If you get rid of some of those limiting beliefs that you have you can start to build your life up starting now.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Tony Robbins Tips for 2012

Tony Robbins is a guy that I have listened to for years but I took a break from him for the last few years thinking that the last thing that I need is motivation and the big thing that I needed was action.

Well times maybe changing for me. I watched this Tony Robbins video last weekend and it really fired me up, I was sharing it everywhere I could

Be warned the Tony Robbins video is 35 or 40 minutes long but I think this is a great break to inspire you. When I say inspire I mean that watching this video is not just to get you fired up and ready to take on the world but instead this video will give you actionable ideas for how to make sure that you know where you are going and why. I think mostly of this as a planning session and brainstorming and it should lead to another session for you to make sure you know what you need to do over the rest of the year.

How Tony Robbins Helps Build Standards

Looking at this video by Tony Robbins I just want to mention one thing and that is the idea of setting standards that you live by. By saying standards I mean that I think of myself as living a certain way, decisions to live by. Here are an example of 5 of my standards that I live by.

  1. I drink water all day long
  2. Exercise is a high priority everyday
  3. I never eat after dinner
  4. Fruit and veggies are great snacks
  5. I make sure I have goals for the week all the time

I know this list is just an example of a few things and I know I still come up short. I scramble around from task to task and leave a lot of things unfinished and I get distracted easily so I still have a lot of work to do.

I hope that Tony Robbins video as well as my own examples here can help you to set your own standards as well as look at, like I do, parts of your life where standards are missing. Tony Robbins is more than just a motivational speaker, I think that watching these Tony Robbins videos can help you build some needed structure in your life.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Goal Setting and success in your health

Goal setting is an important piece of any changes that you make in your life. Whenever you get started making changes in any way I am sure that you have found that the giddiness that you feel at the beginning feels like it will keep you going as long as it takes. After a while we all know that doubts creep in and before you know it the excitement is replaced by doubt and the things that seemed important now feel like a chore.

Well if we start every new plan by setting goals correctly we will have more than a fighting chance once the excitement fades we will have A PLAN.

Goal setting is a simple process, you decide what you want, make lists of why you want your goals as well as a list of what could stop you, make a plan decide what you will use as goal posts as you move toward the goal and finally once you reach your goal you celebrate the achievement.

Let’s try this out with a weight loss goal:

  • Goal, to lose 30 pounds
  • Why, to feel and be more
    healthy, prove to myself I can do anything
  • What could stop me, people
    offering food, bad weather for workouts, tiredness
  • Plan, to do cardio 3 days a
    week and weights 2 days a week, to cut the size of my meals, to cut out
    all sugar except for once a day, get lots of sleep to rest from the
    changes and workouts
  • Goal posts, lose 2 pounds
    per week, 30 pounds should be lost in 15 weeks, adjust diet and
    exercise as needed
  • Celebrate, after finishing
    this weight loss get a family picture taken with me in new clothes

This goal setting system is almost fool proof, the only thing that you should add if you can is a partner and someone that you can talk to about your progress, a spouse maybe or a personal trainer if it is a exercise goal.

Now go forward and make some goals! One more thing that I learned from listening to Tony Robbins is that when you do make a goal don’t leave the site of a goal without taking an action towards it’s attainment.

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